Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Not fooled

 It has become my habit to write my thoughts early every morning. I just write about whatever happens to be on my mind. The past few days my mind has been occupied by the same few thoughts. I don't have anything new to add to those thoughts having stated my opinions on several occasions already. My mind hasn't changed at all, I stay fixed on my conclusion. Abortion is premeditated murder. I make no apology for that, as I believe that firmly. No matter how one wishes to redefine that action, under what circumstance or condition, it is not changing the action. The premeditated taking of a life. 
 I understand this issue is on my mind because it is in the news so much. The media will call it reporting, social awareness, and any number of things. The truth, as far as the media goes is that it increases sales or viewership. It's sensational stuff! I was aware of Roe V Wade when that legislation was passed in 1973. Many warned us back then that it would turn into a form of birth control. That is exactly what has occurred. 98.6% of all abortions performed are elective. Nothing wrong with the mother or the baby, just that the baby is unwanted. But why has this issue risen again? What forces have brought this once again into the consciousness of society in general? 
 It is my thinking this has resurfaced solely as a political tool. It is another device to divide the nation. It has been said what is tolerated today will become the norm tomorrow. Since 1973 there have been legalized abortions. I'd say it has become the norm, wouldn't you? That's not to say whether it is right or wrong, just that it has become the normal thing. And now, the threat has been issued, we will withdraw that permission! Something is to be taken away. And no one wants things taken away right? No, once we have something, become accustomed to it, accept it as a part of normal everyday life, we must retain it! There are even laws that say so. Consider a divorce, the woman must be allowed to live the life she has grown accustomed to! You hear that all the time. Hey, she is used to that, you can't take it away. If the government takes that away, what else might they take away? Why having an abortion is a right! The Supreme Court said so! No matter what Roe V Wade actually ruled the belief is that it legalized abortion and confirmed it as a right! But it is as John Adams pointed out, " the abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party faction, and division of society. " 
 What did he mean by that? Changing the meaning of words to suit the situation you wish to create. Yes, we can abuse words and politicians do that as their stock in trade, along with salesmen. Sophistry is a word I had to look up, I wasn't familiar with that. It means using subtly deceptive reasoning or arguments that appears correct, but are actually wrong. The intent is to deceive. Consider the word terminate. We are going to terminate a pregnancy. What we are really saying is, we are going to kill the baby. (Sophistry) Chicanery is using trickery to achieve a goal. Party faction is a subsection of a political party, ie: the power bloc or voting blocs. And division of society is self explanatory. Amazing how John Adams was able to describe exactly what is happening today. The basics in life really do not change much over time. The character of man remains basically the same. It is what all our Gods talk about and instruct us in.
 The object here is to change the social conscience. There are those that will employ sophistry and chicanery to achieve their goals. Even those that so adamantly support the idea of abortion on demand feel a tug at their conscience. That is because they inherently know that it is wrong. It goes against the nature of man. For that reason they feel the need, the absolute desire, to change the words. To seek some justification. But what these folks fail to realize is that is not the real issue being addressed. The real issue is power and control. The real issue is obtaining the vote. That will be pursued by all means necessary. All this is nothing but a distraction, a bit of chicanery. I'm not fooled a bit.    

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