Thursday, May 30, 2019

surviving time

 I woke up thinking about this; today my grandson is going to his last day of high school. I remember being there when he went to pre-school, that very first day, when Mom had to let go. I have been there every step of the way and today that ends. It has been a very successful journey. Graduating as a member of the National Honor Society, scholarships in hand, he will be headed for Stevenson University in the fall. And judging by the last 18 years that will be tomorrow! A full range of emotion is circling in my head. But the one emotion that surfaces most often is Pride. I'm so proud of his accomplishments and proud to be his grandfather.
 Mark is a level headed your man, always has been. Not given to following fad and fashion or jumping on the bandwagon, he has always gone his own way. An amicable enough fellow he is well liked by all, notwithstanding a few old girlfriends. As I said he is not one to just go along with the crowd and when he stopped by last night I had noticed his car wasn't ready for that last day of school. I had anticipated that and bought some window chalk earlier in the day. Sure enough there was no writing on his windows, no graduate 2019, or anything! A few hours after he had gone home I slipped over to his house to correct that. I parked my car at the neighbors house and walked over, in stealth mode. Well, good thing I didn't take up burglary as a career, I was busted! As I started to write on the rear window of his vehicle out the door he comes. Grinning ear to ear he says, what are you doing?  Well, we both laughed and I continued with the plan. I think he enjoyed it anyway. Maybe he was even expecting such, he has always been a little suspicious of Grandpa. Never quite certain what I might do or say. I like it that way.
 There are a few more events to attend. A dinner and awards ceremony tonight. June the 5th is the big day, the day he receives that diploma. Oh, one day next week all the seniors will travel to their elementary schools for a graduation walk. I had never heard of that before but it sounds like fun. It would be fun to walk through and see your old teachers, and they would be older now, and thank them. It is also supposed to serve as inspiration for the kids. Yup, next week wraps up high school. I still have his younger sister and her cousin to look forward too.
 So that is what is on my mind as I sit here and reflect upon the past. I moved here and watched my own sons walk those halls. I watched as they graduated from that school. Now I'm seeing the grandson follow in those footsteps and it is a comfort. Roots are starting to run a bit deeper. History is being recorded. Two generations in the book. I wonder if there will be a third? With Mark going off to college with the goal of becoming an attorney will he return to Greensboro to raise his children? It seems unlikely. HIs sister Morgan is already talking of college and pursuing a degree in physical therapy. Perhaps she will remain in the area. The future is uncertain and there are no guarantees in life. I'll just have to be patient. Could be that God knows that and that is why time speeds up as you age. Another mercy. Time and relativity. Einstein thought a lot about that. Time, the longer you are here, the shorter it gets, and faster! The only way you survive is through your relatives, most notably grandchildren.
Mark, with Mom and Dad. 

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