Monday, September 2, 2019

an attitude

 It's labor day. A day for the working man to just take a break. Some places will have a parade, there will be barbecues, and I read where it is one of the worst days for travel. For me it was always the last weekend before going back to school and after that, just a day off. I don't associate labor day with much else. The unofficial end of summer. And when I was a kid, white sales. Now I hear they have white sales any old time. They don't even have to be white items anymore, it's just a sale on stuff they want to get rid off. So, I don't know what's white about it anymore. Ah well, everything does change  except what you choose to recall, to quote Merle Haggard. Oh, and I always did wear white before and after labor day.
 Speaking of wearing clothes appropriate to the seasons or occasion I see a big difference since I was young. I noticed yesterday a group of Latinos coming out of church. All the men were dressed in white shirts, jackets and ties. The ladies wore dresses with a head covering, all their children dressed accordingly. I was reminded of going to church when I was young, an occasion you got dressed up for. You did that every Sunday, not just special days, every Sunday was special back then. I have noticed the dress has become a lot more informal in the churches today, judging by the parishioners I see leaving. Yeah I know, it doesn't make any difference what you wear, all that matters is what is in your heart. It's just that if clothes make the man, as that story tells us, shouldn't it make a difference in church? The moral of that story is that people will judge us according to the way we are dressed. I also took from that tale that people tend to act the way they are dressed as well. So if getting dressed up for church serves any purpose, it would have to be to add to my piety. I suppose you could extend that logic to any situation, even to the point of not wearing any clothes at all! Seems like that is the predominant attitude these days. It's a more relaxed attitude toward life and society in general. A relaxing of the rules, a frequent topic of mine.
 Judgmental is a word used a lot these days. And being judgmental is very bad. It is the vehicle we use to justify our choices. If someone speaks out in opposition to our choices, they are being judgmental! You are only allowed to judge your own actions, never the actions of others. With others you must be accepting and inclusive of their choices. Perhaps the strongest evidence I can offer in defense of that statement is abortion. It's a choice! That is what is being pushed, taught, ingrained into the consciousness of our children. A mother has the right to choose whether her baby lives or dies! Should I oppose that I'm being judgmental because I don't know the circumstances. So what is being taught is, murder is acceptable under certain circumstances. But, I'm being judgmental. Well perhaps if we got dressed up for life our attitude toward life would change as well. You know, make life a bit more of a formal affair, something deserving of a little extra effort on our part. Isn't that what wearing our " good " clothes was all about? Well, I wouldn't want to judge anyone.
 But today is labor day. Strangely most stores will be open and people will be laboring. There aren't many days in the year when you can't go shopping. Christmas day is one. I can't think of another that I'm certain of. Well, the local convenience store is even open on Christmas day so that isn't entirely accurate either. Seems like the only labor day relief comes to those working in a trade or office. Retail workers, get to work! And labor day was originally conceived for those folks because they didn't get any breaks. Retail wasn't as anxious to take your money. Shop owners closed for Sunday and holidays. There were even laws about that! Ah, but those laws were removed from the books, too judgmental. And some were discriminatory. If the shop owners were of a different faith why should they be compelled to observe Sunday? That wasn't fair. Eventually it was decided, all of that was a choice. Then we had to make laws that you couldn't be fired if you wanted to go to church instead of working that day. The boss didn't get to choose to fire you for that. He would have to fire you for a different reason. Well, at least you have a choice.
 So enjoy the holiday however you choose to celebrate. I have some shopping to do. Maybe catch a sale or two. The summer is unofficially over. My granddaughter does start school tomorrow. Some things don't change. It's all a judgment call. Life I mean, use your best judgment. Will I wear white tomorrow? If I feel like it I will. I don't care what you think! That's the attitude today.   

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