Monday, December 9, 2019

A means

  Making ends meet. What means shall we use? A second job? If that is what is necessary I would say that is what should be done. Yet I often hear people complaining about that. I have to work two jobs just to make ends meet! Well, perhaps you should consider what is the beginning and what is the end. I'd say the beginning is need and the end is want. They really are two different things although frequently confused. So just what do you need? A roof over your head, something to eat, clothes to wear and transportation. That is what I would say are the necessities. Do you need two jobs to gain that? It's quite possible and therefore that would be the means. Should you have to? A different question altogether.
 Are you entitled to employment that pays a higher wage? Well that's what unions are all about. At the very least that is what the original intent was, to prevent the exploitation of workers. But don't get me started on unions! Have the basics changed over the years? No I'd say they haven't, but what we consider basic certainly has. Therein lies the rub.
 I'm thinking about all those things we " need " today that we didn't in years past. The things that cost money like cable television, internet access, cell phones, insurance payments, and credit card bills. Are all those things a necessity? No, they are not, although we are hard pressed to live without them. We feel underprivileged should we not have those things. Thing is, they are not a privilege! They are commodities. We can survive without them. So the question becomes should all members of a society enjoy the same commodities? Is it a function of government to ensure that? Many seem to think so, especially these days. That is the basis for socialism, everyone gets the same. Which sounds great if you don't have much to begin with. It also sounds good to those that have a great deal, as long as they don't have to give up anything. The only ones bothered by that are the ones that have to foot the bill, the working class. The ones working a single job and making ends meet! Those are the ones that will be impacted.
 Now it's true we don't all start out the same. Some of us are born with the proverbial silver spoon. Others are born with talent and good looks. The place of our birth offers advantages or disadvantages. There are many factors that go into all of that. But in the end, we are all equal, we are all equal in death! That is the end of this world isn't it? I believe it is although some may disagree. When we say we wish to make ends meet what is it that we asking for? To have everything we want? It is generally thought to be having the basics. The ability to meet all your obligations is the end. Do we adjust our " obligations " to meet our means, or adjust the means to meet the obligations? You know, work that second job. Depends upon the individual I suppose. How much do you need and how hard are you willing to work for it?
 Government plays a large role in all of this as well. Government regulations are the primary factor impacting all of that. I certainly can't live in a home today that would have been acceptable fifty years ago. The government has placed restrictions on that sort of thing. A home today must have hot and cold running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, and be structurally sound according to the code! In some areas it must also be a minimum size, contain a sufficient number of bedrooms according to family size, and other requirements for occupancy. You do have to have a certificate of occupancy! All of that increases the price, increases the cost of a basic need. Then there is the cost of food. Our food supply is regulated by the FDA. There are many requirements, many regulations concerning the production and processing of our food, all well intended. It does drive up costs however. As for clothing we do need to purchase that as well. Hone production of clothing is not an economically viable option, even if you were an expert tailor. Then there is the question of transportation. In rural areas an automobile is a necessity. The attendant cost is significant, what with the initial cost, the insurance, title, taxes and maintenance. Even in large urban areas the cost of public transportation is a burden to be borne.
 Where does that leave us? Somewhere in the middle is the answer. Trying to make ends meet. Complete independence requires complete self sufficiency. That isn't a reasonable expectation in any society and the reason for the implementation of governments. Governments are intended to structure the society. Our founding fathers said the purpose of government was to, unify the people, ensure domestic tranquility, provide justice for all, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and provide liberty for all. That is the intent. Is that what is happening today? I'd suggest we are failing. What we need to understand is that a failure of government is a failure of the people. We the people. I say it is time for " we the people " to reexamine our wants! It is time to focus on needs. Only then will ends meet. The needs of the nation come before the individual wants of the people. Especially true when those " people " are not even members of our nation! But, it's the Christmas season and I will refrain from that discussion. What does this nation need the most? Unity. That's my assessment. A common goal or purpose. What was the original unifying factor? Independence, the ability to act independently without government interference. A means to an end. It isn't easy though. Might have to work a second job.


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