Thursday, September 26, 2019

the code

 I cut the grass for what may be the last time this year. That's just fine. It isn't a chore I really enjoy just something that needs doing. Most towns even have a law about that. Well at least a code that will penalize you should you fail to maintain your yard. A function of government? Certainly the reason is simply because it can effect others pocket books. Real estate value can be negatively effected. Can't have that. But the chore is done and now there are the leaves to deal with. Truth is, I seldom rake leaves, just let them blow in the wind. There isn't a code about that, yet. There are rules about burning them however. I haven't read that code but am aware of its' existence. There are many codes that I haven't read. Interesting isn't it that towns, villages, counties, states and even the federal government have codes. So what is the difference between a code and a law? Not much is the short answer.  A code is a law that has been codified. Laws are simply what we call common law, based in precedent decided by a judge or judicial system. Yeoh, it's all lawyer talk and double talk. A fine distinction but one that can be useful on occasion. Codes are civil law, not criminal law. Like I said, a lawyer thing. Oh what does it mean to codify something? It means to arrange in order, as in writing a code to live by. Yes, we all need a code to live by.
 You could say codes deal with ethics. They usually delineate those actions felt to be a matter of ethical behavior. You should cut your grass because it devalues the neighborhood if you don't. You can't play loud music after ten o'clock. Those type of things. A matter of ethics. The rub comes in when we recognize this: " History shows that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is always with economics. Vested interests have never divested themselves unless there was sufficient force to compel them. " ( B.R. Ambedkar ) Yes codes are pesky things aren't they? Always getting in the way of a good time. In what can only be viewed as the greatest irony of all, we establish codes, to establish ethics, ethics that are financially beneficial, not necessarily ethical at all. Irritating to say the least. But what choice do we have? If not for the code we have anarchy. Which is great if you are the anarchist, not so much if you are not. Also great if you are recipient of the monetary benefit.
 Well anyway, the grass is cut and there has been no breach of ethics. I have been a good citizen. It likes a weight lifted off my back. Citizenship takes effort my friends. To live by a code takes perseverance, self denial, and sacrifice. Still it is a necessity. The only issue being who writes the code. Do we get to write our own code or must we adopt another's? Therein lies the crux of the matter. Do you Pledge Allegiance or just accept what is beneficial to you? A mercenary lifestyle? I don't know, but you better cut the grass!  

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