Monday, December 2, 2019


 The calendar never quits, never takes a day off, it just rolls on. Sure man has attempted to change it a few times. Pope Gregory X111 approved the calendar we use today. That's why it is called the Gregorian calendar. Three hundred sixty five days in a year and every fourth year there is an intercalary day. Intercalary, that's the extra day added on February 29. It's interesting to read the particulars of that decision, a lot more involved than one would think at first. The calendar in use right now it will be off by one day in the next twenty thousand years. Yup, by 21582 the calendar will be off by one full day! Of course The old calendar, the Julian one was off by 14 days in 1582. To fix that problem the Calendar went from Oct 4th to Oct 15th in 1582. As a result no one was born or died on Oct 5th through the 14th. Those days didn't exist on the Gregorian calendar!
 It being December, the last month of the year, I was thinking about time. Soon it will be 2020. That sounds ominous for some reason. Maybe it is just because it begins a new decade. A new decade sounds like a lot of time passed. To say it was a year ago doesn't sound very long, a few years, no big deal. A decade however, that's a lot. Two decades is a generation! I've seen six decades and the seventh is right around the corner. Seven isn't far from ten and ten is a century! Whoa, let's slow this down a bit shall we? But here it is, only 28 days left in 2019. Won't be long before we start seeing those lists of who we lost in 2019. All the programs of remembrance, lest we forget. What will we remember? That will be different for each of us depending upon our age. What events effected us?   That's the measure of time. It's what we recall from our youth and continues throughout our lives. If you tried to write your history, what would you write? The history of you. Now's that's a challenge. For me, my feeling is, I would just be a footnote. I have been witness to much, but directly involved in little. That isn't to say I haven't done anything, that I've just been a bystander, but rather not much of historical interest. Personal notes, journals, and even blogs are not of much historical interest unless they belonged to a person of note. I'm just a footnote. That isn't a good or bad thing, it's just a thing. I'm fine. What will I remember of 2019? Other than political happenings probably not much. No significant event jumps to the forefront. My Grandson began college and his sister was inducted into the National Honor Society. Those are milestones I will recall. I also realize I will probably have to think about them in years to come, what year was that?
 Amazing how we can set things aside isn't it? Or at the very least I should say how I can set things aside. I'm not certain about others. What I'm thinking about are the little events that happen us over time and we just set them aside. They were a big deal at the moment, seemed very important, maybe even traumatic, yet over time they are set aside. I had a heart attack. Was that last year or the year before? I don't know, would have to really think about that. That's the sort of things I'm talking about. For me it's just a blip. Guess I'm just a blip on the radar screen. That's alright as long as I don't become the target. Historic? Not hardly. What has happened since 2010? I'd be hard pressed to write that history, to cover that decade. Well I'll just have to wait and see what 2020 brings. A new decade, a new beginning. 

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