Friday, June 7, 2019

flattery or appropriation

 Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, until it's called appropriation that is. This is something I have been noticing quite a bit lately. Cultural appropriation! That's what they are calling it and it's very bad. Why, it's racist! Everything is racist these days, even when it doesn't involve race, ie: culture. LOl It is just the catch word of the day. But the real issue is in determining when is it imitation and when is it deriding? The determination of intent. That seems to be what a great deal of litigation concerns itself with. Yes, it is guilt and innocence but can we really know what is in the mind of another? No, and that is why we establish law, to codify what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Can we codify a culture? What I mean is, can we now say this is what culture you belong to, therefore, you can't identify as another? To attempt to do so is an appropriation? If that were so what about these transgender people? Wouldn't that then be a gender appropriation? Isn't that wrong? Or is some appropriation okay and some not?
 I was thinking about all of that because of an incident I read about. One person being offended that their neighbor had " appropriated " their culture! Why, those folks aren't black, but they are playing black music. They even greeted their neighbor with " cultural expressions " like Yo, brother! Clearly it is a case of cultural appropriation , derisive and demeaning! I wonder did it occur to them that perhaps the neighbor just wanted to get along? Perhaps they are insensitive, who knows, but is that a course for legal action? Whatever the case may be they are neighbors which means they live in the same geographic area, ie: the neighborhood. In the same country! That is what is important here. They all live in America. And what is America, the great melting pot! At least that is what it used to be, it is what I was taught. Does that no longer apply? If not, we really have a problem.
 What is the big melting pot? It was the idea that all cultures would join to form one. E Pluribus Unum! From many, one, is our motto. That is the concept behind equality, we are all the same. It's pretty obvious to me. It is the only way a society can survive. To be inclusive means to include! When we adopt the customs, language, traditions, and mannerisms of others, what we collectively call culture, that is the process of melting.In metallurgy it becomes an alloy. When done with people they become allies! Yup, that means they work together, as one, toward a common goal.
 Of course I understand that is the basic premise. I also understand for those wishing to join in it does require they surrender a bit of their culture. And that is where the issues begin. Currently the trend is to revolt against the white people of european descent in America! No matter that is was that group that established the nation in the first place, europeans defined the culture. You could say it was the base metal! That isn't to imply that base material is any better than any other, just that it was that material. Now when " europeans " begin to adopt some attributes from other cultures wasn't that also a sort of blending? A melting? But that isn't the perception at all, it is being labeled an appropriation. The same has happened with a number of cultures through the history of the United States. The earliest was the Irish. A group of Irish children were brought to America, as slaves, long before any Africans. There were the chineses, the poles, the Irish once again during the big potato famine, the Italians, Germans and Jews. All were subject to the melting pot, required to assimilate to America! And that has always been the gaol, to become an American. At least that is what was taught in the past, I'm not certain what the message is today. I am certain that is what is causing a great deal of the problems we are seeing today. People are confused! Is it flattery or appropriation?  Or is becoming an American a form of suppression? Well I suppose if you are one of the white europeans it is easier. After all, the perception is that white europeans don't have to surrender anything at all, the white europeans are the privileged class. It's true to an extent, I can't deny that. Still that doesn't change what our culture is, the American culture. The question is, are you coming to America for the culture or for the economic possibilities? The truth is the majority immigrated to the United States for the economic opportunities afforded its' citizens. For that reason they were more than willing to adopt the culture of this land. Now it appears, like spoiled children, they just want it all. The economic opportunity in America, and their own culture in America. But that won't work, E Pluribus Unum is the only way. You can not remain separate and equal. Read the fourteenth amendment! That was decided in 1954 by the Supreme Court. The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group is what defines a culture. What is the culture of America? I'm not certain I can answer that, but I know this, it isn't Caribbean, Latin, African or European! It's distinctly American. I'm proud of that. 

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