Friday, May 10, 2019

Life is good

 An old friend I hadn't seen in twenty three years passed through my neck of the woods yesterday evening. It wasn't unexpected, I had been anticipating his arrival for some time. I surely wasn't disappointed. We took a quick trip back to the late sixties, early 70's. Yes, I realize that was in the last century. We talked of the old times and better days. We did pick up the conversation from where we had last left off. As I said I hadn't seen him in twenty three years and that was at our twenty fifth high school class reunion. Fact is, there weren't many of us there, and now I know we are fewer still. It's always sad to hear of the passing of old classmates and old acquaintances. Still it is all a part of life and I am fortunate to be around, I remind myself of that every now and again.
 I think that everything happens for a reason. We don't always know what the reason is and may never know but it isn't important. I wonder sometimes if our lives aren't just a series of random events. Sure we think we have it all under control, we have our plans and our dreams. Truth is, it seldom goes the way we expect it to. But old friends add stability in an otherwise uncertain world. That is especially true when you discover that things haven't really changed all that much. Whatever force it was that brought you together with those old friends, remains strong. The old bond holds on like gorilla glue! It's a comfort. And I have to say I came away encouraged. The world is as it should be; for a few moments anyway.
 And so we made some plans for the future and said goodbye once again. For whatever reason fate brought us together for a few hours. It was just a brief exchange, an acknowledgement of a friendship. It is good to know that our friendship endures. Perhaps that is all this meeting was supposed to be; this time. I am looking forward to a longer visit one day. We are both retired now, and that is a revelation in itself. Who would have thought it all those years ago. We certainly never gave any of that a thought. When we were young we believe we are going to live forever and life is just something you do. And now you understand that life is something to treasure. It is good to meet with a fellow traveler, another that knows where your journey began. It is only when you know where you began that you can appreciate where you are now. Ah, old friends, a reaffirmation. Life is good. 


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