Wednesday, January 31, 2018

where once we prayed

 A picture I had taken appeared on my " on this day " feature on Facebook. I do enjoy seeing what I had posted in years past, what was on my mind. I have discovered there are a few recurring themes. One of them is religion, faith, belief and the conduct of the same. It is a subject I never tire of discussing and my views have changed little since I was a young man. I don't see that as a bad thing although many will say so. But that is a theme of the modern world, if you don't change your mind or views, you are probably wrong. Me, I call it commitment. I believe you do have to commit yourself if you wish to be successful in the long run. Yes you can make short term advances by making the popular choices but in the long run that strategy seldom works. Consistency in thought and action is what is required.
 Anyway this picture was of a old country church. I just happened to pass this church on my way somewhere. It caught my eye and I stopped to take a picture. I'm certain some photographer has taken a collection of such pictures depicting country churches. I have seen such books of barns and boats. I have stopped several times to take a snapshot when the church moves me to do so. The majority of these churches do not appear to be in active use. At least one is listed as a National Historic Landmark, according to the sign placed there by the state of Maryland. I am struck each time I see one of these churches by a sense of loneliness. The shell is there but nothing remains inside. The voices remain silent and the air is still. What words were spoken there, what joy and sorrow shared ? These are the things that travel through my thoughts when I see these places. A connection, almost a portal to the past.
 In yesterdays posting I wrote briefly of families and the role they used to play in society. These little churches were like small families. They sprouted up in neighborhoods across America. They were among the first buildings erected. The church and the schoolhouse. Both existed for the benefit of the families living there. As the town grew into cities more churches were built. The neighborhoods with greater wealth began building bigger churches. Was that a sign of their piety or their wealth ? I believe a little of both. With a larger church, a larger family, diversity becomes more prevalent. Along with diversity comes change. Change in the practices we keep and the views we adopt. We are now reaching a point were families no longer gather in these places. Perhaps more poignant to me is it appears they are gathering more for entertainment than enlightenment. A theme I wrote about some time back. I asked then, do you go to church as a celebrant or a supplicant ? It is the same division that exists in America today, only the parishioners are labeled liberals and conservatives.
 I see the little country churches as families disappearing. I see the family in America changing as well. How long before that institution fades into the past ? Will families become a source of curiosity ? Certainly we have seen some fundamental changes in the construction of our families. Is this because we can no longer decide upon a blueprint ? Have we changed our minds and methods so drastically that the original intent and purpose has been lost ? Where once we gathered to pray dust and cobwebs now reside. Some, like myself, stop to stare in the windows and wonder. Where has the family gone ? What has caused such a rift in humanity. This is only the tip as I have heard of a church where you are encouraged to bring your gun ! Let that sink in for a while. I have seen " churches " that have a sound stage and the whole service is a staged production. I went to church to be refreshed, not exhausted by jubilation.
 The church, the house of he Lord should be humble and plain. It just seems right. The great cathedrals of the world were constructed to show the power of the church they represented. They were intended to create awe ! Much like the wealthy build mansions to display that commodity the church does the same. I'm not saying God doesn't reside there, for he certainly does, my Bible tells me so.
 The connection to God is an intimate one. That is my belief. The new trend in religion and religious belief is to be born again. It is my belief I was born by the power of the Lord, it is he that places the soul into living flesh. I don't need to be born again. I do need to establish an intimate relationship with my creator. That is the free will I was given, that unconditional love. Those old country churches were certainly intimate settings for worship. Strangely, as a child I never attended a service in a little country church. My church is an imposing stone edifice. It is no where near a country church. So to be honest about all of this, it is just speculation on my part. Just a flight of fancy. Not a longing for what was, but an image of what may have been. A former life perhaps ?  

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Shadows cast

 I slept in a bit this morning and am running late. I'm only late by my own internal clock as I have nowhere to be, the benefit of being retired. I have always considered myself a fairly adaptive person and I have adapted to this idea of retirement without issue. There are times when I question why that should be. I listen to others say how much they miss their job, being productive and all of that. I don't miss working, at all. That is nothing new, I don't remember ever being excited about going to work. Even after twenty years in the Navy I didn't feel regret that it was time to retire and move on. I gave a little speech, as is the custom for retiring members, and I mentioned then they only thing I would miss were the people. Turns out, I'm not missing them all that much either. Truth is I have never kept a large circle of friends and question those that do. In my estimation I'm just a little too honest for that and it tends to turn people off.
 All of that has to do with identifying yourself. That's what I read and hear about a lot these days. I identify as this or that. In the past a man was identified by his job, his chosen vocation. It identified his station and status in society. The whole power and money thing. Women were identified in much the same way although it was usually a vicarious association. We are all familiar with the expression, " behind every successful man stands a woman pushing him forward." As with most analogies and anecdotes there is some truth behind it. That was true during a time when families were the predominant force in society. Think the Rockefellers, Kennedys', and that sort of thing. Their strength was dependent upon the family base. Independent wealth has all but destroyed that model. Today fame and/or fortune is the driving force. Think folks like BeyoncĂ©, Oprah, Bill Gates, and numerous sports figures. These folks are driving what society adopts as acceptable. It is the reason for all these " changes " in fundamental philosophy. Remove families from the equation and the motivation for loyalty, trust and cooperation is removed as well. It's every man or woman for themselves. Heck, we can even change that by saying you don't even need to decide what you are ! We'll call it " identifying.  "
 I do think about this stuff and wonder. I wonder why others find it so important to identify themselves to others ? I think I've always known who I am. I think I learned to accept that many years ago, somewhere in my youth. I can think of no one defining moment, no great revelation, just an acceptance. I also think that is why I am so adaptive. I can get along with just about anyone, for a while. I have learned that circumstance is a transient thing. Give it time, it'll change. I have always known that acceptance is what brings peace of mind. You don't have to like what is, just learn to accept it. That isn't to say you can't work to change it, just that you have to accept the reality first. Once you gain an understanding of the reality you can begin to define the possibilities. Are all things possible ? We can't say they aren't. So we say they are. What are the probabilities ? That is a far different question and not easily answered. Probability exists when some variables are known. We can't see the future and so there is uncertainty. I am one that proceeds on the possibilities. I try to do what is possible for me. Possibilities vary with each individual. Assess the  possible and act accordingly is my advice. You hear people say, don't sell yourself short, but I don't believe that is possible. What that person is saying is, I believe you can do more. It is a perception they have, not to be confused with your own. It is encouragement, not admonishment. We are told since birth to pursue our dreams. I would say, " Dreams are the shadows cast by possibilities. "  

