Sunday, June 2, 2019

what has changed

 There is talk of lowering the age to vote. The argument being children today are so much smarter than the children years ago, you know us old people that went to one room schoolhouses. The kids today are so well informed and have far more resources at their fingertips. They were raised in the information age. I'm not so old that I have forgotten. I remember thinking that my parents, and other old people in general, didn't know what they were talking about. They just didn't get it! But now, I'm seeing a shift in the thinking. There are  adults that support this They believe they should allow the younger folks to vote because the younger folks are agreeing with them. So what changed? The proposals, the ethics, the morality, and the feasibility of ideas is what has changed. We now have many " adults " with immature ideas. That's what's different.
 If you listen, really listen to the complaints coming from the left, what are they? It's not fair, I feel marginalized, I don't have this or that, or somebody else does. What I hear is a bunch of whining and complaining, much like teenagers. In fact, they sound like I did when I was 14 or 15! Looking through their rose colored glasses and believing that life should be fair. Well, wake up buttercup, the real world awaits. And the fact is you can't vote that away, at any age. So if you are an immature adult that wishes to stay in office, you require immature voters. Kids work just fine, make them some promises, make them feel adult, and they will vote for you. Just like they followed the popular kids in school, they will go along with the program.
 What are the big topics today? Allowing people to do the things we all know they really shouldn't be doing. We'll call it empowering. I'll start with the big one, killing babies. How did that come about? It happened in 1973 when the supreme court actually skirted the real issue, yes a fetus is a real child,  and ruled on privacy rights. Where did that come from? Well, wasn't long after Woodstock and the hippies was it? I know, I was there. Peace and love man, its' cool. Free love. Turned out love wasn't so free after all, we needed a solution. Kill the babies was the response. Now it's pot. It's cool man, it ain't hurting nobody, it's all natural! We should make that legal because people are going to smoke it anyway and the jails are getting crowded. It's not fair. They are breaking the law and going to jail for that! If we legalize it, it will relieve overcrowding in the jails. Thing is, we all know smoking dope ain't a good thing, just like drinking booze ain't a good thing, just like abusing prescription drugs ain't a good thing. But to the immature mind, it's all good, I'm not responsible for any of that. Addiction is a disease! It's not my fault if I get addicted and abuse that stuff. It's not my fault if I get pregnant, it was a failure of the system. I didn't receive free, adequate, birth control!  Yes that is the mature response right? Everybody is doing it. Does that sound familiar? I hear that all the time as justification. I even recall saying that a time or two. The response I received was, if little Johnny jumped off the bridge would you do that too? Sadly today an acceptable response is, if there aren't acceptable guards installed on that bridge I would! It's your responsibility to ensure my safety.
 It's not just the big topics either. There are many smaller things that I see every day. Take the whole gun debate. It's the fault of the gun, not the person using the gun. For that reason we need to do something about the guns! They are assaulting people! But what is the real issue? The real issue is that we are raising a generation of people that do not understand the value of life. Why? I wish I had an answer for that one, but I don't. Could it be the proliferation of violence on the television and the movies? Could it be that we are teaching our children that murdering a baby is a choice? Could it be that we are teaching the children to be angry? Yes, those that commit these heinous crimes are mentally unstable, there is no denying that, but if we teach our children to strike out against society for every ill they experience in life, what else can you expect? It is the emotional response that is being taught these days. That's why we see all these parades, rallies, protests and whatever. You have to be screaming at the top of your lungs, making public displays and flaunting authority in order to be listened to. Isn't that the perception today? It's a revolution! No, it's a temper tantrum. And now it's a temper tantrum with guns. An immature response taken to extremes. A mature individual realizes the inherent value of human life. Today, life is being called a choice. If we don't decide to kill you before you are even born, we will provide assistance if you decide to kill yourself! It's the right thing to do. Provide all the help we can, even if it kills you! Think about that.
 Just take a look at society today compared to as little as fifty years ago. Gambling is rampant. Casinos everywhere, you can buy the numbers on every street corner. Powerball, Mega-Millions, Pick four, Pick three, double down , play the multiplayer. An almost unlimited number of scratchers! Any game you can think of available. Sports betting is on the rise. The individual states now wanting a piece of the action. The pseudo-legalization of pot. It's still a federal crime but certain states have decided they will not prosecute, instead opening up head shops to exploit the tax possibilities. Hey, people are going to smoke it anyway. I think it's safe to say that society is nowhere as near as polite as it used to be. In general folks are quite confrontational today! Emboldened even. Why? Because we as a society allowed that to happen, we didn't discipline our children. We made excuses for their behaviors. Now there are those that say felons should be given the right to vote from their jail cells! Great idea, let criminals vote on the laws. We have illegal aliens crossing our southern border in record numbers, but we call them migrants. Why? Because illegal is degrading, alien is discriminatory, undocumented didn't sound good either, so migrant was chosen. It's an ambiguous term. Like saying, somebody did something.
 We hear much talk about our Democracy. That is what is being taught but that is not what we have. We have a constitutional republic, if we can but keep it, as Benjamin Franklin pointed out when questioned about what form of government we have. There are those among us today that want that changed. It begins with the elimination of the electoral college. That, to the immature mind, may seem like a great idea. It is until you really understand the implication of that action. Remove that safeguard and fifty one percent of the voters control the other 49%. Sounds reasonable doesn't it? Yeah if you live in the 51% demographic it does. The large urban areas would control the politics and we would have a DEMOCRATIC president forever. Notice the word democratic, as in democracy. But did you know the original name of the Democratic party was, Jeffersonian Republicans? Yes, they wanted to express their anti-aristocratic policies. That was in 1792. They actually supported what the Republican party we know today supports. But in 1830 they changed course ander Andrew Jackson. Yes that Andrew Jackson,  famous for the trail of tears. Then they just became democrats. They supported the extension of slavery into the west, a strong centralized government and more government control of private citizens lives. They founded the KKK! The democrats fought to keep slavery alive and when they lost that, looked for other means of control.That's how unions gained support! The democrats promising the workers rights in exchange for what? Control, the union telling you when, where and for whom you can work. The union telling you how much money you will make and how much they get to keep for themselves. Really a mini-government, no dissenters allowed. Now, if we could just get rid of that pesky electoral college.
 While we are talking about Democracy, which only requires a 51% majority, consider this logic, less than three per cent of all abortions performed are because of rape or incest. Yet, we are using that to justify 97% of all abortions! That's right, three in a hundred used to justify killing the other 97. A mature reason? Democratic? Less than 5% of the population identify themselves as LGBTQ, yet, we insist that 95% of the population, a clear majority, declare that as a normal thing. 95% of the population are not even supposed to suggest otherwise! Democratic? A mature reasoned response? 90% of all guns used in criminal activity were obtained illegally. Yet, legal gun owners should be punished for that. After all, all guns were legally sold at one time. In 2013, the last year stats are available for, 10.7 people died for every 100,000 in a car accident. All those cars were legally sold. I'd suggest we stop selling cars! No cars, no accidents. A mature response? And about 1.1% of the population in America say they are Muslims. Now being a Muslim doesn't necessarily make you a devout follower of Islam yet, in America were 75% of polled Americans say they are Christians, we are expected to change our religious practices to suit them. We are expected to change our customs and conventions in order to not offend them! A mature response? And now you wonder why there is so much violence, hatred and dissent in the country. I'm thinking we just need to grow up! Take off those rose colored glasses and take a good hard look around. Is this working? I don't think so. It used to work, what has changed? 

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