Sunday, June 23, 2019

belief without deceit

 I am in the habit of reading my blogs to my wife before posting them. I do like to hear it out loud. I'm not always pleased with what I hear but seldom make revisions. I suppose that is because it is more of a habit to write something than an actual desire to say anything meaningful. I'm feel like I'm just talking to myself most of the time. That's alright with me but I am pleased when I receive comments from others saying they enjoyed the read. Yesterday after reading my post the wife and I discussed it a bit. I'm not always clear in what I am trying to say and at times it requires a further explanation of the thought that inspired the post. That was the case yesterday morning.
 The thought I had was having something to believe in. I do wonder about the next generation and their having something to believe in. I mean they are told they can't trust the news, they can't trust social media, they shouldn't trust their fellow man and that belief in God is optional. For those reason I thought, what do they have to believe in? Are they simply to believe in themselves? Now, believing in yourself is a good thing, an essential ingredient to a successful life I won't deny that, but you also need something more than yourself. Without something more, without some support system, we will all fail. But by support system, I don't mean charity and automatic forgiveness for any missteps we may take. Along with believing in ourselves we require personal accountability. True happiness, true contentment is obtained through personal accountability. Yes it is wonderful to receive recognition and accolades from others, no doubt about that, but it isn't what will sustain you when you are alone. And we are all alone at some point or another, there is no escaping that. That's why people abuse drugs and alcohol, they are attempting to escape themselves. What we think, what we feel, and what we believe is our reality!
 As for me I was taught that what you do when no one is looking defines who you are. I was also taught you have to be honest with yourself. There are times when that honesty can be painful, self inflicted, and brutal. There are also times when that isn't the reality, it's your reality, but not reality. Determining the truth is the struggle in life. The truth isn't always what we believe it to be, but, it is always what we believe. That's why it is so important to have something to believe in other than yourself. It is important to teach our children to believe. True happiness isn't reward based, it isn't dependent upon what we receive. Happiness stems from belief, true belief, belief without deceit! The truth is we can't deceive ourselves, we know the truth, it is just a matter of admitting to that truth. And you can't just forgive yourself, forgiveness is not resolution. That's where personal accountability enters the picture. We need to hold ourselves to account! Belief is a function of that process. You have to believe there is good and evil, right and wrong, reward and punishment.
 I'm not certain I made my thought any clearer with this explanation. Maybe I am making it too complicated. I'm concerned that our children may not have anything to believe in.The removal of belief will result is the loss of hope. Without hope life is pretty bleak. That's when we engage in all manner of behaviors contrary to what we know to be right. 

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