Friday, June 28, 2019

what are you selling?

 I've written about this sort of thing before, it is a recurring theme with me, but I am compelled to bring up the topic once again. It's what I call polite company. Now I'd say being on national television, participating in a political debate, is an example of being in polite company. Now I didn't watch either Democratic debate, I'm waiting for the field to narrow out some. But I have heard sound bites from both. I heard candidates calling President Trump all kinds of names, pathological liar and a fraud. I'm not surprised by any of that although I admit to being disappointed. Disappointed that we have degenerated to that level. Then I hear Pete Buttigieg in response to a question saying he wonders who Trump has pissed off. That raised my head! Are you having a debate on political issues or are you hanging out in some bar? I mean, is that the language of an educated man? Oh, Pete is supposed to be the darling, Harvard, Oxford, and gay! Apparently he hasn't learned how to conduct himself in a civil fashion! Yes, I know, Trump says or has said the same or worse , much worse, but that has no bearing on the topic. I'm talking about conducting ourselves in a civilized fashion, in polite company. That includes everyone. 
 Now I understand political candidates want to throw verbal spears at one another, that's part of the game. Verbal sparring has always been the stock and trade of politicians. I just wish for the days when it took some thought, some intellect, to counter your opponent. Seems like we have just decided to go with the playground mentality, I'll just call you names and use language I've heard some grownups use when they were mad! That ought to work. Well, if you want to relate to me, to get me to listen to something you have to say, it isn't going to happen when the language you use is vulgar, crass and juvenile. If I want to hear that I'll go to the movies or a bar on the waterfront! I hear that Pete wants to eliminate the electoral college. In short he favors dismantling the Republic. I have to disagree with him on that one, wonder if that pisses him off? Do you see how that sounds? Doesn't sound very nice does it? 
 The second edition of the Oxford English dictionary is twenty volumes containing 171,476 words and 47,156 obsolete words. Out of all those words Pete Buttigieg chooses " pissed " to express his feeling. Man has been to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and that's the best he has to offer? Or is that what he chose figuring the average voter will understand that? Personally I'm insulted and a bit offended by that choice. And that goes equally with all the candidates, regardless of political affiliation. I just see this as further evidence of the degrading of our society. Vocabulary is certainly indicative of a societies morals. That's why mamma told us all not to cuss! The Bible says you shouldn't swear to anything. Take that to mean anything you want but swearing, cussing, using foul and vulgar language is a reflection of you and your moral compass! When done in public, in polite company, I'd suggest it serves as a beacon. Yes, you will get attention. Hey all advertising is good advertising isn't it? That's what they say. But what is it that you are trying to sell? That's what makes the difference. Junk in, junk out! 

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