Sunday, December 22, 2019

it's simple really

 To be recognized. That, I believe is what the majority of us require. Whatever form that recognition takes, it is what we need. That is a question I was exploring yesterday. I had posted a question on Facebook and waited for responses. The question, perhaps poorly phrased, was concerning titles. Are you an artist or an author simply by claiming to be one? That is what I was asking. When I had posted that I was thinking that those titles had to be gained by some monetary compensation for those works. That would certainly make you a professional. The only difference between an amateur and professional being compensation. As the comments came in and the day wore on I did change my opinion on that. Now I believe that Titles have to be given to you by recognition. That recognition doesn't have to be monetary compensation, it can take other forms. Fame and recognition are separate entities. You do have to be recognized before fame can be achieved however. There is a co-dependence. Strangely that doesn't have to happen while you are alive. But what good is fame, if you are dead? 
 I was asking if you an just give yourself a title. Many people seem to do that these days. I suspect they always have. I've met a few of these folks, not bad people, just a bit different. I'm sure you have met them too, the ones that identify as this or that, with little substance to back up that claim. That's where fame or recognition plays into all of this. Now I've had a few say they enjoy what I write and I have received encouragement to continue. I appreciate that very much, I really do. Still, that doesn't make me an author, at least , not in my mind. I can't help but feel it would be a bit presumptuous of me to claim that title. I can't accept that title. Now if I were to write a best seller and receive recognition for that perhaps I would feel like an author then, I don't know, and I'm unlikely to find out. But that doesn't mean I just claim the title for myself, know what I mean? 
 Now I did hear arguments that you can indeed just call yourself an artist, an author, or anything you want and it is valid. I can see that, but don't understand that. As I said I have met people like that. They are convinced in their own mind. Is it self confidence or delusion? Well that is subject to opinion isn't it?  Today we are told, don't judge. Whatever that person chooses to believe we should just accept without question. A common retort I heard growing up was " if you say so " but it was understood what that meant. It was an expression of doubt, of questioning, and yes, a judgement. I wonder how we are suppose to get by with a lack of judgement? Judgement, like everything else requires practice, if we are not to practice judgement, how are we to tell? Is it reality or a delusion?  Am I this or that? What is my place? It just seems to me that many people are not seeing the simple truth anymore. The plain unvarnished truth isn't pleasing to some and they search for alternatives. That's why the confusion. The confusion being they do not recognize what they are. It's true we may not like what we are, but we can change our response to that. If we exercise sound judgement that is. Adopting alternative truths isn't the way to go about that, in my opinion. You don't get to change reality! Reality can be a lonely place unless you keep good company. It's really quite simple.    

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