Tuesday, June 4, 2019

if only for a moment

 Now when I was growing up people were often referred to by their nicknames. Except, they weren't exactly nicknames, more like descriptive phrases. I expect this was a common thing in many towns across the country although we tended to think of it as unique to our neighborhood. It was definitely in a time when political correctness wasn't observed. I'm not certain that was even a thing yet. But these names may or may not be used when the person was present. That was dependent upon that person's personality. Would they get mad? The concern wasn't about hurting their feelings, the concern was you getting hurt! That was back in the good old days though, when expectations were a bit different than what they are today. I was reminded of this the other day as I went about my business shopping at the local Walmart. I see this gentleman, an older fella, with the waist of his pants just below his chest. My first thought was, it's highpockets!
 Well highpockets was a name applied to a man back in my hometown back in the day. His real name escapes me at the moment but that is what he was known as. If you were talking to another and mentioned highpockets they knew exactly who you were talking about. Really you could say it was a form of endearment. As I said it was really just a description. That man always had his pants pulled up high, hence highpockets was his name. There was another guy that I heard my Mom speak of, Billy fog sweeper. That was a name he earned. You see, he was a commercial fisherman. One morning, when he was just a young man and learning the trade, he awoke to see the bay covered in fog. He went and met up with the rest of the crew on the beach as usual. He remarked to the others, guess we can't fish today, the fog is too thick! The leader of the crew says, why sure we can Billy, you just have to sweep that fog away. He handed Billy a broom and placed him in the bow of the dory telling him to sweep the fog away as they launched it. Billy diligently began sweeping as fast as he could. From that day forward he was known as, Billy fog sweeper. Anytime it became foggy a person might say, call Billy fog sweeper, it's getting too thick to see. And yes, they called him that to his face, a good natured ribbing that lasted his lifetime.
 Those are just two examples that I recall. I had almost forgotten about old highpockets until I saw that guy in Walmart. Strange how the mind works at times, visual clues trigger memories or certain sounds and smells. Things long stored away are brought to the forefront of our thinking. The smell of burning leaves does that to me, as well as the screech of a gull. Familiar sights and sounds often go unnoticed and lie dormant, sometimes for years. But those things are a part us deeply rooted, a part of our makeup. And when they surface they transport us in time. When I saw " highpockets " the other day I was taken back almost fifty years, instantly. Don't try and tell me time travel isn't possible. We just haven't figured out how to stay there very long. I was there, on main street and saw him, and then he was gone.
 My Mom called yesterday and I talked with her about old highpockets. We both got a laugh out of that. The number of people I can share those memories with are getting fewer each year. I suppose it's all a part of aging, time goes by. Not living in the place where those memories reside, you can't really expect to find others that know what you are talking about. Oh you can tell the stories but it isn't the same thing. But it isn't all bad, you still see those folks around. Those folks are with you. It was nice to see highpockets once again, been a good while. Now I wonder how " owl eyes " is doing. I expect she knows what is happening in the neighborhood, she didn't get that name by not being observant. Maybe " eel spear " is still riding his bicycle. That's a sight I don't expect I'll ever witness again but I'll remember it anyway. I'm planning a trip to the beach this summer. When I smell that warm sand and hear the screech of a gull I will travel home again, instantly. If I close my eyes and just lie still I can stay awhile. Sometimes. Time is just a vapor and quickly disappears. It always comes back though, if only for a moment.  

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