Saturday, May 4, 2019

the news

 Remember when the business of the news was to inform? Now it is centered around entertaining us. The business of the news, is business. That is the reason the news is more about opinion than actual fact. The bias in the news is readily apparent to anyone that pays attention to what is really happening in the world. The various news agencies gear their " product " toward specific demographics attempting to capture the market. And the word market isn't a misnomer, they are trying to sell you! That is done in response to the advertisers.
 I recall being in high school and having to read the papers. It was required that students be aware of current events. The paper would report the story and it was up to you to determine what that meant. You had to go to the editorial section if you wanted an opinion. You could watch the evening news as well. At the end of the program Walter would give you his thoughts on the subject, ending with, that's the way it is! It was clear that was his opinion as well. The object was to inform.
 Then came the internet. The decline in newspaper circulation forced the papers to make changes. No longer could they afford to just report the news, no, they needed something more. They needed to entertain. A role traditionally filled by the National Enquirer or the The Star. We all knew those stories weren't necessarily factual but they were entertaining. So, that's what the big papers started doing, although they try to disguise that. Reports, studies and polls are often sighted as evidence for this opinion or that opinion. Of course polls, reports and studies are available to support just about any position you should choose to adopt. For that reason we must turn to the demographics! What will the market bear? To whom will we market this product? The big papers, especially the New York Times knows its' reader base are liberals. For that reason the Times supports every liberal candidate and idea proposed regardless of viability or feasibility. As long as they buy the paper it's fine.
 Now the newspapers own the television shows as well. The media moguls! They have begun to dominate the internet as well, Well revenue has always played a major role in all of this, that can't be denied. The difference being it is blatant these days. Few try to disguise that. No longer is the concern for journalistic integrity, it is just business now. Oh the reporters like to make a big show of that, calling themselves warriors of justice and all that. Truth is, it is a fight for a job. Ever notice how the best known reporters are the ones that report on nonsense. Think Jeraldo Rivera. Everyone knows that name. Name a national news anchor today. It's a bit difficult isn't it? Mention Walter Cronkite or David Brinkley and most will know who they were. Does any news anchor today enjoy that respect? Nope, not even close. Charlie Rose had a shot until he was accused of sexual assault by three different women. He's toast.
 As I listen to the news today it sounds more like a conversation in the bar. It's cool man, and I'm dropping the news. They don't inform, they present opinions. They tend to support the liberal agenda, at least in my market they do. Political correctness is the top priority. And now the news is on for two hours! Thing is they say the same thing over and over again. You can get whatever news they are offering in the first ten minutes! Is this an attempt to have us learn by rote. Just keep repeating the same narrative. After a while the people will believe it!
 Well if you want to control the people you have to control their thoughts. The easiest way to do that is to tell them what to think. Independent thought is a dangerous thing. What if the people wake up to the fact that they are being lied to? Can't have that, can we? No, we need to keep folks entertained in some fashion to distract them from the real issue. Scandal works well. Feigned outrage and indignation is also a useful tool. Of course the best thing is to convince your viewers that they are somehow being victimized! Nothing beats that vigilante attitude if you can get that started up.  Nothing beats righteous indignation! It's not you, it's someone else that is wrong and you need to do something about that! Get on board and go along with the narrative. It's not your fault.
 When I was younger I really didn't enjoy the news. I listened more out of habit than anything else. I was informed about current events. Yes, there were times I found it boring, times it just wasn't that interesting to me. That was especially true as it related to international news. I wasn't concerned with what was happening in foreign nations. They had their own problems and we have ours. And now I find myself wanting to know more about current events but getting entertainment instead. I'm not entertained! Well, what are you going to do? 

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