Monday, January 29, 2018

liberty lost

 Okay, I admit it, I sometimes amuse myself by posting my opinion on websites like MSN. I did just that yesterday and went about my day knowing that some would react unfavorably to my comments. I wasn't disappointed. I'm thinking that is what a true troll would do and having been called such in the past I wouldn't want to disappoint. Really, I had some stuff I wanted to do and so didn't hang around long enough to see the results of my cast. When I returned the bait had been taken.
 My opinion was concerning whether convicted Felons should get their right to vote reinstated following their punishment. I remarked in the negative. I feel that once you forfeit that right in the commission of a felony, you forfeit that right forever. Time served, restitution or parole isn't enough in my estimation. That opinion was met with all the usual rancor, name calling and judgement I imagined it would be. I was immediately labeled a Trump supporter, a Republican. old, white, privileged and lacking in empathy. People that have never met me or even heard my name before began telling me about my whole life ! They even knew who I voted for ! My only response was to inform those folks that I found them amusing. I explained that is what I thought of their opinion, that they were an amusement only. I didn't hear anything further from any of them. Amazingly the majority of them seemed to be Constitutional scholars referencing the Tenth Amendment, or perhaps they were all defense lawyers, their knowledge of law was indeed extensive. Some obviously felt that serving your sentence included having an Epiphany.
 Is the later that I take exception too and the reason I say you should not get those voting rights back. The right to vote is a serious responsibilty. When that right is bestowed upon you by virtue of Citizenship and age a trust is placed in your hands. Committing a felonious act is a breach of that trust. By committing that act you are exposing your true character. When you choose you own self interest above the law there is a price to pay. Trust once broken can never be repaired, at least not for the most serious of offenses it can't. Yes, I'm talking about morality and ethics. Both of those qualities are called into question when you commit a crime.
 Why was that punishment instituted in the first place ? Why was the right to vote revoked ? The answer is a simple one. It is because you can not be trusted to exercise good sound moral and ethical judgement. It was intended to be a deterrent ! Now we all laugh and scoff at such a notion in the modern world. After all what criminal considers the punishment before committing the crime ? I understand that but does that change the crime ? No it certainly doesn't and that is why we have defense lawyers. Defense lawyers represent the guilty and the innocent. Their primary purpose is to do what ? They either prove innocence or attempt to lessen the severity of the crime. There are times when there are extenuating circumstances. I think in this day and age there are plenty of avenues open to everyone and resorting to crime is nothing more than a shortcut. No one needs to rob a store at gunpoint for a loaf of bread anymore.
 John Adams famously said, " Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. " Morality, ethics and responsibilty were central themes in the founding of this nation. There was much talk of liberty. What is liberty ? To those founders of the country, and that includes everyone, we call them patriots today,  a major portion of liberty was the right to vote. In fact it was a central premise. We have to remember before that, under English rule, you didn't get a vote, no say whatsoever. So yes those folks were very much aware of the responsibilty that came with liberty. Liberty did not make you free, liberty bestowed responsibilty upon you, an obligation to act in a moral fashion. Their morality was rooted in religion. It wasn't rooted in one particular manner of faith however, thus the separation of church and state, but the golden rule was central. To them the exercise of religion was acting in a moral and ethical fashion. Sadly many choose to act immorally and irresponsibly despite this obligation.
 That is why I say you do not get the right to vote back. You have shown me that you chose crime over responsibilty. You were willing to sacrifice your liberty for personal gain. After having a fair trial it was determined that you were guilty. Liberty was lost. Liberty lost can not be regained. It is that loss of Liberty that was so dear to those patriots and that is why they attached it to the most serious of crimes. I can forgive, I can't forget. None of us should ever forget the cost of liberty. When you can't pay up, its' lost.       

Sunday, January 28, 2018

same thing

 You know I'm thinking if your happiness depends on changes, you ain't never going to be happy. I think consistency brings happiness. Knowing what to expect is a rather comforting thing. It is that way with your daily routine and that way with the people you surround yourself with. You may let others in your circle only to find out they just are unsteady. Those folks I just let move down the road. I may run into them again but I might not. Thing is, it doesn't make a difference. And that is my point here, don't just make a change, make a difference. Just making changes, going along with the flow so to speak, isn't necessarily making a difference. It may indeed usher in some changes but that doesn't mean they're good ones. Yes, I believe that not all changes are for the better. I really am a stay the course sorta guy. Easy to figure me out if you know me. You can also count on me to respond in pretty much the same way every time. Never one for fad or fashion I prefer tried and true.
 The trend I'm seeing that I find troubling is this propensity to change everything. In doing so we are removing the norms, the things that comfort us and we are seeing the results of this daily. We changed the way we raise our children. Mom isn't home taking care of the children, families are often just a mis-match of parents, siblings, half-siblings, relatives and whoever. We send our children to structured " activities " these days. Everyone belongs to the club and everyone gets the prize. Children are free to call parents by their given names, teachers are not respected, authority in general is not respected, and fighting against authority is encouraged. It's all about rights, not responsibilities.
Indeed we are changing our entire society to one where traditional morality is frowned upon. Now we are changing to an attitude of, whatever feels good , just do it. Break the law until the law is broken is a common stratagem these days. If you don't agree with the law keep violating that law until it becomes too costly to enforce and then legalize whatever it is. That's how we make changes these days. Change isn't based on needs, change is based on wants.
 You could say this has been true of every generation and you wouldn't be wrong. It is a surprising thing to those of us that attain seniority. Is it a questioning of our methods that causes this concern ? Yes I believe that it is and that is a normal part of the process. We do have years of experience to draw upon. The only issue is there are those in the senior bracket that haven't learned a thing. They are the ones that concentrated on changing everything instead of concentrating on what was. Many will tell you they were being proactive. Fact is they should have been reactive. In short,  don't change things that are working and don't fix what ain't broke. They never saw what was right under their noses. 
 So today we are faced with all these changes. A good many of us are shaking our heads and wondering how this happened. Just how did we wind up where we are today ? We got here by wandering off course, making changes at every turn, until we lost our direction. That is my feeling anyway. It is my feeling that we don't need a change, we need a return. A return to common sense, a return to reality. Reality can be harsh, it can be unsettling and, gasp, it can be unfair. We need a return to structure. Standards need to set and standards recognized. No one knows the future that much is certain but that doesn't mean we should just guess either. It is this guessing that has gotten us to this point. Learn from the past, hold onto that knowledge and apply it. Just changing the answers doesn't change the questions. The questions have remained the same. Why are we here, what is our purpose and what should we do ? 
 I don't have the answers. I sure wish I did. I do know what has happened in the past. I know what results I can expect from certain actions. I also know that changing even the littlest thing can have a very profound effect further down the line. I don't think a change should be made with a hope that it is better later. Change has to be proven. And isn't that the dilemma we all face. The results don't always match the choices and changes we made. All that is left then is the assignment of blame or the acceptance of responsibilty. My thinking is it is the later that we need a lot more of. You can either accept the blame or accept the responsibilty. But then, aren't they the same thing ?  

