Sunday, September 13, 2020

in the pursuit

  Yesterday I posted what I call a "quote." These quotes are really just one liners I create every now and again to express what I'm thinking about. I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to call them pearls of wisdom, more like nuggets, chicken nuggets, not golden ones. But yesterday I said, "Do not project an image and then complain about what people see." That came to mind after talking to my wife a bit about current events and what's happening in the world in general. We were talking about all the "racist" accusations and rhetoric going on. I was saying that I don't believe there are many hard core racists in America. Yes, there are some that still hold prejudices against entire races of people based solely on their skin tone. It's difficult for me to grasp that concept but I'm aware that it is a thing, a learned reaction. As I said, a difficult thing for me to understand. But anyway, I do believe that the majority of us, and by us I mean people in general, human beings, react to what we perceive. Just as was told in the story of the Emperors new clothes, we are conditioned to react that way. It's also the reason we tend to fear what we don't understand and why we are leery of strangers. It is in that I made that quote, "do not project an image and then complain about what people see."                                                                                                       When we see others, the way they are dressed, we begin to make judgements about them. Yes, you do. Anyone trying to tell me otherwise I will not believe. You do. When that person speaks, the language they use, you begin to judge them further. Yes, you do. That's how people interact with one another. Their physical appearance is what we see first. An obvious statement wouldn't you say? Yes, it is obvious and anyone trying to deny they make a first judgement based on that is just not being truthful. The only one that wouldn't be, would be a blind person. It's human nature. Don't we all choose "fashion" that we believe will be appealing to others? Yes, we do. It is a balance between what we personally like and what what we believe others will perceive us to be. Each of us develop our own costume(s) based on any number of factors. Costumes and culture go hand in hand. What is the American costume? I'd have to say it was the Cowboy look. Isn't that the quintessential outfit that would get you immediately identified as an American? I can tell you this much, the United States Navy thought so. When we were given "liberty" to go ashore in foreign lands, if those foreign lands weren't all that hyped up about Americans, we were instructed to, try not to look American. No cowboy hats, boots, or jeans. Those were considered obvious give a ways. The color of your skin wasn't an issue when it came to that, just the way you dressed. You could make yourself a target by looking, American. Didn't have anything to do with race, rather nationality.                                                                                                                              So yesterday with that little quote I am trying to say just that. Don't put on a costume, or act a part, and then complain about what people see. Really it is like the old saying, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck! Yes, it's a judgement call! Same with people. If you wear the costume you will be identified with the culture, as least initially you will be. Isn't that why you chose the costume in the first place? You want others to identify you in that way. That's what fashion is all about. When we make a fashion statement we want to draw attention to ourselves. We want to say, in a visual way, this is me. The expectation is others will judge you based on that fashion statement. That's why I say, don't complain when others do that. I know, it is all just so obvious.                                            What I'm talking about is cultural identity. But what about societal identity? How do we identify ourselves within the society? Do we even get a choice in that? No, I don't believe we do. We are born into a society, at a certain level. We don't have a choice about that. In America the promise is that we can change that position in society. How? By doing the right things, making the right choices, by work, and to a certain degree luck. Independence is the watchword! Independence does mean, on your own. If you are expecting others to help, others to give you anything, you are not independent. You are, in fact, dependent. A society where everyone is equal, everyone born into the same circumstance, same societal position, does not exist in the world, never has, never will. It is a dream all in itself. Utopia is the word for that and it doesn't exist. Those wishing to control the society will promise you that, until they gain power. It is those people that will insist there shouldn't be classes. Everyone will be treated equally if only you grant them that power. You won't have to work for that, it will be granted. Then they become the ruling class and you become dependent upon them. You have surrendered your independence so you can be as deprived as everyone else. Everyone is equal alright, equally oppressed by the ruling class. In order to maintain a society you must have a common culture. What we are experiencing today is a cultural identity problem, that is creating chaos in the society. In America we should all try to act like Americans! Americans know that only hard work, preservice, and a belief in a higher power than themselves will bring true happiness to themselves and their progeny! Americans are engaged in the pursuit of Happiness. What does that mean? It means you are free to pursue your interests, to live your life the way you want,  within the bounds of the society. In America those boundaries were first delineated in the Declaration of Independence. They haven't changed. 

1 comment:

  1. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a's a duck. Your racist and judgement ? Well...yeah, if it looks like a duck, SOUNDS like a's a full fledged duck!
