Saturday, April 9, 2011


Had to do a little shopping yesterday but time was a concern so I was in a bit of a hurry. I knew what I came to the store to get so it should have been a simple in and out. Alas,the best laid plans of Man often go astray. I got into the check out line only to discover the cashier was one of those rare individuals that move very fast but accomplish little. I'm sure you know the type, dragging items across the scanning device in a flash,it never works for them and then fingers flying on the keyboard. They diligently punch in the bar code and push any number of key combinations. The result is usually a call for the manager. Then the manager inserts a key into the register pushes a few buttons and disappears. The process begins anew. The second time it is usually successful but if it is a sale item beware. The wrong price rings up and it is another call for the manager. The process is back to square one.
The thing that always amazes me about these cashiers is even when everything works correctly it takes them three times as long as everyone else. It must have something to do with Quantum physics. The space time continuum is also involved. It is not that they are not moving quickly,they do,but the result doesn't match the effort. These people will always encounter some obstacle . Even when it comes to getting your change it often takes a while. They don't have pennies or something. Credit and debit cards seldom work for them either. And you had better pray the person ahead of you doesn't want to write a personal check ! Get out of line and buy lunch if that happens !
I often wonder how these people can continue in this profession. They do seem to be blind to the problems. That must be the reason. I can only assume they believe they are doing a fine job. If I encountered as many obstacles doing my job I'd quit ! Surely there must be some other job more suited to this type. I confess I am at a lose to think of one, but there has to be one.
I wonder too,if this carries over into their personal lives ? I have know some people that their lives were always in some sort of dilemma. Brand new cars that don't run, computers that freeze all the time, their supper gets burned, the cat gets sick, and the sale ended yesterday. I think these are the same kids in school that their homework gets eaten by the dog. You see them everywhere. They always have a problem. Some things you might hear them say are, " do you have any spare paper over there ? " " got any jumper cables ?" " my wife she or my husband he " " this was supposed to cure my rash but now my hair is falling out."
That is why it does you no good to just change lines at the checkout. These same people have some secret power to foul others up too. Go ahead,change lines, at least one of your items will not ring up correctly ! Price check ! And should you make it past that hurdle an item will require returning when you get it home. Life is a gamble and you must play the hand as dealt. My strategy is this, circle around the checkout lines carefully observing each cashier, watch for your opening, then dash in ! The best cashiers will always have a slight pause when their lane is empty. Do watch for this opening but keep your eye on the light switch too. If the cashier reaches for that switch and gets there before you can put an item on the counter;game over. Back to the circling pattern.

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