Friday, May 31, 2019

making changes

 There are times when what we want is a change. Thing is, at the same time we want things to stay the same. Do you know what I mean by that? You don't want to be distanced from the people you love, you don't really want massive changes, you just want a change. That's why people go on vacation. Vacations give us that change. But vacations only last for a short time and there are times that just doesn't satisfy. We need a longer time frame, a more enduring change. It's a bit of a conundrum. I expect those with a lot of money just keep taking vacations, maybe that's why they buy several houses, I've always wondered about that.That way you are always going home. A change without changing.
 That's the whole problem with changing, you have to change. You have to leave the familiar, the comfortable, and put yourself in new situations. Part of that is being accepted into those new situations. You can't just barge in and interject yourself into situations. Well, you can when others in the group expect something from you in return. But the real issue is changing yourself to fit into those new situations. Can you change the nature of your character? I would think it is possible, but I also think it would take a major event of some kind to precipitate such. You have to allow it. That's where the saying, go with the flow, originates. It's a difficult thing to do when you are one that isn't used to doing that. That's change.  You can view it as a challenge or a disruption. It can also be a challenging disruption! It's all very confusing at times.
 There are time when we feel like a change but what we want is an escape. When we just want to walk away, but, we want to take everything with us too. Hey, I need my stuff. It's nice to dream about going off to the mountains or to the shore and taking up residence. A new way of living, an escape. And that way is always carefree. You may envision not having much, but you will have happiness. You don't need money or material things to be happy. Except you get hungry and need shelter, then money comes in handy.
 I think there are times when all we want is to be needed. Even when we go on vacation, to entertain ourselves, we feel needed. Certainly wherever you are vacationing the folks there need you. Tourist dollars are very important, essential in some areas. You are treated differently, if only while spending that money. Combine that with the knowledge that you are going somewhere, doing what you want to do, and you feel " empowered. " Empowered is the watchword of the day. I feel empowered, you feel empowered, we can even empower others! It's a wonderful thing. There are moments when I'm composing these blogs that I feel empowered! I can write whatever I like. The pen is mightier than the sword. Still, you have to guard against counter-attack. But I'm getting off track a bit.
 What I'm talking about is control. We all want to be in control. It is far more important to some than to others. Traditionally men were in control. That is surely changing, although it hasn't entirely disappeared. Governments are formed to exercise control over societies. You do need someone in control of it all. In your life how much control do you really have? In America we call that freedom. Freedom to act as we see fit! That's freedom, but even freedom has limits.
 What limits that Freedom? Laws, to an extent, limit that freedom to act. It is a necessity to avoid conflict. We all know these famous words, " all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men " It is the securing of your rights that ensures freedom, not the exercising of free will. Government acts as a restraint against that. And I say we all have our own internal government, controlled by the consent of the governed, just as the federal government is controlled by the consent of the governed. If we allow our own personal government to run unchecked, chaos will result. Soon our lives are out of control. And perhaps that is the greatest challenge of all, to govern ourselves. It can be a temptation, to just change our constitution, but that is not to be entered into on a whim or for convenience. When is it necessary to make a change? When something isn't working is the short answer. But let's not rush to judgement. If that something worked in the past, why isn't it working today? Do we need to change the " something " or do we need to change ourselves?   

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