Friday, May 3, 2019

Funny stuff

 Really? We have a member of the U.S. Congress bringing fried chicken to the house chambers. The intent was to call AG Barr a chicken! Really, isn't that a classic case of bullying? Isn't that what the liberal left would call that if I were to do that in a high school cafeteria, or some other place? Wouldn't I be called a bully and that's terrible! Is this the example we want to set for our children? I'm certain the lids will pick up on this via Twitter, Face Time or whatever the kids are using these days. It's hilarious right? And then parents and educators will wonder why their children become bullies. Just where did they get that from?
 I've seen a lot of stupid stuff in my day, I've even done stupid stuff in my day, and most likely will do more stupid stuff, but that one has to take the cake. Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee brings a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Being from Tennessee it is ironic that he brought chicken from Kentucky. But this is the Politics of today right? Really, that's the best response you have. I'll eat a bucket of fried chicken and call AG Barr names. What has happened here? Just what has happened? It's one thing to filibuster, to argue, to obstruct the process, demand this or that. Name calling and accusations are flying all over the place. Now, we resort to bullying! Like children in the schoolyard that is the response! Where I a Democrat I would certainly distance myself from those antics. Really?
 With that one act Representative Cohen has discarded all pretext of civility. Used to be our politicians would at least present a modicum of decorum, make an effort. Obviously that is no more that has become increasingly clear. Did any of his constituents object? None that I heard about. In fact Nancy Pelosi gave him her full support!
 I don't know, it just makes me shake my head and wonder. Were are we headed? In the hollowed halls of Congress was a frequent phrase. Are those halls hallowed today? No, the members of congress have turned those halls into a circus. Or maybe I should say more like the halls in a high school. They are certainly acting like a bunch of spoiled children. No wonder the rest of the world has begun laughing at us. They certainly don't take us very seriously anymore. No, all they take is our money which we willingly give away. They invade us at will, with the support of  the very people they wish to dominate. Those same people grant them privileges and benefits that our own citizens can't get! And now we have a member of Congress, a representative from the state of Tennessee, eating fried chicken to insult and bully the Attorney General. Funny stuff indeed. I believe as a public figure you have a responsibility to maintain a professional demeanor. It's part of the job! And that's all I have to say about that. 

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