Saturday, April 30, 2011

Remembering the Past

As you probably know we are celebrating the 150 year anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War.
I know a little about this war but would not consider myself an enthusiast. I am not involved in reenactments or anything like that. I had several ancestors that fought. As far as I know they were all Union soldiers
One ancestor,my 2nd Great Grandfather,James Bishop Terry I know quite a bit about. I have his sword belt and buckle. I also have a picture of him in uniform.
Having read about this war I couldn't help but wonder about his part in it. Naturally you go in thinking about the famous battles. Gettysburg,Shiloh and Antiem. You go searching expecting to find a hero. Well,the truth is a little different. Thanks to the numerous records that have been preserved and the wonder of the Internet I have been able to discover a good part of the record. He was in the 127th New York Volunteer Infantry. Company G. Their nickname was "The Monitors." Most of these men came from Eastern Long Island.
My ancestor spent the majority of his service in the hospital. Not suffering from any wounds received in a glorious battle, but rather from disease. The record does not state any specific malady. So much for the war hero. He did survive the war,an accomplishment all in itself, and rise to the rank of Sargent. According to the records I have thus far discovered, the proudest moments for the 127th came in guarding Fort Sumter after it had been recaptured from the rebel forces. They were there when Old Glory was raised over that fort,again !
All of that was very interesting to me. I still wonder about his thoughts and motivations. In the very beginning of the war,many thought the war would be over in a matter of weeks. The northerners believed they would quell this rebellion quite easily. In fact, the first enlistees were only signed up for a very short time. I wonder if my 2nd Great Grandfather believed that as well? He was 19 when he joined up. Young by today's thinking, but a mature adult in his world. He was single at that time. Did he join out of patriotism? Or was it a youthful adventure? What were his thoughts as the war dragged on? Sadly,no letters or thoughts from him exist today.
All we are left with is a relic. I pick his belt and buckle up and can sometimes feel his presence. Although, he was long gone before my time.
I know from a few newspaper clippings and other sources that he belonged to a veterans group. He went to their annual meetings. I have seen the roster from a few of these meetings. There is something special about seeing your ancestors name included. He lived longer than most following the war. He passed on Jan 17, 1917. He was 74 years old. He left a widow and eight children.
His belt and buckle
Your service to our nation is not forgotten Grandfather ! Whatever your motivation was; I am grateful.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I was never much of a sci fi nut but aren't androids like robots or something ? Mechanical people ?
Now it is apparently a telephone. Well,I suppose a cell phone and mini computer kinda rolled into one thing.
Don't know a whole lot about it except what I hear others say and advertising. Can't believe the advertising and people tend to rave about new things. I heard something about these Androids tracking you. I am a little suspicious about that . Wasn't there some movie about machines taking over ?
One thing I do know for sure. The proliferation of cell phones in all their forms are making the world a much smaller and somewhat more crowded place. Having been in the Navy  and seen many different cultures I observed a few things. In a lot of other countries personal privacy isn't the same as one would expect here in America. Cities are crowded and the population live in very close proximity in small apartments or "flats" as they are sometimes called. People carry on their business with little or no awareness of others around them.
In some of these countries even the most intimate of things are done in a public setting. A little unnerving to an American. Even in our larger cities like New York you can see that happening. That is part of why you hear the stories about the city. As a whole Americans are private people. Used to the wide open spaces ! The space is starting to close in.
You hear and see in the news all the time about texting and driving. Talking on the phone and driving. I don't know what else you might be doing on that Android thing but people are probably doing it while driving.
Distracted driving is a serious matter for sure but that is not what bothers me most. The thing that bugs me is when people seem more interested in their phones than those in their immediate surroundings. How many times have you been engaged in a conversation only to have it interrupted by the phone ? Or you are talking to someone that begins fiddling with their phone? Makes me crazy. If the call is important excuse yourself and take it. That's why I say it seems like the world is getting too crowded. As long as everyone has those phones it's like having a thousand people,or more,in the room. It is so easy for you to just be ignored. As if you aren't even there. They are changing,ever so slightly,our culture. Was a time when people would excuse themselves and put a small amount of distance between them and you before engaging in conversation with another. Not so much anymore. Now they are just as likely to answer that phone and just start having a conversation with another person, as if you disappeared with the ringing of the telephone. Rude I think.
I feel uncomfortable when that happens. I don't want to listen to your conversation. I don't know if I should walk away either. I'm just left there hanging! Especially when the conversation lasts a while. How long should I wait before walking away. Should I distance myself so as not to eavesdrop?
Yes they are making the world a much smaller place. Pictures and text sent almost instantly to anywhere. Half your life in now in the full public domain. Technology is closing in. The Androids are here. They are tracking your every move. Beware.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finding Home

I have talked about being "from away." Now that I've got it set in my mind that Greensboro,Md is my new home I think I need to find a church. I have been to my daughter in laws church and another Methodist church here in town. Both places are,"the house of the lord" and therefore warm and inviting. The problem lies in the fact I went to the Episcopal  church growing up. I am used to the pomp and pageantry. I must confess that I have not been to an Episcopal church service in a number of years. I'm equally certain there have been changes.
We are most comfortable with the familiar. In my home Church I always knew just when to stand,kneel and sit. I knew the proper responses. It was like being in your own home. Comfortable ,and you knew where everything was. The people around you were all familiar. They are so and so parents. He is the butcher at the store,etc. The hymns sang and prayer said, all familiar.
Church service as I knew it was a rather formal affair. There were rules written and unwritten. Rule number one, women cover there heads in church. Whether it be a hat or scarf their heads were covered. Rule number two, no shorts,jeans,tank tops or tee shirts ! Appropriate attire please. You were quiet in church,except for the required responses and singing of the hymns. There was a set pattern and you followed that to the letter.
Over the years Church has become a less formal thing I think. The dress code has definitely been relaxed. Organs have been replaced by Guitars in some cases. My guess is it is all an attempt to attract the younger people to attend church. Noble sentiments and a lofty goal. I enjoy more,the formality of it all. And another thing is I'm used to a Reverend with a collar. An ordained minister. That is what I grew up with and what I am comfortable with. I'm quite sure the Pastors,those unordained,are just as firm in their belief as ordained minister are in theirs. And no were in the Bible does it say you have to be an ordained minister to preach. Still,for me I prefer a collar.
Greensboro does not have an Episcopal church. The closet one is about eight miles away or so and is only open for services on certain Sundays and Holy Days. It is an old wooden structure and I'm guessing there is not enough parishioners to support it being open full time. The next closest Episcopal church is another ten miles or so from there. I have not attended services at either of these. I shall make a point to do so.
Joining a church is like joining a family. It can be very intimidating. Some members will welcome you with open arms and a genuine desire for you to become a member. Some will resent you and look upon you with suspicion. You are an outsider and it is not always easy to penetrate the inner circle.
I used to attend church regularly. I enjoyed going. The reason I liked going so much was I was going to see a friend. I went to "his" house. His house was warm and comfortable. I knew what was expected of me.
The Altar at St.Lukes
Now, I don't need a new friend,he is unchanged,but I can't seem to find his house. I know he lives around here somewhere !

