Thursday, September 19, 2019


 I started several blogs this morning but nothing seems to gel. I do try to say what I'm thinking about every day. This morning I can't focus on just one topic. That's happens every now and again. I did run across an old thought of mine, one I had written down some time back. I find those one liners, retorts, or whatever you wish to call them, sometimes contain a completed thought. What I mean by that is they require no further explanation. They are a distillation of a more complicated thought, a concentrate. Strangely I don't often reach those by concentrating! More often than not, they just come off the cuff, so to speak. They are spoken or written in response. This one was no exception to that.
 Friendship is measured in trust. That is what I wrote and that is what I believe to be the truth of the matter. The more trust I can place in you, the closer the friend you become. Probably the reason we think of our spouses as our best friends. If you can't trust your spouse, unequivocally, you don't have much of a marriage. That's my feeling on that anyway. When trust is broken it is very difficult to repair. The integrity having been comprised it is now, less than. Isn't that what compromise is all about? Settling for something less than what is wanted. A compromise is always something less than. 
 I can't recall what I wrote that in response to. I just jot these things down in a notebook and a journal of sorts. Like the title of this blog, random thoughts and memories. There really is little that is organized about any of this. I can say that I wrote it as an explanation. I was trying to make a thought clear. Friendship is measured in trust. Trust is belief. I believe I can trust you. Trust lost can not be recovered. Once burned, twice shy. It's an old idiom and holds much truth. Even when it becomes difficult to accept, we shouldn't forget. Compromised trust is compromised belief. That is called doubt. Doubt may lead to insecurity, but not always. Sometimes doubt is just an avenue to the truth. You were right after all. You do have to trust your instincts. 

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