Tuesday, June 25, 2019

a nation of law

 I can't help but wonder. How have we reached a point in America where enforcing the law is news. What I'm thinking about is ICE. The president has stated that illegals will be removed from the country. In short, the law enforced. Yet, I hear much protesting this on television. Other law enforcement agencies refusing to work in cooperation with ICE, various groups providing sanctuary, and generally impeding efforts to enforce the law!
 Now these illegals have already had due process. The names are on a list and they have been notified. Many of these same people failed to appear for scheduled hearings, violating the law once again. Not much effort on their part in my opinion. All they had to do was show up but they didn't. Now I hear they are scared. Well you should be. You are going to be deported! Whose fault is that? Yours. You sneak into a country, you are then given an opportunity to present your case, often a year or more after the fact, and you fail to even appear. That's why your name is on that list! Your fault.
 Yes the United States has always been a nation of immigrants. Legal immigration! And that is the issue at hand. No one is saying we will not allow immigration. What we are saying is, it must be done legally. I fail to understand how that became an issue. America is a country of laws! John Adams proclaimed we are a nation of laws, not men. But now the law is being brushed aside. I'm hearing major news networks supporting this. Why? Why is enforcing the law such a terrible thing? Is this law so terrible? No, it is basically the same law we have always had, if anything, it has been made more permissive. Every opportunity is afforded to these folks. We are even providing legal counsel! Now these " immigrants " say they are feeling panic! No kidding, that's the result of  not following the law and realizing the ax is coming down. There are consequences.
 I just can't understand why enforcing the law is such a problem. No one is advocating for the immediate return of people to their home countries. The " round up " as the news likes to call it are those that have failed to appear for their hearings. They are the ones that are in the system but failed to uphold their part. You can't obtain what you want, legal status, by ignoring the law! It's not a difficult thing to understand. But I know the real problem. The real problem is, I want it now! These immigrants want to be able to just waltz into my country and immediately receive benefits! That's what they come here for in the first place. They want it now! That's the issue. What's worse is there are those in this country that would do so. Never mind about out own citizens that are homeless, hungry, disabled or struggling, divert our resources to the illegals. Yes, there is a limited amount of resources! The United States of America can not support the entire population of Latin America! That's not even taking into account those from other countries that wish to immigrate here. That is why immigration is limited! What don't people understand about that? Immigration is limited to LEGAL immigrants.
 So let me get this straight. Enforcing the law is now wrong! If we don't like the law, we don't agree with the law, or the law scares us, we just ignore the law! What happened to change the law? Oh, that's right, it takes too long. We want it now. We demand it! We aren't in your country legally, we aren't complying with the law, but we expect your full support. Amazingly there are those in my country providing just that. Amazingly these same folks aren't denying the validity of the law, that the law is enforceable, no, in fact that is the problem. The federal government intends to enforce that law! Think about that. How did we arrive at a place where it is wrong for the government to enforce existing law? If we are not going to be a nation of law, just what are we a nation of? 

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