Monday, December 30, 2019

Morris the cat

 I got a cat for Christmas. I know they say don't give pets as gifts but in this case I wanted a cat. I've had cats in the past and do enjoy their company. I wouldn't call myself an animal person, per se. Fact is you will often hear me say things about those folks I feel are a little carried away, but that's just a personal opinion. Perhaps I'll become a convert and animal rights activist, you never know. But anyway, I got a yellow tabby, four years old, that needed a home. I had him around for a day before deciding what his name should be. It's Morris. Morris the cat, a cliché and a traditional name. The first Morris that gained fame insisted on eating only nine lives cat food. That was the pitch and Morris still signs every can of nine lives cat food as his personal endorsement. Morris first appeared in 1968 and two more have followed in his foot steps! 
 This is day five for Morris in his new home. He has slowly adapted and is becoming more comfortable and relaxed. His has begun to explore a wider area. My concern is his propensity to want to scratch the furniture. I realize that all cats do that, to a degree, and I can train him not to do that. The only issue is having patience enough to accomplish that. I'm hoping he is a fast learner. He did go off on an expedition this morning. As I said, he is beginning to explore a wider area. Last night he discovered the fish tank. He was fascinated with that for sure and had to be admonished to not jump up there. I'm still waiting to see what results I get from that lesson. But this morning he went into the bathroom where I have his litter box. Now my shower/bathtub has those sliding glass doors. The doors were closed, as usual. I was sitting at this keyboard when I heard a rather large thud. I thought it was the downstairs neighbor closing a door or something. I sat here a minute or two before wondering, where is that cat? I went in search of Morris. I looked in the bathroom but didn't see him, guess he isn't in there. Then I heard a meow. Taking another look I see his face through the opaque glass of the shower door. He had somehow jumped over the top and landed in the tub! He didn't have the vertical leap to get out1 So I slide the tub open and he scampers out of there. 
 Okay so that was an adventure. I'm thinking we will have a few adventures together Morris and I. He has been jumping up on everything, tables, chairs and the like. I have valence boxes in my living room and he has been eyeing them. He was standing on the top of the bookcase and I could tell he was measuring distance. Cats are pretty good at geometry, that much I know. I expect he will explore his surroundings and eventually settle into a pattern. That's been my experience with cats in the past. I will say dogs are more fun, more interactive, but require more effort. Cats can be indifferent but so can I. Well, welcome Morris he's a part of the family now. Just like having a child around though, getting into everything. And yes, I hear from my wife that one liner we are all familiar with, he's your cat! No different from, he's your child! I'll take care of it. 

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