Monday, June 10, 2019


 Within the constraints of society. That is how we are expected to live our lives. But what if those constraints were lifted? What if society makes no demands upon the individual? What are we then left with? Disorder, confusion and disappointment. And that is exactly what we are experiencing today. Our society is undergoing major change and it is very uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable for those attempting to implement the changes, and uncomfortable for those resisting those changes. Society is not well defined, expectations vary.
 What defines the constraints of a society? I would say religious belief is the major contributor. We are told to not discuss politics and religion for very good reasons. If you wish to raise the passions of someone ask them about those subjects. It is from our religious belief that we establish our personal constraints regarding moral and ethical behaviors. That is also the reason there are so many " variations " in the practice of faith. Man does have a way of fashioning faith to fit his wants. The total abandonment of belief in a higher power is the most expedient method and slowly gaining favor in our society today. Well that combined with the introduction of an ideology disguised as a religion. The purpose of each is to remove restraints.
 The premise behind the establishment of the United States of America is a nation of laws. We seperated law from God. That was the idea, the concept behind the whole thing. Our laws would apply equally to all people, regardless of creed. Still John Adams pointed out our constitution was made only for a religious and moral people, inadequate to the governance of any other. He was talking about self restraint, seeing the danger inherent in a system based solely on the law of man. Why? Men make laws advantageous to men! And who is making the law in this land? The rich and powerful for the most part. Yes,yes, we all get to vote on legislation don't we? How many laws have you voted on? Chances are, not many at all, unless you are a politician. And even then politicians tend to vote in their best interest, not yours. The best you can hope for is that they will vote based on the wishes of the majority of their constituents. That doesn't always happen. It really depends upon what is politically expedient for them at the time. That's why we see so much flip-flopping on issues.
 John Adams and others were well aware of the danger. If you allow man to impose his own constraints eventually there won't be any. Man will find ways to justify every immoral act or deed you can imagine. It's true, man has used religion to do that very thing! That's because religion and religious belief are extremely powerful motivators. For that reason it was decided our nation would not establish a religion. We would rely upon man, moral and ethical man. Now there is a dream. A moral and ethical politician. A rare bird indeed, in my humble opinion. Adams also said, "because power corrupts, society's demand for moral authority and character increases as the importance of the post increases" It is important to note he said society's demand. And just what is the character of our society today? It certainly isn't the same as it was in John Adams day. Or is it? Has the nature of man changed? No, I don't believe it has. What has changed? The constraints of society is the answer. You know, constraint is a good thing, all things in moderation. God gave man ten laws. If we all followed those laws there wouldn't be any issues. But man decided to make his own laws as a way to circumvent those ten pesky commandments. Why? Because we want it now! Whatever it is. We want it right now. A promise isn't enough. " Liberty is the prevention of control by others. This requires self control and therefore religious and spiritual influences; education, knowledge and well being. " ( John Acton )
 Control may be obtained many ways. One method is through charity. The acceptance of charity is an acquiescence of liberty. You are left in debt. When that charity is your government you are then indebted to that government and its laws. Those laws may or may not reflect your beliefs. A constraint is placed upon you. Man's law begins to define the society. A society concerned only with immediate needs and power. Morality and ethics are secondary. The primary concern is the law! The law of man. Think about that.   

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