Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Are we so busy doing "right" that we are going wrong ? Let me begin by saying I'm all for helping out my fellow man. Let me also repeat what my Grandmother always said, " God helps those who help themselves. "
Given the number of social programs and other benefits one may receive I wonder where is the incentive to "help yourself."
Maybe there should not have been but there was a social stigma attached to those collecting assistance from the state or federal government. In some circles today it is a badge of honor. No feelings of shame. The government in its' own way encourages this. If you look closely at the way benefits are paid and issued a lot of time you get more for doing less.
A young girl for instance will receive more benefits for being an unwed mother than trying to work at minimum wage. More children,more money. State workers will even advise these girls to not have boyfriends or get married.
Social Security is another. Take a good look at your statement of benefits. If you are disabled your benefit is a higher amount and tax free. Work your whole life,stay healthy and your reward is, a lesser payment and it is taxable income. Plus you have to park in the ordinary spot. The criteria for getting disability is mostly that you are persistent. Stay at it long enough and you too can get these benefits. It is a crime against those that genuinely deserve the disability benefit and the American public in general.
Talk to the elderly. They are better off financially if they divorce. Get more social security income that way.
And don't even get me started on the benefits you can receive if you enter the country illegally !
At least one state tried to make recipients of assistance have to do community service to receive their benefits. The courts ruled against that. That would be discriminatory.
I could go on but we all know the story. I was just wondering where is the incentive. It is a different time and social attitudes are different,I recognize that, but sooner or later things have to change. We need to revise and rethink a lot of these programs. The way it is now some good hard working people are getting beat down to the point were they are saying," why try " I'll just go bankrupt and let the government take care of me.
It is a real shame and is eroding the American spirit. There is nothing wrong in having pride. Pride in yourself and pride in the contribution you make to society. Civic Pride.
Truly we need to take a tougher stand. If the government is "big Brother" he is not doing us any favors. I've heard it called tough love and that is what is needed.

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