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

" From Away "

In the town where I grew up we have a saying,"from away." From away means just that,you are not from here, you are" from away." Those of us that we born there could usually tell tell right away if you were "from away." First thing was you talked funny. We have our own dialect. This dialect is not as prevalent as it used to be when I was a kid. Getting watered down with all these people" from away. "Occasionally there was a school teacher that would try to "correct" our speech. Didn't last long. Also there are certain expressions of speech , that are unique to the area. Muxing around for instance. Means to just be wasting time doing nothing constructive. To go upstreet. To go into the business district of town. Down Hook. Going the opposite direction from up street. Yes,Yes. To agree. And to end a sentence the ever present word,Bub. As in,I went to get some clams but the tide was up,Bub ! Or,some snotty out on the bay,Bub. Them gas prices is something,ain't they Bub ?
Being" from away" was usually not a good thing. Unless, of course, you were a pretty young girl. The young boys didn't mind your funny speech at all. Was rather exciting to meet a girl "from away." Heard a lot about them city girls and there moral values. And if you were" from away",you were probably a city girl. Them other folks" from away" just didn't understand certain things. Like the most important thing in life is to get your boat in the water. Fishing and clamming take precedence over most things. Don't get in a hurry. That work ain't going no where.
If you were" from away",you will always be" from away." That is a hard and fast rule. When I was just a little guy,and that was a long time ago, I remember my parents pointing out people and saying,"you know he is from away ?" These people were, in some cases, Grandparents and had been living there fifty years or more. No matter,they are" from away. "Now suppose they had been born there. If their parents weren't the whisper would always be, " you know his/her folks are" from away." You're guilty by association. If your immediate family hasn't been living in that town for at least a hundred years or so you are "from away."
Like most things that you grow up with you don't give it a lot of thought. It is just the way it is. No big deal. A certain pride goes along with NOT being" from away. "I belong here ! The underlining impression was the others,"from away" did not. The sense of community was very strong. Sadly,I don't think it is that way as much anymore.
To those of you that have read my previous blogs you know I have touched upon this theme recently. I no longer live in that town where I grew up. Now I find myself with the shoe on the other foot;as it where. I'm "from away !" I talk funny and say funny things. I don't quite get the excitement here about a rockfish ( striper to me) and they call each other "Bunky" all the time. You're not invited or welcomed in certain circles and eyed suspiciously, after all, you are" from away. "It is a strange and uncomfortable feeling.
Well,I've only been here twenty years or so,so I need to give it time. Can't expect to just blend in right away.
To fit in here I would need to buy camouflaged waders,a Labrador retriever,a four wheeler,start dippin' tobacco and gettin' real excited every time the word "rockfish" is mentioned. Need to take up goose hunting too. Oh,and most importantly, I need to start saying Bunky a lot. As in, that's right Bunky got me a rockfish yesterday. Or, That feller there is my Bunky. He is my Bunky still makes me a bit nervous. Not sure I like the implication. For some reason the movie "Deliverance" comes to mind. But that's what the locals say.
I don't want to change anything but I do things different. I think that is what the general feeling of anxiety with people "from away" is all about. I never understood that growing up but think I got a handle on it now. What's the saying, live and learn ? Live and let live. I don't like being "from away." I haven't been in my hometown for over ten years now but if ,no when, I go at least I won't be "from away !"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Putting down Roots

Ain't it funny, how time slips away. A song title and a wonderful song. Filled with sentiment and a lot of truth.
Time really does just slip away. I have been doing a lot of reminiscing lately. A " Hometown Group " formed on Facebook and we have been sharing our collective memories. Memories of school,church,teachers and old friends.
The majority of this group no longer live in our "Hometown." We have moved on for a variety of reasons the primary one being economic I think. We all come from East Hampton which is now know collectively as "The Hamptons." We are not wealthy people. The wealthy, however, have decided to make our home their playground. we have been effectively shut out.
I was born there and lived there for the first eighteen years of my life. It is home. I left when I joined the Navy. I returned four years later and after two years had to leave again. The reason I left again was economic. The real estate values were very high and good paying jobs scarce. So,you do what you have to do.
As it turned out I made the Navy my career. I retired in 1993. Not a bad thing and an accomplishment I can be proud of. During my Navy days I moved around a lot as you might expect. Virginia,North Carolina,Louisiana,Florida and finally Maryland. My last command was at the Naval Station Annex at Annapolis. My two boys graduated high school here in Maryland. One son married and moved to upstate New York. The other is married and lives here in town. I have Grand children here.
I started out by saying how time really does slip away. Then I told you all about my group and reminiscing.
Well, it was while talking with this group that a stark realization came to me. I have lived in Greensboro Maryland longer than I had lived in my own hometown ! I was dumbfounded. How could time slip by that fast ? So quickly that you aren't aware of the passing of decades ? It is a sobering fact. All those years I talked about going home. Still do,to a certain extent. Whenever someone asks me where home is I always say, East Hampton but I live in Greensboro. I suppose home is indeed where the heart is, but I can't see myself moving back there. It would take winning the lottery and even then it would probably only be a vacation home. No, I live in Greensboro,Maryland. This is home now. Expect I'll die here too. Everybody does that at some point. Probably be buried here as well. Guess that is the true meaning of "putting down roots, " Well,somebody has to do it !

