Saturday, September 21, 2019

showing respect

 I have recently installed an app on my phone to keep me informed on when the flag is to be flown at half staff. It is quite difficult to keep up with that these days. Nationally the President has to order that. Governors, and the Mayor of the District of Columbia, may order it for their state or district. There are other circumstances were an individual flag may be flown at half staff however. The Flag code describes these instances. Interesting to note is that a Governor can not order the flag at half staff for just anyone they please, there are guidelines for that as well. They are authorized to order that for government officials, former government officials and fallen service members from that state. They are not supposed to order it at half staff for any other reason.
 I mention this because yesterday as I drove into Delaware, just a ten minute drive for me, I noticed the flag at half staff. Checking my phone app I discovered it must be a state ordered thing as there was no national order. Whenever I see the flag at half staff I am curious as to why. The majority of the time I haven't a clue. It does seem to me the flag has been spending more time at half staff than at full staff. Maybe it is just a perception. I did attempt to google that but the results weren't very helpful. The majority of the responses just concern when the flag should be at half staff and when it shouldn't. I was looking for numbers. I do think it is more frequent than in years past. I also think it is losing some of its' significance as a result. Like most everything else when it becomes commonplace it's well, common.
 I understand there is no law about any of this. We do have the Flag code and a few Public Laws. A Public Law is made by proclamation of a governor. That is one way to describe it, it concerns the sovereignty of a State, territory or District. The Public Law that is. Anyway my point is there is no law that you can be punished for violating. At least one public law gave the right to the Governor of Michigan to order the flag at half staff for fallen service members. The law gave him the authority. The first amendment protects you from any prosecution for violating the flag code.
 I do tend to get annoyed at those that proclaim their patriotism by desecrating the flag. Whether they are aware of it or not, it happens all the time. In fact I would say it is prevalent throughout our society. The Flag code is quite long but also quite clear, in my opinion. I believe most of us are aware of the major parts. The flag should never touch the ground. It should always be folded and handled with care. The Flag should be replaced when it become soiled or ragged. Proper disposal of the Flag can be accomplished by a dignified burning. Most American Legion posts or VFW's will dispose of your flag for you. It should only be flown at night if properly lighted. I'd say these rules are followed most of the time. But what of all the others? The Flag should never be worn as a piece of clothing, it should not be used for advertisement, it should  not have anything else on it or affixed to it. All American Flags are considered living flags! That is to say they should all be treated with the same respect. It makes no difference if it is a Betsy Ross flag or any other flag since then. A Flag printed on anything is considered a living flag and that's why you shouldn't put it on napkins, paper towels, paper plates and that kind of stuff. It isn't dignified.
 I wonder how we got to this point. I mean when we feel this stuff is optional. Yes you can proclaim your patriotic spirit, while desecrating the flag. And what's more, if I say anything about it I will be met with derision most of the time. I am immediately dismissed as , extreme. I'm being too extreme, too picky, by observing the flag code. Why, I'm being unpatriotic! I will then hear, it isn't a law you know! Yeah, I know. I get it, it interferes with what you wish. Isn't that the real reason? It is almost always the reason we start to make exceptions, because we don't like whatever it is. Makes no difference if it is a code or a law. John Wayne said, " a man has to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job. " You can't ignore the code or creed whenever it suits you.
 There is one thing that Europeans notice about America when they come here. It is the proliferation of American Flags. Americans fly more flags than any other nation. It's true, We have them on our houses, our businesses and government buildings. We have them on village greens, cemeteries and parks. Flags are everywhere. Americans proudly fly their flags. And that is a bit of a paradox. We sure like to fly our flag and put it everywhere on everything! Are we showing that flag the proper respect? Most of the time we are not! Of course no one should mention that. don't be extreme. Well you could say it is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. It's not out of hand, yet. I do have to watch it though I wouldn't want to be extreme. I'm not a radical patriot! All things in moderation. The Flag is a living thing, the embodiment of America, of freedom. Don't be disrespectful.   

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