Saturday, December 28, 2019


Experts say we should establish goals. It is goals that make our lives fulfilling and worthwhile. Well my goal is to stay alive for another year, does that count? This upcoming year I have numerous doctors appts starting in January. It begins with my primary physician. His job is just to do an overview, an assessment of the job you could say. After his nurse takes a few vital statistics down he will ask me , how do you feel? I'll say great. Then he starts referring me to the specialists. I have the cardiologist, the oncologist, the proctologists and some other gist I can't remember. I guess they get those titles because they understand the gist of the problems. ( drum roll ) And this year I get to add one more Doctor, a Doctor associated with the Veterans Administration. I think because I do receive benefits from the Veterans administration I have to make an appearance to prove I am alive. I received a letter saying I have to appear at least once a year, in person. I suspect it is an attempt to reduce fraud and seems reasonable enough. As I said that will be a new appointment to keep and so I don't know what to really expect from that. I'm thinking it won't be much. Well, it's not like I had any great plans for January anyway.
 Now as far as other goals for the upcoming year I really don't have anything in particular in mind. I have never been one to make resolutions. At least not for New Years. It's been my experience that few keep those resolutions and there real purpose is just to state what you would like to accomplish that you're pretty sure you won't. It's like saying, I know, so don't bug me about it, you just heard me say that. I've never seen the need to put that kind of pressure on myself. I refuse to start the year stressed out! I'm not starting out the year lying to myself! I most likely will not lose weight or quit any bad habits. I like to eat and I like those habits, that's why I do both! Not hard to understand really. So I guess you could say I am resolving not to change. But that isn't a resolution, an answer to a problem, it's more of a commitment. A commitment to remain true to myself. It's an obligation to others as well. I feel obligated to not disappointment others. They already know what to expect from me, I wouldn't want to cause any confusion. If nothing else I try to remain consistent. I do live by a simple rule, if you don't tell lies , you don't have to remember much. Mark Twain is attributed with that saying. I just see the truth in it. I call it conviction others just say I'm stubborn. Both are truths to the ones speaking it. Sometimes we just don't like the truth! It doesn't change the truth, it changes us.
 I'm thinking this year I may make a resolution after all. I resolve to stay the same lovable guy that I am. No changes here. It has gotten me through sixty six years so far. although the last few I have had assistance from a " team " of doctors. But they can only work on the mechanics, not the brain of the operation. I truly believe the only help for your brain is self help. The only issue is in knowing when it is malfunctioning. You can't listen to others in that regard, self examination is the only way. That creates a problem. You see, resolutions cause stress. I don't need any stress in my life. Think I will do the same as I have done every year, just take it one day at a time. It's the only way that makes sense for me. Why would I want to change? I'm a delight.  

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