Monday, April 25, 2011

In Laws

I was thinking about my in laws. Isn't it wonderful how they become a part of the family ? Starts out with you having doubts about them. Does he/she really love and care for my child ? They usually get scrutinized pretty closely. Their families were checking you out too. Thing is ,in most cases, everyone is polite.
Smiles,handshakes and good to meet you all around. As the relationship between the primary parties progresses,so too, does your relationship with the potential in law. Throughout the engagement and the wedding everyone usually remains polite,and accommodating.
Soon,before you are even aware of it he/she becomes a member of the family. Sometimes it is only the primary person and sometimes the whole extended family becomes one. In my experience I have been blessed with daughter in laws. Now,I have always preferred the company of women so that works out great for me. One of these young ladies lives right here in town and I see her often. She has given me wonderful grandchildren and my son couldn't he happier. What more could you want ? The other one lives a good distance away and does visit occasionally. She also gave me a wonderful Grand daughter.
Being a man, and not liking to throw round the "L" word a lot, I would have to say I have developed a strong affection for them both. They have become like my own daughters. I watch out for them with the same zeal and protective feelings. I think both of my sons have made excellent choices for themselves.
The thing about in laws though is this, there are like your immediate family except you are polite to them.
As a general rule you temper your statements to them and consider their feelings more so than your own siblings. We all say," they are just like family" and that is true; to a point. If we are honest with ourselves we all know we interact just a little differently with the in laws. A little more reserved in our judgements(at least to their face) and a little more tolerate. This isn't always the case however and that is when you get your Jerry Springer show candidates.
I was thinking that it would be a nicer place if we all treated our siblings and other family members in the same fashion. If we gave those closest to us the same consideration. Someone said,familiarity breeds contempt, and I think that is a little harsh but there is a nugget or two to be gleaned from that statement.
Another axiom comes to mind as well : If you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything at all.
To expand upon that idea wouldn't it be a much better world if we all treated each other like in laws ?
Even when we aren't so crazy about them or what they are doing we remain polite and temper our responses. We act civilized !
I indeed have been blessed. I've got great in laws. We all get along just fine with one another. I feel comfortable around them. I would not hesitate to express my opinion on any subject with them. They are like the rest of my family,only polite ! I wouldn't trade my family or in laws for anything though. In laws begin with the wife and as with a wife too much honesty can be a bad thing. " Does this dress make me look fat and do you like the way my hair is done " are questions that are best answered with a tempered approach. Discretion being the better part of valor.
In case either of you guys read this, I Love You.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Completing the Parade

The season for parades has begun.We already had opening day for little league and the associated parade.
Typical small town parade. The fire trucks are showcased, the High School Marching Band,(the band of blue) Little Miss floats, Junior Miss and just Miss riding on the back of open convertibles, the Shriners and  bringing up the rear, The Maryland Rough Riders on their horses.
 These parades seldom change in format. One parade a year does take a different route.I grew up in a small town ,just not this small town. The parades I watched growing up always included one more thing. The Veterans.The VFW and The American Legion Post were represented.
 I can remember seeing other kids Dads in their uniforms and being impressed. They wore those white leggings,their boots brightly polished,chrome helmets and carried a rifle.The VFW post wore their service Uniforms and all branches were represented. Mostly in step, it was an impressive sight to all. As they marched by,the American Flag held high, the men removed their hats and saluted. They stood at attention until it was fully passed by. The ladies placed their hands over their hearts.
I asked a member of the local VFW why they didn't march in the parades. His response was,we don't have members young enough to do that. I was not buying that as they have members young enough to attend their weekly dances ! I considered joining but did not receive a welcoming feeling. Talking to others around town I have since discovered this Post is a pretty exclusive group. Well,I am an outsider. Have only lived here for twenty years or so. Damn upstart.
In all fairness I haven't checked with the American Legion about there lack of attendance. There could be some logical reason. I must say I haven't joined any of these groups either. Not being one much for attending barbecues and dances I see little point. I do not see them active in any other capacity. Perhaps they do, I just don't know.
Today I posted an inquiry on my Facebook Wall or status,whatever you call it,asking if there any Veterans out there that want to march. I want to form my own group. All we do is march in parades ! Period. No fund raising,no dues,no big meetings. Just march. Only requirements are being a Veteran and wearing your Uniform in the Parade. Pretty basic concept. We'll see if I get any respondents.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

More Changes

Funny how things change over time. Growing up every man I knew carried a pocket knife. Some called it a pen knife. Almost always it was a folding knife of some sort. A jack knife. There was good reason to carry one. Back then a lot of packages were tied with string. That knife came in handy for that. Could sharpen a pencil with it too. Maybe peel your apple. Cut bait. Open letters and any number of situations might crop up.
The other day I broke the blade on my pocket knife. I haven't replaced it yet but do miss it. I have found myself reaching for it several times.
The funny thing is,nowadays, you have to be careful where you take that pocket knife. Take it to the wrong place and bam ! Security Alert, he has a deadly weapon. You might get tased or locked up. Luckily for me I hardly ever go anywhere that it matters. Also I am fortunate enough to avoid any run ins with the law. I wonder how many men carry a pocket knife anymore. I'm thinking if they are under the age of forty the chances are less. Where you live, I'm sure, makes a big difference as well.
Wrist watches are like that. I wore one up till a few years ago. Then I got a cell phone. No need for a watch anymore. Grandfather carried a pocket watch complete with a watch fob. Very classy and also very common in his day. Wrist watches were very expensive and not so accurate. Dad wore a wrist watch.
Wrist watches today are more for show than anything else. I don't know what happened to my last watch.
Well it wasn't an expensive one anyway. Do they still give watches as retirement gifts ?
We,as a society,have taken things away. Back in time almost everyone carried a gun and a knife. At one point,about the time towns and cities grew larger,it was made illegal to carry a gun. Later some one decided that a knife with a blade exceeding three inches in length shouldn't be allowed. At least not to be carried concealed in your pocket. We were told these items were no longer necessary. We have the law and the law will protect you. Later still, the law would not only protect you from criminals, but protect you from yourself as well !
Things change over time. Now mostly criminals and thugs carry the weapons. Thing is, back in the day they were not considered to be weapons. They were just tools. A knife was a tool and so was a gun. Most men carried them around because you might need them to survive. Back then you grew up using these tools. At an early age you developed a healthy respect for both. I'm betting there were not as many accidental shootings as there are today. I'm betting too the use of a pocket knife was taught at an early age.
Whether weapon or tool it is the intent of the user that decides its' purpose. Unfortunately in todays' world we have to assume intentions are bad. Society has become cynical.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Making the Sale

