Saturday, April 2, 2011


Let me begin by saying if anyone read yesterdays blog the character in Question for the advertising campaign is Kegasus. My mistake. Sorry about the misinformation had a senior moment or two .

Now that my journalistic integrity has been compromised I'm thinking I should stick to telling tales from my past or just sharing those random thoughts as they pop into my head. I had best leave journalism to the professionals. I was reading the other day about the number of books being printed by aspiring authors. Vanity publishing they call it. With today's technology anyone can have a book printed in any quantity at a reasonable cost. I can even have my blogs complied into a hard bound book, should I desire. I like that idea as it would be a great item to pass down to the Grand kids, or possibly beyond. Yes,I admit I am vain enough to think my descendants may want to read my words. I'm not vain enough to consider trying to sell any though. Market research indicates a very niche market for the ramblings of an elderly man longing for his past. Nevertheless ,I will continue to write.
I have touched upon this before and the need ,I think is still there. The need to write things down. To put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard for future generations. Digital media is fine for today but what about next year ? Technology changes so rapidly anything recorded solely in that medium may be lost. I could just put my blogs on a zip drive or whatever but how easily will they be able to be read twenty five years from now. Consider your vinyl records. Do you have a record player ? Know anybody with one ?
I still enjoy a good book. I like the feel of it in my hands. They are like old friends to me. Some I revisit often,others I  keep around because I may need or want them again. I have yet to read anything on a Kindle. I can see the convenience there but wonder how do you put a bookmark in those pages ? I'm sure you can somehow. A row or two of finely bound books add a certain something to a room as well. Fools people into thinking you may be learned. You can learn a lot about a person by looking on their bookshelf.
Yes,it is with a certain amount of vanity that I sit here each day spouting off. Like a voice shouting into the wilderness I'm hoping to be heard. Isn't that true of us all ? We all want others to listen politely to our ideas and aspirations. It is part of what makes us humans. I'm certain one day I will have these blogs of mine bound into a volume. If nothing else they would provide a historical reference point to the Grand Kids. I, for one, would love to have anything written by my ancestors. I do have an old postcard my Grandmother sent to her father. It is one of the most personal items I own. She called him Papa.
Seems like in years gone by people used to keep diaries or journals but not as much anymore. Wonder why that is ? Women would keep diaries but men kept journals. That's is the impression I always got anyway. I wouldn't put my most intimate and private thoughts to print ,ever. That is why they are intimate and private ! An everyday journal could be interesting. My life doesn't have enough excitement or adventure in it to consider a journal though. Afraid that would get real boring,real fast. I'll stick to what I'm doing now.
In the future, for anyone that is interested, I may provide some insight into things of the past. And also, one mans opinion. Keep in mind however that opinions are like (%#*%) everyone has one and sometimes they stink.

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