Wednesday, May 15, 2019

feeling amused

 I do get a kick out of some things, like posting a comment on the New York Times, and watching those liberals go crazy. I know, it's rather like teasing the animals at the zoo, but it is amusing. Yesterday the big topic was the trade tariffs. I did a little reading to educate myself just a bit and left my comment. My comment was, I'm betting 99% of the people making these comments know as much as I do about international trade. It was then the comments started flying my direction. I was immediately labeled as a Trump supporter and an ignorant ape! Found that amusing and answered with my new favorite quote, " If you can't answers a mans' question, all is not lost, you can always call him vile names. " It was then I was told that I'm probably not a man. Well, I let that slide as liberals often have trouble with the whole gender thing, so. But I restrained from making any further comment and just kept reading the comments as they rolled in. And they kept coming in most of the day. It's rather flattering really, so many people agitated about my opinion. Surely they feel my opinion held some merit or they wouldn't waste time responding, defending their opinion. The funny part was I hadn't given an opinion on the tariff at all. All I said was, I'm betting 99% of the people making these comments know as much as I do about international trade. I didn't say how much I felt I knew or how little, for that matter.
 I do read and try to get informed a bit about things I have no experience with international trade agreements, tariffs, taxes. All that has never been a concern of mine. That's probably because I'm not in the import/export business. I just buy goods as I want or need them. Like the majority of the population I try to find my items at the best possible price. I'll say I won't buy Chinese products, or this company, or that company, but I still do when the price is right. That's just the reality. Guess maybe I'm in the minority after all if those comments on the New York Times are all true. All those folks seemed to be experts on that stuff! Just why they haven't settled the whole world trade issue is beyond me, they sure had all the answers!
 Now I've already said I really don't know much about this stuff. I do know a few things though. The first thing I know for sure is, we buy stuff made in China because it is cheaper than making it here. Don't have to have a degree in business to understand that, people want the lowest price. I also understand why China can produce those products cheaper. It's because of their government regulations, they don't have many. Workers are not the top concern either, they are replaceable. Another thing I know is, we can make anything here that China can make. That's why China is always trying to steal our technology, it's cheaper to steal it, than develop it. Only problem is, making it here costs more and as a result the American consumer is going to pay more. So, we buy the cheaper Chinese product. Damn, that's an inconvenient truth isn't it? Those liberals sure get upset about that fact. And now, because of the tariffs the Chinese aren't going to buy our soy beans! Yeah okay, but the thing is they can't manufacture them either. Just where are they going to get them? People need to eat. Bottom line is, I can live without the toy in my Happy Meal but you can't live without food! Damn, another inconvenient fact. Well call it American exceptionalism if you like but I think we can do just fine without China! China needs us, we don't need China! If they don't want to play fairly, I'm taking my ball and going home. It's really simple. But, of course, as I said I really don't know much about all of this.
 These liberals are an amusing bunch. Every one of them is an expert in international trade agreements. They can't decide on gender issues, that's too confusing, but tariffs, now they know about that! Is a fetus a baby? Liberals don't know or can't decide on that. They do know it is a choice to kill that baby though, it's a right because a woman has a uterus! The man has nothing to say about any of that because, well, he has a penis! That negates any opinion he may have. It's a rule. Another liberal rule is, if anyone opposes you, call them names. Ignore the facts, ignore all of that, just call them names and accuse them of vile acts! Of course those same liberals support the very same vile acts as a choice when it is convenient to do so. Heck we will even hold a parade to celebrate that if you promise to vote for me. Well that's the thing with liberals, it's all about the individual. Pay no attention to the needs of the many, focus only on what you want. Government by appeasement. That's the liberal agenda. As long as I can keep you quiet, I can control you. The easiest way to do that is to give you whatever you want. Works every time, as long as you believe you had a choice. You don't need to know anything, just choose what sounds good. I want my cheap Chinese stuff! Trump is destroying the economy! He's probably making a fortune on this. Better investigate. Ah, liberals, they are like the animals in the zoo, a curiosity. They can be dangerous though. 

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