I have been working at the grocery store for a while now. Everyday I see the different packaging and labels. Quite a bit of it amuses me. I can't help but smile when I see on the package," now 20% more free "
So,what you're saying here is,  you been charging me the same price for 20% less all this time ? Can I just have the 20% that is free ? Have you noticed that sugar now comes in four pound bags ? Look the same as the five pounder though. Hard to tell the difference. That's the point there. Cereal boxes have become larger and the contents smaller. There is the disclaimer on there though, contents may settle during shipping.
I see a lot of descriptions like, taste like real (insert whatever here). Artificial color and flavors added.
Candy bars come in several sizes. Fun size is the smallest size. The implication being the larger ones are just not as much fun to eat. Still trying to figure out why that is. I can only go on my experience in life and when I was a kid the bigger the bar the more fun I had ! Guess the kids today are easier to please.
I see tons of claims about how healthy the products are. Crunchy Granola bars,fig bars,yogurt bars,assorted trail mixes and a slew of drinks. Most of these products are fairly expensive. If you read the label most don't have any significant differences. Healthy choice concoctions. Just try eating fresh fruits and vegetables. That will do the same thing. And the milk is another thing. There is whole milk, 2% milk, 1%, and skim milk. None of these have the amount of milk fat that we used to get. That's why no cream rises to the top. Kids today have probably never seen that happen.
There is one package that particularly amuses me. There is a cat food that says right on the label, Kitten Formula, underneath that it says,specially formulated for cats on all ages. What college graduate designed that label ? I can't help but smile. I don't know for sure at what age a kitten becomes a cat but it does happen !
Veterinarian approved. There has got to be like thousands of Vets in the United States and you found one that agreed to approve your product. Very impressive. I met a politician once that claimed to always tell the truth. Right.
I know it is all about marketing. The way the package looks is very important. Printing the stuff people want to see in large print and hiding the government mandated stuff in micro print. Making the generic products look like the brand name ones without infringing upon copyrights is an art in itself. Guessing I spend too much time thinking about what I read. The next time you are shopping  check it out. I'm sure you will see a few things that will make you smile. Fruit Punch, contains no actual fruit . LOL

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I developed an interest in genealogy some time back. Wish I had had this interest earlier in life when more of the old timers were still around. When you are young you don't always appreciate what you have. n my Grandparents was a a vast storehouse of knowledge. Names and places you can find in a book but the real stories are often lost. Nevertheless ,I, like thousands of others am trying to piece together my history. At least as far as ancestors go. I have yet to find any real surprises. No pirates,rum runners or famous people. Just your ordinary every day run of the mill people. The closest thing I have found is a couple of round the world whalers in the family. None sailed with Ahab after the great white one though. They did make seven trips around the horn.
I've been at this endeavour for years now. My wife has little interest in this hobby of mine. In fact, I haven't found anyone in the immediate family that takes an interest. That's ok with me. They all have their pursuits which I don't particularly take an interest in. That is what make us individuals after all.
I also spend a bit of time on facebook. A new group was recently formed called Hometown Connect. I am really enjoying this group. We all come from the same hometown but are now spread out across the country. We are planning our fortieth year high school class reunion. People sure do move around in forty years. Just yesterday though one of these people mentioned she would like to know who a certain relative of hers was.
I went to my family tree and, bang, there it was. Being from a small town ,that was somewhat isolated years ago, the core families are mostly related in some fashion. The person she was inquiring about was my 2nd cousin three times removed. Sounds distant and it is but nonetheless the relationship exists. I was thrilled to share that information with someone ! That's what I'm talking about ! At last my research has helped someone else discover their roots. It is a pleasure to share and connect.
There are so many connections that we are unaware of. I think if more of us were aware of these connections it would make the communities a lot closer. That may be part of the reason for some of the trouble in society today. A loss of connection. I want to not just know the names but discover the person. It is difficult because records can be misleading. Still with patience you can discover clues.
Funny though, with the interest I have I still haven't watched an episode of that new show where they discover roots of famous people. I'm always too busy doing something else. Besides that I not one for watching professionals with an unlimited budget do things. I can't relate to that. I mean it is like watching Bob Villa do something. Duh yeah, if I had one hundred thousand dollars worth of tools and equipment,a staff to set the equipment up for me and a budget of several thousand dollars I could build that cabinet too. It's not realistic to me.
The Internet with all its' resources is indispensable to me. I only pay for one website. It is an affordable hobby. If I still lived in my hometown they have a wonderful library that contains tons of genealogical information. Hoping to stop in there someday. Of course if I went on vacation I don't think my wife wants to spend it at the library. OMG, I've become a geek.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Are we so busy doing "right" that we are going wrong ? Let me begin by saying I'm all for helping out my fellow man. Let me also repeat what my Grandmother always said, " God helps those who help themselves. "
Given the number of social programs and other benefits one may receive I wonder where is the incentive to "help yourself."
Maybe there should not have been but there was a social stigma attached to those collecting assistance from the state or federal government. In some circles today it is a badge of honor. No feelings of shame. The government in its' own way encourages this. If you look closely at the way benefits are paid and issued a lot of time you get more for doing less.
A young girl for instance will receive more benefits for being an unwed mother than trying to work at minimum wage. More children,more money. State workers will even advise these girls to not have boyfriends or get married.
Social Security is another. Take a good look at your statement of benefits. If you are disabled your benefit is a higher amount and tax free. Work your whole life,stay healthy and your reward is, a lesser payment and it is taxable income. Plus you have to park in the ordinary spot. The criteria for getting disability is mostly that you are persistent. Stay at it long enough and you too can get these benefits. It is a crime against those that genuinely deserve the disability benefit and the American public in general.
Talk to the elderly. They are better off financially if they divorce. Get more social security income that way.
And don't even get me started on the benefits you can receive if you enter the country illegally !
At least one state tried to make recipients of assistance have to do community service to receive their benefits. The courts ruled against that. That would be discriminatory.
I could go on but we all know the story. I was just wondering where is the incentive. It is a different time and social attitudes are different,I recognize that, but sooner or later things have to change. We need to revise and rethink a lot of these programs. The way it is now some good hard working people are getting beat down to the point were they are saying," why try " I'll just go bankrupt and let the government take care of me.
It is a real shame and is eroding the American spirit. There is nothing wrong in having pride. Pride in yourself and pride in the contribution you make to society. Civic Pride.
Truly we need to take a tougher stand. If the government is "big Brother" he is not doing us any favors. I've heard it called tough love and that is what is needed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just Sayin'

