Saturday, June 8, 2019


 Voter ID, what an idea. I can't understand why anyone would object to that. Given the number of various permits, licenses, and other forms of identification already required why object to one more? You could get it at the DMV along with your driver's license. The documents you have to produce to satisfy them are more than sufficient proof that you are eligible to vote in the United States. Well, notwithstanding the current trend to issue a license to undocumented illegal aliens! Or you could get one at the post office, along with your passport photo. What of the cost? Well, it's tax deductible. Or if you show proof of eligibility, it would be free, you know like school breakfasts and lunches. I'm certain it could be figured out. I can't see any reasonable objection to having a voter ID card. I remember when I didn't need ID to get into the school. Those days are long gone.
 Everyone knows that a certain percentage of votes cast each election are fraudulent. It isn't a question of if, it's a question of how many. The deceased have been known to cast their ballots. Others have been known to have voted at several polling places, almost at the same time. It's a fact, voter fraud happens each election cycle. If an ID would eliminate even a small portion of that it is well worth it. And now there are those that would eliminate the electoral college, relying solely on the popular vote! Given the amount of fraud going on that would only exacerbate the situation. The electoral college was created to establish a balance between rural and urban areas. Eliminate that and the large urban areas win the election every time, the heartland of America has no say by virtue of sheer numbers. Remember we have a Republic for a reason. A Republic, a government of the people, by the people, for the people! All the people, not just those living in the cities! But that is a whole discussion in itself.
 I think the time is well past due. We should all be required to have a voter ID. If you wish to vote, get that ID. I laugh at those that complain. It's my right! Yes, it's a right guaranteed by the constitution. If you truly value that right you should want to protect it. A part of that would be getting that ID. It isn't an inconvenience! You know what is? All those men and women that have fought and died defending that constitution, that right. All those men and women that have served this nation in the armed forces preserving that freedom. Now that is inconvenient! I think you can find the time between election cycles to obtain that ID. 

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