Tuesday, December 3, 2019

where belief begins

 We are bound not by our thoughts, but rather by our beliefs. If we were to change our beliefs as easily as our thoughts perhaps life would be easier. But that isn't the case and my thoughts come in a steady flow. That's the way it is for me anyway, I really can't speak for others. All I can really do is observe, evaluate and draw conclusions. Often times I am chastised for doing just that. I am told not to judge. Judgement is for the Lord! Judgement is what controls our actions is my response to that admonishment. We must weigh our judgement against our beliefs. When judgement outweighs our belief, change occurs. All too often change is viewed as a punishment, a restriction of some kind. For that reason we cling to belief. 
 Man is more often controlled by emotion than by reason. That was the assessment of David Hume. He was a philosopher during the enlightenment period. He is in the same train of thought as John Locke and Francis Bacon. Passion is the motivation for action, not reason. I'd have to say I agree with that. The evidence of that is apparent if you just pay attention. Never before has that been more obvious to the casual observer than right now. Yes I am a man of some passion, but I wouldn't classify myself as passionate about social and political causes. I say that because if you were to observe what is going on right now, from a dispassionate, reasoned position, it is apparent emotion is the motivation being employed to advance an agenda. To understand that you must first understand just what the agenda is. 
 So what is the agenda? The agenda is to have one central power that controls everything. Really  Government as God. In order to get the masses to allow that we first need to motivate. The easiest way to accomplish that is to point out all the inequities in life. Nothing motivates more than giving people a feeling that they are being cheated. That is especially true when you convince them they are being cheated because of conditions they can not control That's how you wind up with this " it's not my fault " attitude. Faith cannot contain emotion, but faith can motivate! There is ample evidence of that throughout the history of mankind. Faith can be a tool. All that is necessary is to convince the masses that faith in government is the answer. And just who pushes that thought? The politicians that's who. That's because it is the politicians that stand to gain. Those who stand to gain are the ones that advance their agendas. It's a quid pro quo situation. It's that way with governments, and it is that way with faith. The only question being what are you willing to surrender to gain whatever it is you desire. Give unto Cesar or give unto God? Cesar usually gives you the fastest return, and that is what the agenda appears to be these days. I want it now! 
 What changes oppose my belief? That is a question each of us should examine closely. We need to take a reasoned approach. We should not allow our emotion to control our actions. I have stated this thought before, " emotions are great motivators but seldom a good guide. " I have first hand experience with that, I can speak from that position. I'm certain you have gotten all " excited " about something only to wind up disappointed. Emotion drove you forward, reality set you back. Today I find many proposals that counter my beliefs. I don't believe I have a right to kill someone unless they are trying to kill me first. In short, to commit murder. I believe there are just two genders, anyone believing something else are wrong. I'd agree that they may think they are something other than reality but that doesn't change reality. Many children believe Santa flies in a magic sled but that doesn't change reality. I believe the climate is changing and will continue to do so regardless of mans' intervention or lack of intervention. We've all heard of cloud seeding to make it rain. Fact is we don't even know if that works for certain. About the best we can hope for is an increase in rain of about 10%. That's a fact, that's the science talking, not an emotional response or an opinion. Reason tells me if we can't even make it rain, how can we expect to change the entire climate? I believe some people have more than others. I also believe that will always be so. I also believe you can not legislate morality! I believe that is why no Government can act as God! I believe that is exactly why we adopted the motto, " One nation under God. " God, whoever or whatever you believe that to be is in control. Are the results predetermined or are they dependent upon our actions? Are you motivated by emotions or do you react to reason? Perhaps there is a codependency? But then again, I have been instructed on how to react in response to emotion. Isn't that what scripture is all about? Following those instructions will yield what? Well that's where belief begins.  

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