I was returning from the grandsons little league game and it was dark outside. The game didn't start until six pm and it was past eight before it was done. In fact, the game had to be called on account of darkness. We won by a run. But anyway, it was dark. Now, I don't get out often after dark. Seems funny somehow but it is the truth. Usually I'm at home by six or so and watching the news or wasting time on facebook. Along the way we pass two cemeteries. As we went past the first I noticed a lot of small lights dotted the grounds. Huh,that's new to me. A few minutes later we pass the other cemetery, and I notice the same thing.
I'm guessing this is a new trend. Placing the solar powered lights next to the headstones. I would guess like the eternal flame burning for Kennedy. From the street it looks kinda eerie and spooky like. I thought of Halloween. It is definitely different and strange looking to me.
In the last few years I have also noted the "RIP" decals and bumper stickers. I just think they are tacky. Sorry if I'm offending anyone here but I don't want my memorial to be a bumper sticker. And please don't squeeze a decal on the rear window next to your Nascar sticker either. Once I even saw a person wearing a ball cap with a "RIP" memorial. It does seem to be a popular trend.
I'm sure the sentiment is genuine. I'm sure they are just trying to memorialize their loved ones. Still.every time I see one I can't help but think of Jeff Foxworthy. If your patio light and grave memorial light are the same thing,you might be a redneck. Same for the decals and bumper stickers.
Customs do change. These customs are not for me. Whatever brings comfort to the grieving family is fine.
Don't even ask about the crosses on the side of the road. I'm just sayin'..

Monday, April 18, 2011

Just a little south of Heaven

I was born on eastern long island. I lived in a town named East Hampton. A rural fishing village. This town is about one hundred miles east of New York city. To the inhabitants of East Hampton it may as well been a thousand. Oh,we heard about the " City " but few ever ventured that far from home. That place was full of crooks and thieves. I would go to see a Yankee game but I was from the newer generation. My generation was adventurous and brave. There were many from my parents generation that had never gone much farther than the town of Riverhead, a distance of twenty five miles. I personally knew a few that had never left Long Island in their life. A good majority of the men had been in the war and so had experience with the outside world. Most didn't have much good to say about it. To describe the people that were my family and friends as a clannish lot is not an exaggeration.
Now this town,like a few others out on the end of the island,became popular first with the Artist crowd. They came during the summer months to paint and be inspired. For the most part us locals thought little of them. They were rich folks and didn't know much about real living. We figured they was born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouths. Other people of wealth built homes on the ocean front and slowly the celebrity crowd moved in as well. A few books were written and movies made. " The Hamptons " became the hot spot. Somewhere along the way however East Hampton started to disappear. Change is inevitable but this was more like a transformation.
The area of my youth was a part of town called Northwest Woods. I lived on the western edge of these woods. It is not a very large area as far as woods go. Keep in mind we are on an island. On the tip were I lived it was no more than a few miles from ocean to bay. My home was about three miles from the village proper. There was only four other houses on the dirt road I lived on. Walk east and you are in the woods.
I wandered and played in these woods. Knew every inch of them. Could hunt pheasants,quail and racoons there. No hunting deer though. Wasn't allowed but rarely.
Living on an island you just naturally spend a lot of time on the water. Fishing and clamming. Dredging up scallops or tonging for oysters. Many made their living off the water. Working the ocean and bays. A tough,colorful lot to say the least. True blue collar workers. Hard working,hard living people given to speaking their minds. It was into this world I was raised.
I left this place to join the Navy. Returned once only to have to leave again. I have managed a few visits over the years. The place has changed and I hear Northwest Woods is chock full of houses now. The waters are polluted and not much commercial fishing going on. East Hampton, as I remember it ,only exists in my own mind. I talk with others from my youth and we share our remembrances.
I didn't know it then, but now I appreciate where I grew up. I suppose it is that way with a lot of people. You can't see what is staring you in the face. Recently someone asked, "Where is Northwest Woods ? "
My response was this, " Just a little south of Heaven "