Saturday, January 27, 2018

holding the glass

 It isn't a secret that the left has been rather upset since the election. To say a divisive atmosphere has existed in no understatement. I have see little improvement in the last year. Whereas I can understand the disappointment that your chosen candidate didn't win, mine didn't , I don't understand why you would want the president to fail. It just seems like that is, as the saying goes, cutting off your nose to spite your face. But it is exactly what I see almost daily. What's the latest plan to remove him ? I believe it is something based in moral turpitude. Trump is alleged to have had a dalliance with Stormy Daniela. It is alleged he paid 130,000 dollars in hush money. It doesn't seem to be working very well, the left will have to try something else. I'm waiting for them to accuse him of animal cruelty, that ought to do the trick. No matter that Bill Clinton was " dallying " in the oval office. No matter that the then " first lady " defended those actions, indeed you could say enabled them, and then she herself runs for office ! That sort of moral turpitude is perfectly acceptable. But let's not digress into the sorted world of the Clintons. We are coming off the Obama years, eight of them in fact. Worst economic record of any president, ever. Just a simple fact regardless of where you wish to place blame. I'm thinking a neighborhood organizer just didn't have the skills necessary to run a corporation as large as the Federal government. Make no mistake about it, government is big business. Even though I didn't vote for him it appears Trump knows how to run a business. Our economy is booming and the stock market at an all time high. Of course those on the left would have you believe that is the result of Obama, but whatever.
 Initially I thought things would calm down but that now doesn't seem to be the case. It's been a full year and I'm hearing the same old thing. The election was rigged, there was collusion with the Russians, Hillary won the popular vote, and Trump isn't my president. And I keep saying the same thing as well. Trump isn't my President but Trump is THE president. Just another fact the left refuses to accept. I used to think it was just a matter of the old the glass is half full, half empty analogy. The left being pessimistic ( half empty ) and the right half full ( optimistic ) but to my surprise there is a third  position. The left is mad that they don't have the glass ! They will not try to fill that glass until they are the ones holding it. And that is my assessment of where we are. Until we stop arguing about the glass we can't do anything to empty or fill it, we are stuck.
 There is another three years to go with this administration. We'll see if it lasts or not. Only history will give us answers. As I said, I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary but I know who the President is. I hope he does what is best for the country as a whole. Yes, it's true I share some of the same ideas as Trump. I believe in a free market society. I don't believe the government should be a charitable organization, it's a business. The government is supposed to be dependent upon its' citizens, not the other way around. Hard choices must be made, difficult decisions made. You can not run a country on feelings. You must run a country or a business based on real world facts and realities. I hope Trump is successful. I hope every President is successful. All I'm saying is, if you're fighting a fire does it matter where the water comes from ?  A thirsty person doesn't care who is holding the glass as long as they get a drink !    

Friday, January 26, 2018

raw water

 I read a short piece on a new trend, drinking " raw " water. Yes, raw water. That is what they are calling water taken directly from the ground and drinking it ! No treating that water, no chlorine, no fluoride or bromine added, just throw it right back. By all accounts the scientists say this is a dangerous thing to do. Well, little did I know I was living a life of danger for the first 18 years of my life.  Now I'm singing that song in my head, secret agent man, odds are I won't live to see tomorrow. But I had to chuckle  bit as I  read that article. Yes, drinking contaminated water isn't good for you, glad 21st century science has figured that out and warned us. Raw water is pretty dangerous stuff and we are indeed fortunate that our ancestors survived at all. Guess that is why they watched where the animals drank their water from. If the cow didn't die, it was good.
 After reading that I was reminded of the time I helped drive a well point. In the basement of my house there was a well point that supplied the water to our house. At one time the point collapsed as they are apt to do after years of use. That collapse necessitated driving a new point. Now, if you don't know what that is I'll explain. A well point is exactly what it sounds like, a steel point that is fastened to the end of a pipe. It's purpose is to penetrate the ground until you strike water. I'm certain you have seen a well drilling rig. It doesn't really drill a hole, it just pounds the point into the ground. The water table wasn't that far down at my house. I really don't remember the depth but remember reaching that depth. You see, I was the well drilling rig, myself and my brothers that is. Dad set the point were he wanted it and we took turns driving it in. We used the same device you use to drive a fence post with. That is basically a slightly larger pipe that will fit over the piece being driven. It has a heavy weight on one end. All you have to do is pick it up, drop it. Just do that a few thousand times and the pipe, along with the point is driven into the ground. Just add sections of pipe as necessary. Dad knew about where to expect water and when we reached that depth he dropped a line down there. If it comes back wet, it's water. Once you have water, connect the pump. We were modern folks and so had an electric one, automatic too, just open the tap and water came out. Our neighbor had the hand style pump in his house, like you see on television.
 And so we pumped that raw water right outta the ground under our basement. We drank it, cooked with it and bathed in it. We didn't have it tested or treated in any way. Dad tried it and said, tastes good to me, and that was that. Times were simpler back then and apparently very dangerous.  I remember getting fresh eggs from Gramps free range chickens. Well not exactly free range, they were in a coup with no hope for parole. Had a few of them chickens for Sunday dinner a time or two as well, not even FDA approved. Guess we really were risk takers. And the seafood, we aren't even going to talk about the seafood. It is an amazing thing that I survived all of that and see-saws ! Well I remember riding in the back of the station wagon and going to the beach were I ate beach plums right off the bush. We were like animals just foraging off the land and drinking raw water wherever we found it. Whew, glad I made it to the 21st century where all I need to worry about now is not eating tide pods ! And we have government warnings and infomercials about that ! Raw water, what were we thinking ?   

