Sunday, September 27, 2020

this time

  Is this 1960 again? I was seven years old the last time, and now I'm 67. I only ask because I'm hearing the same thing as I heard back in 1960. The only thing different is it relates to an nominee to the supreme court. The issue is, she is a Roman Catholic! Yes, I'm hearing that is a big issue with the Democrats. There is much concern. Strangely in 1960 the Democrats were running a Roman Catholic and it wasn't an issue to them at all. The Republicans had an issue with that. What was the problem? They were afraid a Roman Catholic might just do as the Pope said, and the Pope would rule America! Being a Papist wasn't a good thing back then in some areas of the country. But the Democrats correctly pointed out that article VI clause three of the Construction specifically says, no religious test shall ever be applied for any office or position of public trust. I guess they have forgotten that. 
 Well let's take a look at what Roman Catholics believe shall we. They do believe the Pope is infallible. They pray to the various saints. The Bible is error free and the revealed word of God. The Ten Commandments serve as a moral compass. And they believe in the Holy Trinity. Nothing too radical in my opinion, no reason to question there suitability for office. In actuality the Roman Catholics don't hold many beliefs different from the Protestants. Martin Luther wrote his 95 thesis in objection to the practice of indulgences, that's what that was all about. It started the Protestant reformation. It's concern is the forgiveness of sin. Back in 1960, and before that, the Catholics and Protestants pretty much agreed on what is sinful and what is not. There has been some reinterpreting over the years and today the divide on " sin " is a bit greater. In 1960 the fear was the percepts of the Roman Catholic church would be followed. Today the fear is the same, the new justice just might agree on what is sinful. The big difference between then and now? Today it is just Christianity in general that is being questioned. Catholicism is being used because Catholics do not believe in abortion, believing the commandment thou shalt not kill applies to babies as well. But I'm not getting into that, just that is the opposition to that. Politics Roe V Wade could be in jeopardy. It's the Christian Conservative base that worries the Democrats, not really the Catholic Church. 
 Now, we have Muslims in Congress, in the courts, and in all offices of public trust. And what do Muslims believe? We have to start with a basic understanding of that religion. It is also an ideology, a form of government. That is the Sharia law you hear about. Occasionally you hear where they want that implemented in their neighborhoods right here in America. So a Catholic might listen to the Pope, a Christian might read the Bible and believe in that, and a Muslim will read the Quran and believe in that. The first two do not involve changing the government of the United States, the later certainly does. Yet, why was their no questioning that? I heard no outcry based on that. I guess it was because of Article VI clause three, no religious test. Apparently that isn't being applied today, at least not by the Democrats. 
 Well all I can say is here is the proof that history repeats itself. It is 1960 all over again. The shoe is on the other foot this time but the premise is the same. A persons religious belief will alter their decision making. They will not be impartial! Not a big fan of Kennedy personally but he did an honest job in office. I don't think the Pope instructed him to invader Cuba. Maybe the Pope told him to put a man on the moon. Anyway, it turned out that a Catholic could be president without the Vatican taking over America. Richard Nixon was a Quaker! Well we all know how that turned out. Yes, history does repeat itself. I've lived long enough to see that first hand. Well, people don't really change all that much, motivations remain pretty much the same. 
 What is the motivation this time? Is it just Roe V Wade? No, this time it is the removal of God from government altogether. That is the current agenda from the left. Under the guise of such things as, choice, tolerance and acceptance, the goal is the restructuring of the nations moral principles. Morals are now to be fluid, ever changing things, subject to whatever pleasure or profit they may bring. That's the motivation this time.  

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