Wednesday, December 11, 2019

All in time

 Can't wait till next year because there will be no surprises. Why you ask? Well because hindsight is 2020! I know, I know, but I couldn't wait. So that bit of levity is behind me now, ironically I saw it coming, even though there are those that claim I'm myopic. Sorry couldn't help it. But I will try not to tell any more corny jokes, Dad jokes I think they are called. All I really know is I enjoy those types of jokes most of all. Wit and humor go hand in hand.
 One good thing about next year is we will see an end to this impeachment nonsense. Unfortunately the whole " We hate Trump " thing won't be going anywhere. I predict the left will find something else to complain about. Most likely it will be new trade agreements ( USMCA ) or we are being too prosperous and a great fall is inevitable! Politics as usual. Now I'm not saying it is only the Democrats, the Republicans will be doing there fair share of politicking. It's going to be a long hot summer. Global warming most likely caused by all the hot air those politicians will be spouting. I'm also predicting the results of the election will be disputed regardless of who is announced as the winner. If that individual wins by popular vote I'm certain there will be a great hue and cry that the popular vote should be abolished. I'll see that in hindsight. Opps, I just couldn't resist saying that.
 I was surprised this morning to see some snow. It isn't winter yet! Damn global warming I guess. Well it always gets a little warmer just before it snows. That's an old folk thing and one I believe has validity. I don't really care what the actual science says about it, it's like seeing a whooly worm. Funny, haven't seen one of those in a good while now that I think about it. I'm not feeling anything in my bones, yet, maybe I have to get older first. Maybe next year, I don't know. Maybe my bones lack empathy. Has my marrow grown cold?
  If hindsight is 2020 I lost that about 1963, 2020 vision that is. I know, I just can't stop. I'm skeptical about getting it back! One Christmas all I needed was my two front teeth, this year a major overhaul wouldn't be out of line. The golden years? More like fools gold I'd say. Oh well, I'll still buy a lottery ticket, you just never know. There are some that would wish to leave this world but I want to stick around to see what happens. Most of all I'm waiting to see justice take its' course and it will. I firmly believe the universe will dispense whatever justice is deemed appropriate. Patience is a virtue, that's what I've been told. Yes I'm impatient at times but there isn't anything one can do about it. All in time. All in time.

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