Thursday, May 16, 2019


  Yesterday I posted a favorite quote: A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. " ( John Barrymore ) It is a thought that has lingered with me for some time and surfaces every now and again. Yesterday was one of those times. The wisdom in those words impressed me and the truth of it is sobering. If we allow regrets to replace dreams we do indeed become old!  The number of years has little to do with that. If you believe that life is eternal, years matter not at all. Can our dreams only be fulfilled in this life? Do our dreams die with us? If they do, then eternity would have to be consumed with regret. Is that the hell spoken of by so many?
 The secret lies in defining our dreams. Or, should I say, understanding our dreams. Just what is it that you want from this life? Is it wealth, fame, property or something else. I think it is a safe to say that everyone wants to be remembered. For that reason we should strive to be memorable. It is the pursuit of that, that will define our dreams.
 Is your dream something to be accomplished? If it is, what happens when you achieve that? Wouldn't you then have to have a new dream? Absolutely, and I think that is pointed out in that statement. Notice it says the place of " dreams." A man should have many dreams. But if the goal is to be remembered, and I think it is, how can we ever know that? We would have to be here to know that. Isn't that what popularity is all about? If you are a popular person will you be remembered? Well at least you feel like you will be, certainly you are recognized. So what is the goal? To be recognized or remembered? Are they the same thing? No, I don't think they are.
 It is the holding of the dream that is important. It isn't the fulfillment of your dream. That's because the best dreams benefit others, not yourself. It is the benefit to others that will be remembered. In that way, you are remembered. That happens whether you are aware of it or not. Regrets are the result of perceived failures. What we need to understand is that things aren't always what they seem to be. What is the root of that regret? Is it because you failed to satisfy someone else, or because you failed to satisfy yourself? What is your dream? Understand that and you will have found peace. Perhaps, eternal peace. 

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