Thursday, January 25, 2018

being human

 I saw a small article about Chinese scientists that have cloned a primate. That's correct , similar to what they did with that sheep some time back. That sheep was named Dolly and lived for seven years. That is about all I heard about that and this is the first mention of cloning I have heard since. It's a pretty big deal and I wonder why the media isn't saying more about it. The moral and ethical implications should be of great concern to everyone. Just to what purpose are we cloning animals in the first place ? The answer must be to provide spare parts. Primates are only one step away from homo-sapiens. Why would we clone a person ? For the same reason is the only logical response. Many countries struggle with birth control so is their really a need for cloning ? 
 If we cloned a human being would that clone then have a soul ? Now that is a theological question for the scholars. For the Christian the answer has to be no, for isn't it God that breathes life into the soul of man ? Can man make man ? No, I just don't think that you can, the best we can accomplish is a biological replacement. Setting that aside, if we do clone humans what is that clones purpose in life ? Is it their life or the life of the one that created him/her ? Will you just pay for a service and take possession of the product ? Will a clone have the same intellectual capabilities as the " orginal ? " Theoretically it is possible to duplicate the components but will they perform exactly as the original ? If I am a clone I am eventually going to ask who is my father or my mother. What is the response you would give ? Does this " cloning " have anything to do with this " gender neutral " attitude we have seen lately in society ? I'm not much on conspiracy theories but if we condition humanity to accept the idea of gender neutrality, same sex relationships and all of that, couldn't it be viewed as a precursor ? At one point we can just eliminate the biological function of sex ( procreation ) and just enjoy the pleasures associated with performing the act. Gratification without consequence ?  When we want to procreate, we just clone. We can then produce the desired result as far as gender, race, height, weight, intellectual property, etc. Is that the ultimate goal ? Well, like I said, I'm not much on conspiracy theories but only the very wealthy will be able to afford this " technology " in its' infant stages.
 As for me I find this disturbing and something man shouldn't be messing around with. I find it wrong on some deep level and a sense of foreboding creeps in my mind when I think about it. Once the genie is out of the bottle there is no putting it back. I think that is probably what bothers me. I know that one day we will clone a person. Its' inevitable.
 The world needs to have this discussion ! This is an event that will effect all of humanity. Sadly the world can't even discuss the smallest of things. If we once clone a person, couldn't we then clone an army ? Yes we could but to what end ? The days of land battles and the counting of casualties are long over. Any major conflict will include those weapons of mass destruction we hear about, the number of individuals in an army will not be a factor. Clones would however be useful to continue " leadership " positions. Will clones have the same citizenship status as everyone else ? Should clones be readily identifiable as such ? Indeed will clones be human at all ?  

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

one of the others

 With all the recent uproar concerning the DACA dreamers and the whole immigration thing in general I am reminded of a blog I wrote some time ago. It is just confirmation that not much changes in the world. That blog was entitled " butimahs " That is to be pronounced, but I'm a. I wrote that piece seven years ago. It was in response to all those folks you met that feel laws, rules or regulations just don't apply to them because they are somehow special, or exempt. Age, race, gender, social standing or educational level does not figure into this either, a " butimha " can be anyone. Butimahs self identify as above everyone else, the rules just don't apply to them. Whatever accomplishment they have achieved or perceived is excuse enough to be a butimah.
 Now there are those that will not use this designation directly preferring a more oblique approach. These folks don't say butimah, they say, butmy. Yes, they will preface their excuses and explanations with But MY. For instance, they are parked in the handicapped spot illegally. When confronted they will respond with, but my wife, son, daughter, 2nd cousin on my mothers side once removed, is only running in the store for a minute. Their ability to just ignore rules and regulation hinges upon someone else, it's not their choice. They wouldn't be parked there at all but their ( but my ) wife really needed a tic-tac.
 Yeah, nothing much changes in the world except for the excuses. You are in the country illegally and will be deported. Oh no, butimah undocumented immigrant ! That means I don't have to be subject to the rules. We have a strict dress code in this office. Butimah Muslim I don't have to comply with those rules, You have to pay your student loans back. Butimah college graduate with a liberal arts degree and can't get a job. You have to use the restroom specific to your gender. Butimah gender neutral person. Well, you get the idea here.
 There is another group that are very mysterious. The are the " others. " Almost exclusively called someone else they never follow rules. The others do all sort of damage. They are the one that take the last cup of coffee or make a mess. No one seems to know exactly who these people are, but they are everywhere. If you get caught doing something you shouldn't you can blame the others, or everyone else. What makes you think you can do that ? Everyone else was doing it is the immediate response. Or you might hear, other people do it. Well then, that explains that doesn't it.
 Like I said I wrote about this about seven years ago and it sure hasn't changed much. I'd say we got more creative in the use of these " reasons. " We have begun to master the art of just renaming the behavior. The latest one I heard was from the brand new Police Commissioner for the city of Baltimore. When asked what his new strategy would be to identify, arrest and convict criminals he responded with this : predictive policing. His plan is to look for the people that may actually be committing these crimes, predicting where to send the police. Now, don't get this confused with " profiling. " We wouldn't want to profile anyone, we'll just make some predictions based on, well we are not saying what these predictions are based on, it's a secret.
 I was born on Long Island in 1953 the fourth child of natural born American citizens. My fathers family came from Germany in 1856 and my Grandmother came from Sweden in 1902. Both married Americans. There are those that would now say, Butimah immigrant ! I say, I'm no immigrant Butmy grandparents were. I must one of those others. You know, the ones that are always doing stuff the Butimahs and Butmy's don't want to take credit for. Those that feel they are somehow special or better than others. I'm happy be to one of the others. I accept responsibilty for my choices and my actions. It is the others that get stuff done. The others are just Butts ! Take that any way you like.         

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

my day

 Seventeen years ago today I became a grandfather. Okay, so my grandson and daughter in law had a little to do with that, my son too,  but I became a grandfather. It happened about five in the evening. Now, being the modern, hip sorta guy I am, I am making this event all about me. That's what we do today. I became a grandfather, the patriarch of the family, and with that comes privilege. I must be respected, revered even, I earned that by assuming the role of Grandfather !
 Isn't that the craziest thing ? Yet, that is exactly how a lot of folks seem to think today, it's always about them. My grandson was a gift to me. I accepted that gift unconditionally and have been rewarded many times over. This day I will celebrate his arrival and celebrate all that he brought with him. He is bringing it still ! It started with a rush of love, a love felt in my heart like no other I had felt before. As he grew and experienced new things in his life there were times when I was afraid for him. The things I encouraged my own children to do, I hesitated with my grandson. I was afraid he might get hurt. I felt an anxiety for him that was missing when my own were young. Sometimes I wonder if it was just because I got old,  or maybe it was because I grew wiser. Whatever the reason, I did feel a different sense of trepidation when he tried new things.
 But today he is 17. Seventeen years is a considerable amount of time. He has certainly grown in statue and in wisdom. A naturally intelligent and inquiring sort of kid, he has done well. Yes, of course I am proud of him, he is my grandson. The truth is by any measure he is a responsible, polite, kind and caring individual. I believe he will be a man that walks quietly through the world but will leave big tracks. He isn't easily lead and stays the course until he feel a change is necessary. He does posses a confidence and one without arrogance. But now I'm just bragging.
 This morning he will drive to school and I'll go along for the ride. That is what seventeen years can do. I remember well taking him to the bus stop. I remember meeting him at the bus stop at the end of the day. I 've been there every step of the way and it has been a wonderful journey. When he gets home today, we will celebrate. Well, we will celebrate for just a little while, he has to go to work. Yes, on his birthday ! You know you're growing up when that happens. You know he is growing up when he isn't complaining about that ! Welcome to seventeen Mark. Now, I've got to go get ready to celebrate. After all it was on this day I became a grandfather, me, me , me. I want cake and ice cream, and presents.     

