Wednesday, June 26, 2019

belief creates reality

 My wife told me of a story she read on social media. This story was of a woman that was clinically dead for 27 minutes. When she was revived she says, heaven is real. She had seen the pearly gates, with Jesus standing there. She isn't the first to say such. Didn't they make a movie about that? I confess to having heard something about it but I'm not a movie goer so I just don't know for sure. I'm also not one to be seeking evidence or testimony regarding the existence of heaven, or hell for that matter. What is important to me is what I believe. That's simply because belief creates reality, at least that's my thinking on all of that. The real struggle, the real doubt, lies in truly believing. And only you know that truth!
 Is that the message from God? Belief creates reality? If you truly believe, really believe, you will receive what is promised. Jesus did say, those who believe in me shall not perish but have eternal life. Mohamed said, no one of you will have faith until you believe in me more than your father. Another statement of belief creates reality? I don't think we can deny that belief creates reality for ourselves. How else to explain what others think and support as truth? Even when we judge the other person insane, we must recognize that it is their reality. We all deal with that every day. There are times when we get our feelings hurt although no harm was intended. It's very real to us but vague to another. We are told to employ empathy to understand the other persons' belief. I'd suggest that in the majority of instances we employ sympathy instead. Unless we ourselves have experienced the same injury it can be no other way.
 Now I believe our soul is real. I also believe our soul is energy. Energy can not be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state to another. It's a basic principle in physics. It has been proven time and again by experimentation and practical application. Man doesn't search for a way to create energy, man searches for ways to transform it. That being established I see no reason that our mind, which surely contains the soul, could not transform to whatever our belief may be. If you believe in heaven and hell, that's the reality you will experience. Do you believe you will go to heaven, or do you have doubts? In your own mind, are you worthy? If you believe in nothing, no continuation, that's what you will experience. Seems logical to me. I believe we are responsible for our actions. Even if it is only our mind, our soul, our energy, that holds us to account, we are accountable. Our energy will be distributed, transformed in some fashion. Perhaps we can control that, by belief. Perhaps belief creates reality. It works that way here, on this plane of existence. I see no reason why it couldn't work that way in another.
 Do heaven and hell exist in spite of belief or because of belief? That is what I'm thinking about. That goes for every other religious belief in an afterlife or lack of one. Is there life after death? It's a question I often consider, mostly wondering if I will know it. I mean, will I know that I died? That would require knowledge of whatever life came before. Energy, as I said, can not be created or destroyed so my energy had to have been here before. Or did it? Perhaps when that energy is transformed the memory is lost in the transformation. It could happen with some and not with others, hence we have mediums, psychics, and others that claim this prior knowledge of life, or the ability to communicate with the dead.
 In the end however I think all we have is belief. I'm thinking I'm overthinking the whole deal. My Bible tells me all I need to do is believe. Well, believe and obey the law. I do need to make an honest effort to obey the law. Sure I'll be forgiven for my shortcomings, my God is a merciful God, but I have to be honest, I have to believe. My belief should be based on the promise, those who believe in me, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Belief creates reality. Perhaps in the next life, reality is belief. 

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