Tuesday, September 24, 2019


 Among friends we should be comfortable enough to say what is on our minds. I think maybe that is where this whole social media thing is going off track. Too many of us believing others to be friends when in fact they are not. I am aware that some folks on here have friends lists numbering in the thousands. I don't believe it is possible to maintain a friendship with thousands, friendships do require your attention. I was surprised to learn that my own friends list numbers over three hundred. I'm not sure how that happened. I looked down the list and many on there I haven't had any contact with in a while. But I guess it is called a friends list for want of a better term. I mean, people I will speak to is a bit awkward. An acquaintance list would limit you to only those you are acquainted with. I did notice you can choose from some categories. Close friends and family are two of them. If I selected those I wouldn't have many people to interact with. Well there are those with large circles and ones with dots. I have a dot! It is also all I want. I do prefer quality to quantity. I've never been one much for crowds, makes it harder to watch your back if you know what I mean.
 I have never been one to placate others. Those that do tend to annoy me. I want to know what you really think. I don't have an issue with that, after all, its' your opinion and you're entitled to that. It is my decision whether to agree with it or not. Seldom will I change my opinion once offered. There is a simple reason for that, it's what I believe. It goes back to placating. I don't like it as I don't feel it is genuine. I have long known that if you talk to people long enough, sooner or later you'll say something they don't like. I understand that it might hurt their feelings, or go against something they believe, but that isn't why I say it. I say it to share my thoughts and feelings. It's called interaction. It's what friends do. It is what makes acquaintances become friends, when they get to know each other. Or, those that think alike, if you prefer to think of it that way. The old birds of a feather adage. Yes, I'd say there is a lot of truth in that. Human nature. Man is a part of the animal kingdom as well. And in many ways no different. We really don't like those that are different from us in some fashion. It's inherent to our nature.
 What I'm thinking about is interpersonal relationships. That's the fancy way of saying that. I am questioning just how personal you can get on social media. I'm thinking without the body language, without the ability to read the others expressions, we are easily misled. The sincerity of what the other person is saying is measured by those things. There is something to say for continuity as well. It is at this point another old adage comes into play. Oh what a tangled web we weave. Even when we write it down it is hard to remember everything, unless it is the truth.
 I wonder if the availability of " friends " on this medium called social media is what drives some to act the way they do. Like children in a candy store, they are grabbing for everything. Then feeding upon that they wind up sick! Never blaming themselves, they blame the " candy. "
 True friendship ought never to conceal the truth. ( St, Jerome )

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