Sunday, April 24, 2011

Completing the Parade

The season for parades has begun.We already had opening day for little league and the associated parade.
Typical small town parade. The fire trucks are showcased, the High School Marching Band,(the band of blue) Little Miss floats, Junior Miss and just Miss riding on the back of open convertibles, the Shriners and  bringing up the rear, The Maryland Rough Riders on their horses.
 These parades seldom change in format. One parade a year does take a different route.I grew up in a small town ,just not this small town. The parades I watched growing up always included one more thing. The Veterans.The VFW and The American Legion Post were represented.
 I can remember seeing other kids Dads in their uniforms and being impressed. They wore those white leggings,their boots brightly polished,chrome helmets and carried a rifle.The VFW post wore their service Uniforms and all branches were represented. Mostly in step, it was an impressive sight to all. As they marched by,the American Flag held high, the men removed their hats and saluted. They stood at attention until it was fully passed by. The ladies placed their hands over their hearts.
I asked a member of the local VFW why they didn't march in the parades. His response was,we don't have members young enough to do that. I was not buying that as they have members young enough to attend their weekly dances ! I considered joining but did not receive a welcoming feeling. Talking to others around town I have since discovered this Post is a pretty exclusive group. Well,I am an outsider. Have only lived here for twenty years or so. Damn upstart.
In all fairness I haven't checked with the American Legion about there lack of attendance. There could be some logical reason. I must say I haven't joined any of these groups either. Not being one much for attending barbecues and dances I see little point. I do not see them active in any other capacity. Perhaps they do, I just don't know.
Today I posted an inquiry on my Facebook Wall or status,whatever you call it,asking if there any Veterans out there that want to march. I want to form my own group. All we do is march in parades ! Period. No fund raising,no dues,no big meetings. Just march. Only requirements are being a Veteran and wearing your Uniform in the Parade. Pretty basic concept. We'll see if I get any respondents.

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