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

It's Palm Sunday. A religious holiday. A day to remember and reflect. The teachings of our youth never really leave us, it is just that sometimes we put them in a corner. They are our core values. These lessons learned and repeated can become mundane if we allow that to happen. We all make excuses, I'm the leader of the pack in that department, for why we fail to uphold our traditions. Too busy, the Church has changed, and a host of others.
As a child and a young adult I regularly attended the Episcopal church. I was a member of the choir and served as an altar boy. I actively participated in the preparation for all the church holidays. For Palm Sunday,the main chore being the preparation of the palms. I remember them coming in long brown boxes. When I was little I thought they came all the way from Jerusalem ! Later I discovered they came from Florida. We took them out to the kitchen in the meeting hall. Opening the boxes the fronds were inside. We were told to watch out for insects but I don't remember ever seeing any. The fronds were lifted out and we began separating them into the thin strips. Once they were all separated they were placed in woven baskets.
The fronds were blessed and handed out to everyone entering the church on Palm Sunday.
Every Palm Sunday we heard the story of Jesus entering the city. How the palm fronds were thrown on the road to keep the dust down and cushion the ride. He was riding a donkey we were told. The fronds were a sign of the Love for Jesus. Afterwards we all took those fronds home. Sometimes we would join two together to form the sign of the cross. They would always be placed somewhere in the home and saved. If memory serves, our fronds were usually stuck behind a picture hanging on the wall. I can't say I remember when, but at some point they were discarded.
The grandchildren bring home palms. I still have one from last year. It is a comfort to know the church still does that. They don't go the Episcopal church but he is the same God. Living in a northern climate it is about the only time we see palm fronds. Showed the kids some when we took a trip to Florida but I don't think they made the connection. I know I didn't when I was their age. Like I said,being from a northern climate we rarely saw a palm frond and thought they were quite an exotic thing from Biblical times.
A lot of memories come back when I see the palm fronds coming home from church. It was an exciting chore to help with those. Refreshments were always served by the ladies after the job was done. On the big day,when the palms were handed out,you felt like you had helped cushion the way as well.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I spend time every day on facebook. Probably,truth be told,too much time. I enjoy reading the comments of others. Sometimes silly,sometimes sad, and sometimes I wonder what it is they are thinking. But occasionally a post catches my interest and gets me to thinking. I just read one the other day. The question was,"what is a local ?" There were several responses to this inquiry and as can be expected different responses.
I typed in my response. " A local--in or from the immediate locality. I'm local,meaning I live in this locality. Now,native to the locality is a different issue altogether. You can become local but not native."
Having been in the Navy and lived in many different localities I can relate to this question of what is local.
I can also relate to being a native of a certain area. Currently I am living in Greensboro,Md. I have lived here for over twenty years now. I'm a local. Ask someone who was born here and they would tell you I'm not from here. They would be correct. How long does it take to become a native ? Either you are or you're not.
On the base level I'm not even a Native American. My stock came from Europe.Swedish and German. I do consider myself an American however ! I'm local. My ancestors go back at least 14 generations in this country. Still,the fact remains,not a native American.
There is something in my makeup,and in most people I think,that takes pride in being native to a certain area. The place of your birth. The place where your family was raised. There are some that will readily adopt a new area as being home and make claim to it. To this day if someone asks me where I'm from the response is always Long Island. I don't say New York because everyone immediately assumes you mean the city. Not claiming that !
There is also a feeling that being native gives you certain rights and privileges that others don't have. My Grandfather and his father before him fished these waters ! We have all heard similar statements. Doesn't matter if you have lived in a certain locality for fifty years, that is always trumped by being native. It is like when you were a kid and calling it first. There is no defense against that. You called it ! I'm proud to be from Long Island. East Hampton to be exact. A lot of famous and rich people now call it home. I hear about the "Hamptons" all the time in the news. Some of these celebrities and power brokers have been there for years now. They are "locals." They are not native. They can not become native. Their children and children's children will possibly call East Hampton their home. Will they be native ?
Well, there is the question of Nativity. In genealogy your Nativity is the place of your birth. You were born there and therefore are native to the land. Following this logic they would indeed be natives. The "old" and "new" natives may not always see eye to eye. Change is often a difficult thing to witness. Every generation is convinced that their way was the best way. It is just the natural occurrence of things.
Now back to the initial comment. What is a local ? Do you mean local or native ? Or do you mean both. Is the question here really, " are you a native born local ? " Me,I'm just a local boy gone native !

Friday, April 15, 2011

It has Begun

Well,it has begun. Yesterday we mowed the lawn for the first time this year. There is no stopping now until the late fall. Once you make the initial cut resign yourself to performing this operation at least once a week. Sometimes twice in a week is required.
First we gathered up all the fallen branches . Walk around the ground like a General surveying the battlefield. Pick up the toys left lying about and any other debris. Prepare to mow. Having checked out the mower earlier it is time to mount up. Ah, the smell of fresh cut grass. A refreshing smell ,the smell of spring. Why hasn't someone made a candle smell like that ? Back and forth,back and forth. It is not a very large yard so it really doesn't take long. To the shed to get the weed wacker. Have to put string in it and gas it up. Rummaging around to find that string. Ah,there it is. A few quick pulls on the starting line and off it goes.
Had forgotten how the trimmings get all over your shoes and pant legs. That's annoying. The weed eating is the worst part. Trying to only cut the weeds and not adjacent flowers is a bit frustrating. And then the string doesn't want to feed out. Have to shut it off and fool around with it. Ok,start it up again and continue.
Having accomplished the cutting and trimming it is time to clean up the equipment and begin trimming the bushes around the house. Hedge clippers, pruning shears and hand held clippers are required. No problem,just got a new set on sale. Why did I plant these holly trees ? Trimming them I'm always getting stuck. Stupid holly trees. Now I just noticed I have what appears to be poison ivy on my hand. Man, I forgot about those plants ! Spring is not turning out as I remember.
The trimming done and all raked up it is time for the final chore. My favorite part is burning the branches,leaves and other combustible rubbish. I enjoy feeding the fire. Listening to the snap and crackle, the smell of the smoke. It is primordial. Living in town I only build a small fire. The fire is the size of those round barbecue grills. In fact I build the fire inside the top of one of those. It is even enjoyable sawing the branches to length. Gives you that outdoorsy feel. I feel like Tom Hanks. I have made fire ! What was that movie ?
Yes, this weekly ritual will be followed,sans the burning,until late fall. It is a love /hate relationship. Love the way it looks when it is done but hate being a slave to it. Would be great if I could just hire a groundskeeper. Maybe next year. It has been confirmed, spring is here ! Got a few blisters, smell like smoke, my shoes are now green and I have poison ivy ! I'm sure glad winter is over. Summer is looming large on the horizon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"It was the best of times,It was the worst of Times."

