Monday, December 23, 2019

what differnce does it make

 What difference does it make? It is a retort I hear often in discussions. Usually it comes out as a result of frustration. My usual response will be, it makes no difference at all. That's the truth the majority of the time. That's because what I'm talking about is perception, and perception is only important to the one looking. If I can't make you see it from my perspective, we're not seeing the same thing, hence the frustration. But it is my feeling that phrase is deployed more as a defense than anything else. I say defense because it is usually deployed when the other person refuses to change their view. Whether it is because they genuinely can't see another view, or simply refuse to see it doesn't matter, it makes no difference.
 Hidden in that phrase is concern. Concern for whatever topic is being discussed. The one using that phrase has run out of arguments, out of defense, for their stand. Time to say, what difference does it make? It's a form of justification for whatever you wish to justify. Even if that action is wrong, it's a justification. A good example is Hillary Clinton saying, " at this point, what difference does it make? " Her position was indefensible, she knew that, and so that retort was hurtled out in frustration. Yes, she was concerned. Concerned for her own position, not concerned for those that were injured. After all  they were deceased, at this point, what difference does it make? In that situation it makes all the difference in the world although there is nothing one can do to change it. In that situation the difference is accountability, that was her concern. But that is an extreme example I include to make a point. That was her only defense at the time.
 So then you ask, why have the conversation in the first place, if it doesn't matter? It's entertainment is my answer. Oh I could say I find all these discussions mentally stimulating and all that but the truth is I just enjoy talking about stuff. I don't feel a need to justify my opinions but I will defend them, hence my response, it doesn't make any difference. That is what I will say when; it doesn't make any difference to me. That's how that works. What I'm saying is you are not changing my mind so it doesn't matter. Dismissive? Yes you could say that is what it is. It is the opposite of acceptance you know. The degree of impartiality towards a subject determines that. You know, does it matter? There are times when it is discomfort that elicits that response, what difference does it make. That's the difference it is making!
 I do think that every interaction we have with one another makes a difference. It is only the relative impact that interaction has that determines its' worth. If you were to eat one of my candies in a bowl of a hundred, it won't matter. Take the last one and it makes a difference. It's a cumulative thing. It is the same way with personal interaction. That's why some remain friends forever and others quickly fizzle out. How long are you entertained? I'd say that depends solely on you. How stable are you with the relationship you have with yourself? If you are allowing others to destabilize that relationship you have an issue. You are judging, what difference does it make. If you can't dismiss whatever it is, or whoever it is, it makes a difference. Yes it is a rhetorical question, what difference does it make. It is asked to produce an effect, to make a statement. There is no answer that will satisfy the one asking that question. They aren't being receptive to your rhetoric. Frustrating isn't it.  

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