Sunday, May 5, 2019

Opinionated or Informed?

 Many things in this world are subject to opinion. And just what is an opinion? The dictionary defines it as a view or judgement of something not necessarily based in fact. But then we have to decide what is a fact. Facts must be provable right? Or are facts also generally accepted judgments? It's not good to be too hot or too cold, is that a fact? Some people enjoy both to varying degrees, no pun intended. So what do we form our opinions with? I think it is with personal experience, common sense, and what we have been told. When it comes to what we are told, that would have to be quantified by saying what we believe, or accept as true. I've found my opinion seldom changes. There are some that believe that to be a fault. Unless something has changed regarding whatever it is I have the opinion about, I don't see any reason to change it. Let's just say I don't change my opinion based on popular sentiment, fad or fashion. No, I tend to form my opinion and stick with that. There are many out there that are easily swayed based on the current situation. What I mean is, the popular answer at the time.
  I guess I'm just not one for the standard answers. I have never seen the challenge in learning those. All you have to do is remember. Forming an opinion however, that takes some thought. Adopting other people's opinions doesn't require much thought at all. It's certainly the easier path to take, no doubt about that. The problem with that being you are constantly changing your opinion. And with me, if you have a different opinion every time I talk to you, I begin to doubt your sincerity. Being genuine is what I'm talking about. Each of us are unique individuals, our experiences different, our perspective different. We should arrive at different opinions, for different reasons. I also believe you should be prepared to defend your opinion. If it isn't worth defending, it isn't worth having! That's my thinking anyway. Strength of conviction is what it is often called, at least when that opinion is aligned with your own. When that opinion is in opposition to yours we use different terms to describe that. That's often when the expletives and name calling makes its' appearance. There opinion is wrong! That's the way it works.
 I recently had occasion to reiterate an opinion I've held for forty nine years. That opinion remains unchanged. I found that I was still defending that opinion, it being a very unpopular one. Exactly what that opinion is isn't important to this discussion and so I will not mention it. I was somewhat amazed that so many had such a strong opinion about an event that happened so many years ago. Some of those with an opinion weren't even alive when the event took place. Yes, my opinion remains unchanged, but my issue was in the reporting of the event. The event was reported merely from the sensational point of view! It was reported that way forty nine years ago and that hasn't changed in all these years. It is an example of how history gets so distorted. That's my opinion. Just latch onto the sensational, the shocking, or the unusual and report that result. The how and why of it isn't important, just the result. Results without explaining the initial cause. It's like repeating the standard answer. You may be correct, but you have no idea why. It is what I was told! If everyone else says it, it must be true.
 I believe there are standard answers. In fact I am frequently called out on that. I am told that things aren't black and white, there is no right and wrong. That comes from the people telling me I am wrong. It comes from those folks that refuse to form their own opinion and stick with that. Those folks often quote other people as proof of their convictions. If so and so said it, it must be true. Well because famous people are smarter than the rest of us right? Works that way with rich folks and athletes too. Thing here is, there are no standard answers when it comes to opinions. Opinions are judgments not necessarily based in fact. And today the narrative is what? Don't judge, make no judgments. So what is that message? Don't form any opinions, get with the program and follow the leader. If you don't you will be labeled as opinionated! Opinionated isn't a good thing! What's the implication there?  Informed is better. Isn't that what we are told? The control of information is what rules the world!
 I have no point here. I'm just expressing my opinion. The thing is, I don't form my opinions based on popularity.   

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