Saturday, June 15, 2019

common sense

 Listening to the morning news and I hear this: a study has shown that children of parents who drink alcohol are more likely to drink alcohol themselves. What a shocker! The study has shown that parents that were more lenient with their children increased those odds. Well imagine that. I'm certainly going to download that report, very informative.Who would have known?
 I turned to my wife to give her this information in case she wasn't listening; she was. As we chuckled about the absurdity of that study I couldn't help but think, a study in common sense. And that is just what I think many of these so called studies are. We have these educated people toting their degrees around with them, thousands of dollars in depth , trying to figure out a way to use them. Then other educated people in charge of funds decide to give those folks a job, study common sense. They need to pay experts to figure out the obvious! We need a study in common sense.
 Later in the news it was reported that Colorado has profited, by a billion dollars, following the " legalization " of marijuana. That's correct, a billion dollars in taxes collected. Well just goes to show you what causes the general population will support, try raising a billion for ( insert your cause here. ) Also on the plus side it was reported there were fewer arrests! Imagine that if you will, you make it clear that you won't arrest folks for using pot then report the crime rate is down because you legalized pot! Oh, it was hopeful when first proposed, but now it has been proven. Success, a billion dollars in profit and fewer arrests. Well if that ain't a win/win I don't know what is.
 Maybe it's just me but I see these sort of reports all the time. Common sense answers being studied! I think it is because common sense has become somewhat uncommon. I'm not surprised by that given what the children today are being taught. You get to choose your gender is one example. Instead of teaching the children that if you are born a boy that's what you are, we are teaching them they can change that. They can choose and be celebrated for their choice! After all we now have parades, indeed entire months, devoted to celebrating a person's sexual preferences. I question, what are we celebrating? Common sense tells me what you do in the privacy of your home ain't my business. I don't need a study to show me that. Common sense also tells me if I display, in public, behaviors that offend the majority I will be met with hostility. Wow, who could have guessed that?
 Common sense is nothing more than seeing things are they are, then taking action based on that reality. Common sense isn't an extreme measure. Take the border wall as an example. We have literally thousands of people just walking across the border unimpeded. Build a wall! It's common sense. If the neighbors keep walking through your yard what would you do? Call the police, report the trespass. But it has been decided that these people have a right to walk through your backyard because they are seeking sanctuary. What do you do? Put up a fence! It's that simple isn't it? Yes, it is. A man shoots someone with a gun. Do you take the gun away or lock up the person? Common sense says lock the man up, the gun won't hurt anyone, it'll just stay wherever you put it until another person picks it up. If you don't want to have a baby, don't get pregnant! That's common sense. You know what isn't? Killing the baby. Yet that's what we are teaching the children today, it's a choice. And then people like myself wonder, what happened to common sense? We legislated that! We'll do a study and figure out what to do. Statistics never lie. The birth rate is the lowest he has been in thirty two years years. Well when you abort 92% of all unwanted babies that's bound to happen, it's common sense really. Killing well over 600,000 babies every year will lower the birth rate. Common sense. But it's legal, it's a choice. But, is it common sense? 

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