Monday, January 22, 2018

Joan Marie

 Today we remember a birth. Seventy five years ago my wife's sister was born. She didn't know she would become a big sister, a wife, a mother and a grandmother. Yet, Joan Marie became all of those things and so much more. We remember and celebrate that birth even though she left this earth 129 days ago to continue her life. She joined her husband Fred having waited 4290 until our lord reunited them. Joan Marie would have been 75 today. We will go visit her and take her a birthday balloon. We go with the certainty that she is celebrating in heaven. The sadness we feel is only for our own loss , not for Joan. Joan has been healed of all the aches and pains of mortal life and indeed earned her wings.
 It is something I always say to others, " the person is not gone as long as their name is spoken." There are several versions of this sentiment by various authors. Henry Scott Holland wrote a poem called, " Death is nothing at all. " The third verse of that composition goes like this ;

   Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect.
Without the trace of a shadow on it.
 Today we will sing Happy Birthday with Joan once more, no matter our voices will not go unheard. We will smile and joke and share our laughter with her as we always did. It is what Joan would want. Her pictures, for I have many memories with her, hang on my walls and rest upon my tables. I do say hello as I pass her by each day, I smile and joke with her. And yes, in the quiet of the evening, when the bustle of the day is done I whisper a prayer for her. I pray that she waits for our arrival as patiently, as lovingly, as she did to be reunited with her husband. Her job here was done, and done well. I am proud to have known her, my wife is proud to have been her sister, and the world was a better place because of her. Happy Birthday Joan Marie. 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

something new

 I saw another change last evening. The wife and I were going out to dinner with my son and his family. My grandson Mark will celebrate his 17th birthday this coming Tuesday. Last night after dinner we were going to an " escape room " as a part of his birthday celebration. Mark was bringing his " girlfriend " if that is what the kids still say and we were sure it was going to be a good time. My wife says, be sure to bring the camera, I want a few pictures. It was at that moment I saw that change and answered with, just bring your phone.
 You would have to be a baby boomer to understand that I think. This technology has been around for a while now and the younger people take it for granted, not giving it a thought. I still don't think in terms that my phone is a camera. Or is it the camera that became a phone ?  We did have cameras before we had phones. Although the first consumer camera, the one for you and I to use wasn't available until 1901 when Kodak introduced the Brownie. Strangely I can remember my parents having a Brownie. Still, it wasn't until 1994 that digital cameras came on the market, Apple quick time being the first. But I have wandered off a bit. For whatever reason last night I realized that I could just take the phone and not worry about lugging a camera along. I have heard that the cameras in the new phones are quite capable of doing as good a job as regular ones. It has only been 24 years since digital photography was introduced but I'm already getting used to it. Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks.
 Anyway, so that was a sort of revelation to me, as funny as that sounds. I'm thinking in another twenty five years very few people will have a camera separate from their phones. We really are headed toward the Star Trek thing. I don't think their communicators could take pictures though, at least I never saw Kirk taking a selfie ! What was funny though was when we got to the " escape room " they had us place all our electronics in a locker. They don't want people taking pictures of their rooms. After, my daughter in law posts on Facebook how we went a whole hour without our phones. Obviously a rare thing for them to have happen to them. I thought I sensed some panic creeping in at the 45 minute mark. I thought it was because we hadn't solved the mystery yet, but maybe that wasn't it. It was fun working together to try to escape that room. And yes, we did it with about seven minutes to spare ! Don't tell but I kept my flip phone in my pocket, just in case of emergency. I think I can take a picture with it although I never have.
 The whole " escape room " thing was an interesting diversion from the real world. For almost an hour we all worked together trying to solve the clues that would allow us to escape before the serial killer got back. I admit I did more watching that searching for clues. I'd say that was something that comes with age and maturity, the delight in watching others have fun. I didn't want to spoil the fun by just solving the mystery right off. That's the way I'm telling the story and it is my story. I did help with a couple clues though. The family all agree, we will have to do that again one day. It makes for a good memory. I am grateful for the many memories I have with the " kids. " We've been to a lot of places and done a lot of things together. It was like a one hour " staycation ! "

Saturday, January 20, 2018

voting your conscience

 Woke up to find the government is shut down. Business as usual. I'm not going to discuss the merits or lack thereof in this posting. I'll just wait and see. All I will say is in the final analysis it'll be about money, not morality or justice. It is that that disappoints me. But I said I wouldn't talk about that. Should we really uphold the rule of law, or just ignore it when it proves of political value to do so ? But I said I wouldn't write about any of that. Did we elect our representatives to cast their votes in favor of feelings above constitutional law ? Are they to vote whatever they perceive the social conscience to be ? Is reelection more important than procedure ? But I said I wouldn't mention any of this. Should the Senate vote in favor of illegal aliens and disregard the actual citizens that put them in office ? Is that what their job is ? But, I said I wouldn't discuss this. An entire political party has hung its' hat on 800,000 illegal aliens. The DACA dreamers ! Did this same political party shut down the government when Rosa Parks sat on a bus ? Did this political party shut down the government in protest over conditions in Detroit ? Has this political party ever shut down the government in favor of any minorities in this country ? No, the answer is no. But this same political party has shut down the government in favor of illegal aliens. But I said I wouldn't mention any of this. And so I'll remain quiet.
 My hope is that this does serve as a sort of wake up call. I hope it forces some to take a hard look at reality. Unfortunately it won't happen until their pocketbooks are effected. Let Starbucks close or the fidget spinner factory go out of business and things will change quickly enough. No crayons for you ! Let the free handouts be withheld and attitudes will change. All of those that stand behind the great " socialist " movement of enlightenment will definitely adopt a new outlook. It's a wonderful to have dreams. It's a great thing to have dreamers. It's even better when you don't have to pay for those dreamers out of your own pocket ! We'll see, it's time to pay the piper ! But I'm not going to talk about any of this.
 I will say this, if you vote your conscience you must also be prepared to accept the cost of that decision. Government is run by rule of law. That is how civilized people do business. How can withholding lawful services from citizens in favor of illegals be made with good conscience. The oath of office every elected official is subject to plainly states their duty is to the United States of America. Their duty is to those citizens ! But, I'm not saying anything about that.   

Friday, January 19, 2018

a gift

Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.

