Wednesday, June 12, 2019

just who

 I didn't write or post a blog yesterday. This morning a good friend asked me where it was. What a kind gesture on her part, thank you Marilyn. It is nice to know that you are missed. I think that is a universal emotion, a need most of us have. It's a reassurance. I responded to her with this quip, I'm just catching my breath. It is a thought, an explanation I hadn't considered until I was asked. So I have to thank Marilyn once again for the inspiration to compose this post. Prior to that I hadn't planned on posting anything today either.
 Perhaps it is time I caught my breath. I have been writing, posting, commenting and sometimes ranting about everything and anything. It could just very well be that I've been so busy talking, I haven't listened. The listening is not to others, but to myself. Have I heard what I've been saying? I do review my posts every now and again. I have found that they are consistent. I haven't had any major revelations in the last several years. That is to say, I feel just the same about just about everything. Some would call that stubborn or short sighted, I call it confident in my answers. The thing is, who is grading the test?
 Is life a test? If it is, what is the reward for passing? What is the punishment for failure? Life and death are the short answers. Do we only get one shot at it? One and done? I believe most of us find that a troubling scenario. We do want something more, something past this mortal plane. For that reason we do feel we need to make payment of some kind. If you want something you have to work for it. That is what has traditionally been taught. In more recent years I believe that is changing just a bit. You have a right to more! The requirement to earn that is being replaced by entitlement. The cost is to be borne by everyone, not the individual. The issue then becomes the defining of the standard answers. The answers then must be, it depends. That's because it does depend , it depends upon whom you are satisfying at the moment.
 What of failure. What is the cost of failure? If you fail to satisfy others you are left alone. We may be persecuted and ostracized from society. You are left to fend for yourself. The road can be a lonely one. Then all you can do is attempt to satisfy yourself. But living within yourself is not a very pleasant experience. We have all been there at times. Remember when you weren't invited to the party? Or remember when you didn't get that promotion. Criticism can send us in the corner. Indeed loneliness, the feeling of being alone, can lead us into some very dark places. And failure lives in darkness.
 But what has all of this to do with me catching my breath? It is all about providing the answers. That is something that seems to be a theme in a great number of my postings. I am offering answers to questions that I think everyone asks themselves at one time or another. What are the answers? That is left to the reader to judge as there are no standard answers to those type of things. I find myself defending my answers, sometimes vehemently, and at others I don't respond at all. And so I'm taking a deep breath and considering the answer. Just who is grading the test?   

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