I was talking with my wife the other day regarding supper. It was the normal discussion about what we would have. We had some catfish in the freezer and my wife suggested we have that. Sounded good to me and that is what we agreed upon. This discussion did bring back a memory from the past. When I was a child anytime we had fried seafood of any kind my Dad did the cooking. Not sure why that was but it was. Fried eels,oysters,fish of any kind,clams,scallops or fritters. Like the modern day barbecue that cooking was the mans job. Almost all other items cooked where the ladies domain. Especially baking. Men don't bake . Unless of course it was on an industrial scale. Men owned and run the bakeries. Curious thing there.
Those thoughts brought back the memories of days gone past. The days when everyone knew their roles. It sounds sexist and bigoted but that is the way it was. For the most part men did certain things and women did another. There were always exceptions to the rule of course. These people that were the exceptions were looked upon as being different,for sure,but not always in a negative fashion. Some became Icons in society.
I think it was easier for the average person back then. You knew what was expected of you. There were manly behaviours and lady like behaviours. The lines are a little blurry now. On the plus side,social pressures are not as prevalent now. In recent times the question of Bullies and what to do with them is a hot topic.
In my day we were told to just push back. Avoid conflict it you could but fight if you must. In the words of a famous cowboy," never run from a fight but don't run to one either." Lucas McCain as The Rifleman.
All of it is just what you are used to and comfortable with. The time and place of your upbringing being a major influence. I grew up in the rougher side of town. My people were working class people. Carpenters,mechanics,fishermen,plumbers and the like. Men were men and the ladies were ladies. Know your role ! The white collar crowd was looked upon with suspicion. They wanted your money and would try to take from you any way they could legally do it. It was that crowd that enacted taxes and fees. Sure,we got to vote,but our votes counted for little. The money crowd has the reigns. At least that is what we were told.
That was the climate of my youth. A little bit of Archie Bunker, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. There was two kinds of music,Country and Western. You went to church on Sunday to get forgiveness for Friday night.
Ladies were to be treated with respect. You married a lady and just dated the others. Behaviours were encouraged and discouraged. It was a simpler time for sure. Whether or not it was a better time is just a matter of perspective. Each of us see our past in a different way. The judgement is your own. The time and place I was raised could not have been better. That is my belief. That time and place is my comfort zone and if possible I would return there. That time and place is gone forever and only lives in my memory. I know this and that is what nostalgia is all about. I go back there all the time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Old Friend

I've touched on this subject before but thought I would revisit it. The mail. My son and his wife had been visiting from New York and after they left for home I discovered they had left their I-Pod. At least I think that is what they called it. Plays music and videos. Not being sure when we will see each other again I determined to mail it back. I did a little rummaging in the attic and found the perfect box. I even had some of those Styrofoam peanut things and bubble wrap. Having carefully packaged this electronic device I went to the post office. The post mistress ,is that correct, asked how I would like to send it. Did I want to send it Priority Mail ? I replied no,just regular I guess,two or three days would be fine. I was surprised by the response, "that is Priority mail !" I just acted casual and said ,Oh fine. Then came the string of questions regarding insurance,delivery confirmation,whether it is fragile or hazardous and a few others. When it is all said and done the cost comes to $ 7.79 cents. The insurance was a little over two dollars but thought I had best get it, although my experience with having a claim settled on that is not positive. That's another story.
I'm not a postal employee or even a frequent user of the postal service so I'm not up to speed on everything. When did regular delivery of mail turn into Priority Mail ? I know about next day mail,the name is self explanatory,but one would certainly think Priority Mail meant well,Priority. I am fairly proficient in the English language and thought I knew the meaning of that word. Apparently everyday stuff is now priority.
The postal service will provide boxes,at no charge,for  use in mailing priority items. They will even pick it up for free. It is clearly stated on the end of the box, " This packaging is the property of the United States Postal Service and is provided solely for use in sending Priority Mail. Misuse may be a violation of federal law."
I had one, but my item wouldn't fit in it. Now I'm stuck with this box until the next time I need to send priority mail. What else can I do with it ? Don't want to violate any federal laws ! Wonder if the same people watch to see if you remove those tags from your pillows ? There is even a toll free number to call to schedule pick up.
Another service they provide is the flat rate deal. I see it advertised on television all the time. I'm a little confused though. I know the United States Postal Service is a business that is supposed to make a profit but their methods seem a little strange. We don't care about the weight (within certain limits) we are going to charge you this much. Airlines are always complaining about the weight and adjusting fares due to fuel consumption why would it be any different for the Postal service ? I suppose they are just trying to compete with the other carriers. Free enterprise is a wonderful thing.
I think using the Postal service provides some of the federal protections we have all been told. Messing with the mail is a federal offense. Does the same hold true if shipped by another carrier ? I don't know. The mail always goes through. Rain,hail,sleet nor snow shall stead the carrier from his route or something like that. That went away awhile go though. Still,I guess I'm a little old fashioned. I like going to the Post Office and having a little one on one interaction with the Post Mistress. I've known her for years now. Not on a personal level but as the Postmistress. It's comforting. I feel like I can trust my mail with her. It may be silly but it is somehow reassuring. Like visiting an old friend.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Some Went for Glory

Today marks the beginning of the Civil War,exactly 150 years ago. In our minds it seems like an awful long time ago. But,in the big scheme of time it was only a short time ago. Most of us have ancestors that fought in that epic war. Today an awful lot of people don't realize the real reason the war was fought at all. To the general public that could be said about most wars. We who do the actual combat are usually not too well informed about the motives. In the Civil War the first thing that comes to mind is the issue of slavery. This was the banner carried by the average northern soldier. Indeed, it was a part of it, but the main issue was the rights of the individual states to govern themselves. The southern states did not want as strong a central government as did the northern states. When it all has been analyzed and the truth revealed it really was all about money. The southern plantations needed the labor to be profitable. The country was expanding and the new territories were not always in favor of slavery. The real power brokers of the time were in the north. They wanted more power consolidated in the central government. The clash was inevitable. Slavery was the cause used to rally the nation,on both sides,but money was the root. Money and power.
My great great grandfather James B Terry fought in this war. I have a picture of him and a belt with buckle that was his. He went in as a private and got out as a Sargent. He did not participate in any of the major battles. He wasn't wounded. Nothing heroic just a simple foot soldier. He spent the greatest part of his time in the hospital suffering from sickness and disese. More died from those causes than in actual battle. He was fortunate to have survived. He went off to war along with the thousands of others. What his motivation were I can not say. He left no record of his feelings. That he was proud of his service I know. For many years he went to reunions with his regiment. After his passing his widow received a pension from the government. The first pension ever offered by our country. It was three dollars a month.
It is interesting that today we reenact battles from that conflict. To this day, people both in the north and south identify with this. The Yankees and the Rebels. Throughout the south it is not uncommon to see the confederate battle flag everywhere and on everything. I find it unfortunate that the majority of those flying that banner do so for the wrong reasons. It has become a symbol of the "good ole boys" and yee haa ! That was not the intent. The southern gentlemen fought for their cause with dignity and honor as did the northerners.
I'm glad the north won out. What a different world it would be had they not. Lincoln was right when he said." a nation divided among itself cannot stand." They were some difficult growing pains.
I wish I had taken a more active interest in history at an earlier age. I guess I didn't really start to appreciate history until I had contributed to it. Now I like to read and study about history. There are many sides to history. The one you read in books, documentaries on television and personal accounts. I prefer the actual personal accounts. In those you get a picture of what is perceived. It is not always accurate but I believe provides far more insight. Today we tend to record in every detail events as they happen. This is a good thing for future generations. Today we tell it all. In the past certain things were not spoken of,or written.
Yes it was 150 years ago today that the conflict began. It lasted four years and cost thousands of lives. A new nation did emerge from all that. Scars remain to this day. All the veterans from that conflict are now resting in peace. Take a moment today to think about them. The vast majority were young boys and men in their early twenties. Their motivations were many and varied. Some went for glory and others for the pay.
What a mighty struggle it was. Let us not forget what forged our nation.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lacking Purpose