 The above list, if you are not familiar with it is called " The Seven Social Sins " and was written by Frederick Lewis Donaldson, an Anglican priest. At first he called them the seven deadly social sins. He listed them in a sermon at Westminster Abbey in London on March 20, 1925. Gandhi, yes that Gandhi, is often given credit for them because he published them in his newspaper. I admit to not being real familiar with either of these gentlemen. Gandhi is certainly far more well known that Donaldson and perhaps that is why he gets credit. I haven't read the actual newspaper article Gandhi published and so can't say if he attributed Donaldson with the work or not. Whatever the case may be, the message remains the same. 
 Earlier this week we celebrated MLK day. He is best remembered for his dream speech. A speech where he speaks to the character of a man, not to the color of his skin. Gandhi was fighting against British rule and Dr. King for a measure of freedom as well. I was reminded of a previous blog of mine concerning these seven social sins. It is interesting that Donaldson was a priest, Dr. King a minister and Gandhi an activist, although most people think of him as some sort of religious leader. Many view him as a saint. My point being all were men of faith. All certainly agreed with Donaldson. 
 I have yet to publish a reprint. That is to say just repost an earlier blog. This morning however I was thinking about those seven social sins and how they relate to the current day situation in America, Each one is fairly self explanatory. Pick any one of them and you relate it easily enough. Take science without humanity as an example. It isn't hard for me to know what that means. Another on that list is Pleasure without Conscience ! Today we would rephrase that, if it feels good, just do it ! As long as it doesn't hurt someone else, it's alright. That is eliminating conscience from the equation entirely. The truth is you are hurting yourself when you go against your conscience and that should concern you. It is my belief that lack of concern will cost you in the end, one way or another. 
 When I started writing this piece it wasn't my intent to preach. I wanted to share, once again, that list that I find so applicable to us all. That was written by a man I would think the majority of us have never heard of. He was just an Anglican priest in London after all. He was successful in his chosen profession that can't be denied. He is buried at Westminster Abbey, a great honor. Gandhi read the sermon containing these seven sins and published them in his newspaper. Because of his widespread fame they became attributed to him. It is that,  my thoughts wandered too. Gandhi made that list known. Gandhi spread the word of Donaldson. If he hadn't published them in his newspaper how many of us would be aware of them today ? I'm speculating here but I think, not many. I also think that Donaldson wouldn't care. He was spreading his truth and that is what was of importance to him. The truth is the reward. That is what I think anyway. Will someone somewhere publish my thoughts ? Could be, and then they get the credit whether they want it or not. I'm thinking if that person already had a measure of fame that could happen quite easily. If a person is famous a lot of things they say are admired, even when perhaps they don't deserve it. Many ride fame having only created one wave ! 
 I guess what I'm trying to say here this morning is that I remain hopeful. One day someone may read what I have written and find some value in it. Just like Gandhi found the words of Donaldson to be so important to him. Was Donaldson rewarded for his words in his lifetime ? I can't answer that question but I question whether it mattered to Donaldson anyway. I admit I want acknowledgement, some validation for my thoughts, I am just a regular person. I wouldn't say I am driven, more like I'm along for the ride.  Your best " work " isn't done for reward. Calvin Coolidge perhaps expressed this best when he said, " No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. "  

Thursday, January 18, 2018

plastic heirloom ?

 A heirloom is something of special value handed down from one generation to another. The item itself does not necessarily have any monetary value, the value lies in sentiment. I jokingly call many things I have heirlooms. I tease the wife and grandkids with that all the time. Yesterday my wife grabs her watering can and Mark, my grandson says, you still have that old thing ? I, of course, immediately tell him it's a family heirloom. He just gives me that look. Senile old man. He does say Grandma has had that thing forever. I have to smile because it is the truth. Well, that is obviously an exaggeration. I don't known when we bought it. It has been around a while, sixteen years maybe, that would be his forever. It's made out of plastic. Can an heirloom be made out of plastic ? Yes, of course it can I know that but it seems like a foreign idea. Heirlooms are old. Truth is I'm getting old and I have a few things made out of plastic that could very well become heirlooms, if they aren't already. Somehow it just doesn't seem right.
 Sentiment requires a host. If the sentiment doesn't have a host we call it a memory. Memories are rather frail things subject to being forgotten. Sentiment resides in an object of some type and is preserved by that object. The object can be a reminder.  As long as the story has been told or written down that object will hold the memory. Sentiment can be lost. That happens when the object no longer causes an emotional response in anyone. In much the same way a song can transport you to another time or place, so too an heirloom object. The amazing thing is how an heirloom can effect generations that had no direct contact with that treasure. All that is required is knowledge of a connection. My wife has a rolling pin that belonged to her grandmother. I never knew or met this lady. I made a display rack to hold it and identify where it came from. It is an heirloom to me despite never having known the owner. I have no memory of her, yet feel sentiment. 
 I've seen the show about people that are hoarders. They seem to form a sentimental connection to every object they come into contact with. We normal people just don't understand that at all. If I believed in the paranormal I would say they are channeling former owners through these objects. I don't believe that and figure these folks just have an aversion to throwing out good stuff. I understand the concept of good. One man's trash is indeed another's mans' treasure. I'm thinking those folks confuse sentiment with potential. Every object has the potential to become an heirloom to someone. All that is required is a memory. Each object does hold value. I'm thinking I could become a hoarder it I don't hold myself in check. 
 The thing about heirlooms is that they are not handed down, they are chosen. That is how an object gains that status. I may assign great value to an object and you reject that. Take that plastic watering can as an example. Mark may want that one day, saying that was Grandmas' thus assigning value. You just never know for sure what will be " saved " and what gets set aside. I may insist that certain things be kept, promises for their safekeeping extracted but it doesn't guarantee heirloom status. Having something and saying, this was of great value to someone else is not the same as it having great value to you. We all operate on our own value system. A plastic watering can ? Could be. Truth is I'll never know what things of mine obtain heirloom status, if any. For that reason I should just enjoy them for what they are. I chuckle when I see folks buying " collectibles " believing they will become valuable or an heirloom some day. You may see a monetary increase in a " collectable " item. Thing is, you can't buy an heirloom. Heirlooms are purchased by others and valued by you. Sentiment is the currency and memory the bank. Isn't that why we say, store it in your memory bank ? 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


