Monday, September 30, 2019

watching the parade

 The last day of September, three fourths of the year gone. 2019 has been quite the year so far, political turmoil has to be the best description. One debate after another. Well, not really debate, just a bunch of accusations followed by name calling. Surely next year will be better, at least it should be clearer, after all it'll be 2020! ( drum roll ) But we have to get through the last quarter of this year first. It'll happen, there is no stopping time, but there are those that would like to change that. More troubling perhaps is the realization that some people believe they can. Some of this stuff coming from the left is proof enough of that. According to some of those on the left we gained about 54 genders and some are neutral! That's right, they have decided that there gender is, I don't have a gender! Whatever.
 I heard there is some support for the idea of moving Halloween to a more convenient day. I don't know how that got overlooked during the Uniform holiday act of '68. Oh that's right, it wouldn't create a three day weekend so it was of no concern. But now we have decided it would just be more convenient to have it always on a Saturday night, I think that is the proposal. Of course, in most areas these days few children go door to door, a little bit risky to do that. They still do here in Greensboro but that's changing slowly. I wonder if the great grandkids will do that? Maybe, and they may be the last generation to do so. Then they will be able to tell the tales of the old days. You know like when I wore those plastic masks, that inhibited your vision, costumes that weren't flame retardant, and accepted homemade cookies and candy apples for strangers. Yes, and we ate those! Didn't even take the candy to be x-rayed either! Well, I guess it won't change the holiday any, to change the date. It's just like anything else, what you get used to.
 It won't be much longer though and the holidays will dominate. It'll be all about parties and gift buying. At least Thanksgiving is in a fixed position. Of course there will be much discussion about that whole scenario. The truth must be told! And this time the truth must be told from the side of the Natives! I'm certain all of us of European descent will be appropriately contrite. We should pay reparations to somebody, that's for sure. Following that we can continue on to Christmas. The ultimate display of buying power! The religious aspect of the holiday must be removed from all public spaces, so as not to offend. But, we certainly won't allow that to interfere in commerce! Oh no, that's full speed ahead.
 Well, I've been rambling on a bit and not saying much. It's alright I am just wondering where the times goes. Looking back and remembering all the things that have happened. Often, for me, it isn't the big major news events that I reflect upon, it's the small things. It seems to me I notice the end more than the beginning. Perhaps that is why I write these blogs in the first place. I have a desire to record the passing of the parade. More importantly to me is not what is happening, but what did happen. The only issue being, when you are at the end of the parade you may step into something! It is the something I often notice and write about. Well, just like a child watching a parade, it does draw your attention. And as Forest Gump put it, " it happens. "
 So we will enter the last part of the year with the big story being impeaching the President. An inquiry will be launched. Nothing new about that, the Democrats have attempted to impeach every Republican president since Eisenhower. And that is, since my birth. I'll be watching and I'll most likely step into something before its' over. One thing I've heard already is this; the whistleblower will testify but no one will know who he/she is! That's correct the Democrats are soliciting testimony from a person that has already admitted there information is second hand, hearsay, and this person will remain anonymous. Remember the unknown comic from the Gong song? This will be the same thing, the unknown whistleblower! Of course I am aware that this persons identity is a very valuable piece of information. It'll be revealed sooner or later. Too much money to be made to leave it otherwise.
 Strike up the band and let the parade begin. I'll be watching.

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