Wednesday, December 18, 2019


 I believe in speaking my truth and repeating it as I feel necessary. Some would call that conviction or faith, others have different terms to describe it, no matter, I will continue. It is only when I find myself uncomfortable with that truth that I may remain silent, while I contemplate further. But the things I'm certain of I just keep on saying. Silence is a form of acceptance. If we remain silent about things just to appease others, just so we don't ruffle any feathers, that's the same as saying it's alright.   It's a frequent discussion I have. For me we live in a binary world. There is right and wrong, black and white. It is no accident that the operating system in the worlds largest computer uses the same system as the smallest, a binary system. In computers it is a series of yes and no responses that ultimately determine the result. If any one of those responses is incorrect the product will be incorrect. And let's not forget that the computer is only as smart as those that provide the answers. A real fear is that a computer may begin to think for itself. If the computer begins deciding yes and no! You really can't reason with a computer or appeal to its' emotions. That's a problem. Can't program empathy.
 The big question in all of that; is right and wrong conditional? That is to say if something is right today, can it be wrong tomorrow. That's where the waters get muddied don't they. It depends upon what we are talking about. I'm talking about morals and ethics most of the time. It is morals and ethics that comprise what we are. It is those attributes that define us. Everything else either adds or subtracts, the yes and no of humanity Consider something as basic as taking a life. I think we all agree it is never alright to murder someone. I do believe I have a right to prevent someone from taking my life and for that reason I will defend myself, exception number one to the rule. Still, generally speaking that is a yes and no answer. The answer is no! The reality is now that I have allowed one exception, others certainly seem possible. The yes answer can be justified. Is it right?
 How do we deal with those that don't agree with our answers? Is that conditional as well?  Depends upon what power that person wields over us. In short what can they deprive us of? What wants or needs do they control? A great deal of that is dependent upon you, what power you allow them to have. If what you feel they can provide for you outweighs your convictions, they certainly can control you. When their worth is less than your convictions, not so much. The reality is, there are conditions imposed upon us. Isn't that why we say " unconditional " love? Is that an achievable goal? I admit to not having that capacity, I do have requirements. When a person fails to meet my minimum requirements I dismiss that person. I will not change my standard to meet a lower bar! That's not to say my bar is very high, or superior to another's, just that it is my bar, my standard and I seldom change that. 
 I have discovered the older I get the less likely a change takes place. Some would call that being stuck in your way, I say it is having reached an informed decision, and deciding upon the answer. Remember I believe the world is a binary place and the answer is either right or wrong. You do have to choose! As far as passing or failing I'll just have to be patient to find out the result, I don't believe I'll get a do over or get graded on a curve. No, the answer is going to be Yes or No. Either the gate is open or it's shut.
 Some will go through life attempting to satisfy their every want. Other are satisfied with their needs. The majority of us live somewhere in between the two extremes. It is a binary thing, a beginning and an end. Well at least in this world, this reality.  As near as man can tell space is an infinite place and no telling what may be there. Our bodies are certainly finite, we will all die. One day our species will be extinct! I have no illusions to the contrary. Everything comes and goes. But I believe there is a right and wrong. What's right is always right, and what's wrong is always wrong. Now those conditions may not always be the same for each of us, in fact I'd say with a degree of certainty that they aren't. That explains the friction. When you are trying to satisfy your wants, and those wants don't align with your needs, it causes an issue. It's a personal thing. You want everyone to want what you want. That's the bottom line. Our needs are basically the same, food, clothing, shelter, companionship, love, a sense of worth. Those are the things we need. What separates us are our wants. What do you want? Seriously, what do you want? 
 When you can answer that question you will have decided. I admit to not having decided, just yet. I'm still pondering the question. I can list a lot of potentional answers, ones that I'm certain would be acceptable to most. I'm certain I can provide a response that satisfies others but does it satisfy me? Not yet, I'm not satisfied. I don't feel like I've accomplished whatever I'm here to do. I have to figure out what that is. I have to satisfy a need. I could spend my lifetime attempting to satisfy my wants and be left unfilled. Money can't buy happiness. I have to discover the need, perhaps we all do. If I am to continue I need to be right. There really are only two choices. Right and wrong. How can something so simple be so hard? That's a real mystery.     

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