 I've heard about this Tide Pod challenge. I really don't get the challenge. Is it to eat the thing or what ? Okay, I admit it, I really haven't read much about it immediately dismissing it as stupid. It doesn't matter at all. I have teenage grandchildren and I am 100% confident that they will not try it. I still find it hard to believe that anyone would try it. What's the point ? What is it that they are trying to prove ?
 I was reminded of a challenge, we called it a dare, or a double dog dare if it was exceptionally dumb for you to try it. Well, what I did wasn't even a double dog care, it was a test ! Yes, it was called a punk test ! This tested your manhood ! You had to take a quarter and rub it back and forth on the back of your hand 100 times. If you could do that without crying about it, you were a man ! I still have a small scar on my hand from that test. Stupid, you bet, I got an infection from that and it wasn't a good thing. My Dad " cured " that infection and believe me the cure tested your manhood. Straight alcohol poured into that open wound got your attention. Then a scraping out of the bad stuff. Another alcohol bath and wrapping it up. After all of that I learned a lesson. I had been " punked. " I allowed other people to influence my decision making and the result wasn't good. I didn't take any more challenges after that. I was called names a few times for my lack of participation but learned that truth of names will never hurt me.
 I can remember doing a few other stupid things to fit in. I remember spinning around until you couldn't stand up, fun stuff. I tried smoking corn silk, I don't know why. Rumor said if you put aspirin in a Pepsi you would get drunk. I don't think I ever tried that one though. Hmm, now that I get thinking about it I guess I didn't do all that much stupid stuff after all. We did try to do adult stuff though, like smoking and drinking. Yeah, I thought that made you grown up. As for other " adult " activities all I can say is there was far more thinking about it than doing it. Even those girls with a reputation weren't all that cooperative. I just figured those girls were like the guys I knew, a lot of talk.
 This latest challenge just goes to show little changes in the world. Young people will do stupid things for stupid reasons. It is hard for us old folks to understand it. I'm laughing because I do understand it. It's a way to prove yourself, show that you are unafraid. You can be " cool " if only for a minute. I shake my head and mumble, idiots. Few will have any serious side effects from this latest challenge. Social media makes for a much larger audience for your bravery and that is dangerous. I do think most kids have to do this stuff though. It is a part of growing up, call it maturing. It's also true that some of us ripen faster than others. I try to learn the " code " words the kids are using today. It's fun to embarrass the grandkids when you use it in front of their friends. You know, like saying one of their other friends is like totally rachet ! Ah, to be young again. To be back when you knew it all, and were invincible. Little did we know the real challenge was just to face our own challenges. Once you learn that lesson, life gets easier. Then the challenge becomes, putting up with idiots. Sometimes I just feel like eating a Tide Pod myself ! #thatscooldudepodchallenge

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A moral obligation

 I just read about a man that was deported after having been here for twenty five years. He was married to a citizen, had children and is retired from the Ford motor company. Very sad. The article didn't go into specifics as far as the legal aspects of the case went. I have always been under the impression if you married a citizen that you were automatically granted citizenship. Of course I realize that is the way it works in the movies but that doesn't mean there isn't more involved than that. I would expect there are forms to be filled out, applications filed, and a fee to be paid. We are, after all, talking about the government. Why this person doesn't have his citizenship papers I can't say and so won't speculate on that. Whatever the reason he was deported.
 I can certainly empathize with the family, what a terrible thing to have happen. I seriously doubt that it was completely unexpected, the government doesn't do anything that quickly. There must be more to the story. I'm not going to pretend to pick up his cause and fight government oppression. I don't believe our government is without compassion. Surely there is some avenue this man can take to regain entry into the country. Hopefully it is just a matter of paperwork.
 Immigration is the hot topic these days, along with legalizing pot. The big argument for both is based in compassion and morality. The problem with that is that government ( law ) can not define either. That is the reason behind the separation of church and state. The Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion , etc, etc. It was known, even in 1791, that morals and compassion stem from faith, or a lack of it. It is for that reason we can not govern based solely on compassion, or feelings as I like to call them. Compassion and morality are completely subjective things based on the current trends in a society. Laws are strict, defined parameters delineating acceptable actions or inaction's. It is true that our laws may come into conflict with current moral attitudes, but attitude does not change the law. You can not govern based on feelings ! You can only govern based on fact. The law is a fact. You may disagree with the fact, but the fact remains. There are no exceptions to fact. We may indeed change the fact , establishing a new fact, but then we are subject to that fact. A fact can't be sometimes. It either is or it isn't. A fact can never be overruled by a feeling. Fact, in this scenario, being the law. It is also the reason we have so many lawyers. In English law they are called solicitors. This being America we like to change the names of things to disguise what it really is. A solicitor pleads for compassion and leniency, or to get a fact  changed. Sounds better calling them lawyers. Like an undocumented immigrant and an illegal alien, same thing just a different name. One is the correct legal term, the other sounds better, showing compassion.
 There is a new morality for many. As long as I decry how compassionate and moral I am, or recognize you to be, I can pretty much justify anything. The law ( fact ) takes a back seat. I'm a crusader for justice. I will end the suffering of the entire human race ! What is justice ? I submit a major component in this thing we call justice is the administration of the law. That can only be accomplished by impartial application of the law. In short, you can't let your feelings interfere with fact. Governments deal with fact. Government may show compassion but they shouldn't rule by it. The truth is, a government has a moral obligation to act in this fashion. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

an emergency

  I keep hearing about the Salvadorians that are being impacted by the ending of the TPS program. I'll begin by saying this, the first word in that program is Temporary. Self explanatory ! The second word was protected. Being in a protected status they did receive help and support from the United States. That means, your tax dollars were given to these folks as an act of charity. I'm certain many of those refugees were quite thankful , at the time. That's all well and good and I wouldn't begrudge anyone in true need. These unfortunate people , fleeing their home country found refuge, Temporarily. Let's not forget that part of the bargain. I'm as equally certain these folks agreed they would love to return home as soon as it was safe. Well, it has been sixteen years and their home is safe for their return. Time to live up to their end of the bargain. That's right, they have an obligation to fill as well. There intent must have been to return to their home country one day because they did absolutely nothing to gain permanent legal status in our country ! And now it is a crisis ? When they were in crisis the United States acted, what have they done since ?
 I read that the average income for these folks today is between 45 and fifty thousand dollars. That is post tax. Yes, they are paying taxes and all that but they are still on that Temporary Protected Status. They needed to pay the taxes in order to work legally in the country. Their problem is now, they won't be in the country legally anymore. Whose fault is that ? The cost to file for naturalization is currently 725.00 dollars. But I hear that is too expensive, they can't afford it. I also read about 35% of these people own homes and have a mortgage. Strangely they can afford that. The majority of these folks own cars and trucks, they can afford them. Their children go to school and some are entering college now, they can afford that. Obviously they eat, drink and entertain themselves in some fashion. They can afford that. They couldn't afford 725 dollars over the last sixteen years to obtain legal status !
 So, the way I see this is simple. They were afforded refuge. They were given assistance in this new land. They found jobs, became successful people and contributed to our nation. That's wonderful except for what they didn't do. They did not make an effort to gain legal status. They just took the charity that was extended to them, prospered from that, and are now demanding more ! To extend permanent status to these folks would be a slap in the face to all legal immigrants. The vast majority of legal immigrants that come to this country do not get government assistance upon arrival, nor any sort of protected status. I can not imagine a valid reason for not having filed the proper paperwork to ensure I could stay in this country. Basically I bought a house on land I don't own !
 The bottom line here is, go back to home country, temporary protected status is over. You are welcome to apply for a visa from your country to come to America. You are free to file for naturalization or citizenship. Had you done that while you were here it would have been a lot easier. But you chose not to do a thing, your choice. As the old saying goes, you made your bed, you lie in it ! You had an obligation to act and did not. You accepted the charity, prospered, and have lived a good life here in America. If you wanted to stay you had to act. The failure to plan on your part,  does not constitute an emergency on my part. I, we, the United States of America did our part, be grateful for that much.        

Sunday, January 14, 2018


" The author, Hampton Sides, said, " America is an archipelago of tribes, a land where people form national families of kindred spirits." I believe we travel from one land to another, questioning from whence we came, and in the end, praying for where we go. This has been true for every generation since the beginning of time. I can write little of what came before me, just speculation and facts gleaned from history. Did Christian Reichart, with his elderly mother, wife, and one young son come in pursuit of a dream ? I highly doubt that romantic notion. Was he a " dreamer ? " One has to place that in the context of time. Are possibilities and dreams the same thing ? I don't believe they are. Dreams may come true as a result of hard work or luck, but more often they do not. Dreams fuel our aspirations. When all our aspirations have been fulfilled, do we stop dreaming ? Without dreams, what point is there to life ? It seems more likely he came to improve his condition, willing to take a calculated risk. Success or failure rested upon his shoulders. Successful people work toward the probabilities and dream of the possibilities. "
That first paragraph is an excerpt from the book I have begun to write. It is just a work in process, a thought, not yet completed. The notion of a " national family of kindred spirits " appeals to me. I believe it to be a very apt description of just what America used to be. That was back before the internet and mass media. In the region of the country where I was born and raised we had a few scattered Indians, Native Americans they are called now, but no great tribes. No, our tribes were small non-descript ones that were overtaken and influenced by the first white men to come ashore in America. We " Americans " purchased the land off the natives. Whether the trade was fair of not is left to history. You can't really negotiate after the fact, If you do in each case it will seem unfair to one side or the other.
 In my neck of the woods there were no great Indian wars, no tremendous battles between the natives and an invading force of white men. No they were too busy fighting each other. They were a archipelago of tribes, quite literally, but never shared a kindred spirit. They never did form a " national family " like the white man did. Had they done that they could have easily beat back the invading white men, kept them some settling on their shores. At the very least they would have delayed it because I also believe it was destined to be. The Europeans were always about expansion. Since the first great migrations of the " cave man " crossing the land bridge it has been so. All the great explorers were Europeans. Yes, other cultures had their explorers, but name those that did not come from the European continent. Yes Scandinavia is in Europe, northern Europe to be more precise. Different groups living on Islands surely migrated from one island to another. No other way to explain how they got there, but apparently they quit exploring at some point.
 The notion of a nation of family kindred spirits did strike a chord within me. I have always had an awareness of a strong kindred spirit with the others in my town. But it was more than that really, that kindred spirit did form a " family " of sorts. We were related by blood and by tradition. It is with a sense of sadness and loss that I realize that " family " is nearing its' end. It is being overtaken by time, left in the past as a remembrance. Some years back a " tribe " was formed to remember this period in history. Many want to be in the " tribe " these days. It is a connection to that kindred spirit that prevailed before the tribe was overtaken. And that tribe of kindred spirits was overtaken in much the same way their ancestors overtook the Indians. The land was purchased, deals were made and it was gone. There was no stemming the tide, it was an inevitability. And so now, like a gathering of old Indian chiefs, this tribe gathers to remember. There has even been an effort to record and preserve the language. Soon all that will be left are artifacts and stories. There will be no tribal members that have first hand experience in the life of the tribe. It will be showing what was and saying: this is what I was told.
 I see this progression in the country as a whole. The " kindred " spirit that made us all Americans is being replaced. No longer are we concerned with America as a whole, now we are becoming an " archipelago of tribes " that Hampton Sides wrote about but without forming a national family. We are dividing and sub-dividing into " tribes " and ones that don't get along with each other. One tribe demanding goods from the others. Where will it all end ? It ends in collapse. Just as the Indians have faded into the past so will the Americans. And for the same reason, they failed to work together. 
 There has always been much talk of the American dream. Dreams are the fuel of aspiration. Dreams breathe life into our ambitions. I believe we should work toward the probabilities, not the possibilities. That was the reason my ancestor stepped ashore at Castle Garden New York in 1856, to pursue a possibility. Beyond that, he had dreams. We need to redirect our efforts as Americans, on America. For it is America that provides the possibilities. Dreams are best left to dreamers, success comes from work. Pursue what is possible ! What is the American dream ?  Fulfilling what is possible, that is the dream. Getting everything you want ? That's a fantasy. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

being real

 “Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”
Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit
 That passage is from the book The Velveteen Rabbit. It was required reading when I was a little guy and a story that stuck with me. I took the moral of the story to heart and hold it there still. It takes time to become real. First you have to overcome who you think you are supposed to be and accept who you are. Then, you have to battle what others think you should become. In the end, if you are lucky, you find someone that loves you, cares for you and accepts you just the way you are. You do become " real " and there is no going back from that. You discover that ultimate truth, it's not that people don't love you, it is that they don't understand. And so the final step is to forgive those that don't understand. It is perhaps the most difficult step of all. 
 “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept." That was the observation of the author back in 1922 when she wrote the book. How astute an observation ,and one right to the point of it. You do have to be tough, not getting injured easily. You can not be fragile in spirit, for it is your spirit that will become real one day. At least that is what I took from that book. It is that I woke up thinking about. 
 I think maybe these thoughts come to me in the night after a day of social media. Years back, it was books, then newspapers that stimulated our thoughts. Radio and television came along and added viewpoints. And now, now we have social media. It is a place where every manner of thought is openly discussed or argued over ! We are interacting with people on every step on their journeys. It is a reflection of our society and it can be a shock ! It does take a long time to " become. " Becoming is understanding. Understanding is empathy, the ability to experience what others feel. The tricky part is to understand that I can empathize with you, without agreeing with you. Having experienced whatever it is you are now feeling does not mean I should handle you with care. Remember it doesn't happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or have to be carefully kept. That isn't what loving and caring is all about. That isn't how understanding is gained. Understanding is gained through the trials and tribulations we all must endure in our lives. 
 But I am thinking about all of this in a larger sense. I'm thinking about the direction our country is taking. If all these folks on social media are to be believed, we are lost. Our country has been loved but its' time is over. It is old and some say getting shabby, it should be replaced. Just like the velveteen rabbit there are those that would trash it. Let's just grab for the newest toy, the progressive one with all the bells and whistles. All flash and glitter, pleasing to ourselves but with out any substantive qualities.
 When I see that, read about it and watch all these demonstrations and demands I feel like the velveteen rabbit.  “Of what use was it to be loved and lose one's beauty and become Real if it all ended like this? And a tear, a real tear, trickled down his little shabby velvet nose and fell to the ground.” That's the way I find myself feeling at times. I don't expect any " magic tear " to make a new flower bloom. No fairy will appear to make it all real again. No, the best I can hope for is to get at least one other person to understand. 
I don't know, maybe we should trash this social media, get rid of radio and television. Maybe, we should just stick to the books. The only distraction after reading a book is thinking about what it meant. 
"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.”
That was is response to the Velveteen rabbit when he asked, Does it hurt ?