I'm thinking America needs a purpose or a goal. I can remember President Kennedy telling the nation we would put a man on the moon. As we all know that happened on July 20,1969. I'll never forget that because it is also my birthday. I do remember watching those grainy pictures on television and the beep and pause between each statement. The accomplishment was so great that to this day people debate whether it actually happened. Soon the last shuttle will land and our traveling into space will end. We are going to pay the Russians to give us a lift.
I see or hear no great endeavour for the United States. We are trying to please all of the people all of the time. Not gonna happen. We send millions and millions in aid and relief. We send food. We send computers. We instruct other people in agriculture. We are doing hundreds of things but I think we are accomplishing little. As I tell the grand children," focus." That was stressed in the Karate Kid and is a basic truth. We need to focus.
There are many noble causes to be championed. Deciding on which one to focus our collective energy is certainly a difficult task. The Russians put Sputnik,the first satellite,into orbit. The United States responded with a little one upmanship ! Who made the actual decision to focus our technology and manpower into accomplishing this goal ? I don't know the answer to that, but President Kennedy gets the credit. Back then the President spoke for the nation. I don't think he does quite as much now.
Sometimes the goal is not to solve a big problem. The space program didn't solve world hunger,create lasting peace among nations or solve the worlds energy needs. It wasn't supposed too. Its' sole purpose was to show the world what America is capable of. We need a new goal,something to bind the nation together. A nation,just like an individual, sometimes just needs to do sometime just for itself. Selfish,perhaps but necessary.
I'm not and never was a big fan of John Kennedy. I have to admit however when he addressed the Nation and said , " Well,space is there,and we're going to climb it,and the moon and the planets are there,and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And therefore,as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked."
The goal was clear !

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Boys of Spring

Yesterday was the opening day of Little League season here in Greensboro. The weather wasn't ideal but tolerable. The parade was a success as always and opening ceremonies were held. It is heartwarming to see all the kids in their uniforms and ready to ball play. My grand son is getting older now and the games are getting a little more competitive. They are still at the point where occasional loss of focus causes some strange plays. They still need to signal the coach for potty breaks while on the field. "Time" It is amusing to see the one running as fast as possible to the port-o-let while another takes his position.
I am always amused by watching the coaches. They all have their own style . Some are very serious and others are very lax. It is a difficult thing to do. To try to hold the attention of a bunch of nine and ten year boys for an entire game is not a simple feat. Yesterday the opposing team had four coaches. All four were yelling instructions to their players on the field. It was quite confusing for me and I'm positive for the kids. One was encouraging while another was getting upset. If you just observe, it is pretty funny. Our team has three coaches. Usually only one is giving instructions at a time. I think it is a much better policy.
The game itself is interesting because more runs are scored on passed balls and stolen bases than on hits. When the boys do make contact with the ball the excitement is electric. If it goes into the outfield the excitement really goes high. Yesterdays' score was 10-7. A close game. We had a chance to tie it up in the bottom of the sixth but it wasn't to be. Next Time.
I'm a little old fashioned as I still think of baseball as Americas sport. This is my season. The boys of spring !
A nice civilized game of skill that doesn't involve brute force to make gains. The sweet sound of the ball popping into the glove and the crack of the bat. I especially enjoy the younger players because they get so excited. If we could all share that excitement the world would be a better place. They don't know it, but for a good majority of these boys, these are their days in the sun. All too soon they grow up and the sheer joy of the game is lost to them. It becomes competitive to the point where the fun is gone.
Play Ball !

Batter Up !
Grandson Mark
There are twenty games in the season. We are down 0-1 but our home opener is Monday night. We'll get them this time. Should be an exciting contest.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Had to do a little shopping yesterday but time was a concern so I was in a bit of a hurry. I knew what I came to the store to get so it should have been a simple in and out. Alas,the best laid plans of Man often go astray. I got into the check out line only to discover the cashier was one of those rare individuals that move very fast but accomplish little. I'm sure you know the type, dragging items across the scanning device in a flash,it never works for them and then fingers flying on the keyboard. They diligently punch in the bar code and push any number of key combinations. The result is usually a call for the manager. Then the manager inserts a key into the register pushes a few buttons and disappears. The process begins anew. The second time it is usually successful but if it is a sale item beware. The wrong price rings up and it is another call for the manager. The process is back to square one.
The thing that always amazes me about these cashiers is even when everything works correctly it takes them three times as long as everyone else. It must have something to do with Quantum physics. The space time continuum is also involved. It is not that they are not moving quickly,they do,but the result doesn't match the effort. These people will always encounter some obstacle . Even when it comes to getting your change it often takes a while. They don't have pennies or something. Credit and debit cards seldom work for them either. And you had better pray the person ahead of you doesn't want to write a personal check ! Get out of line and buy lunch if that happens !
I often wonder how these people can continue in this profession. They do seem to be blind to the problems. That must be the reason. I can only assume they believe they are doing a fine job. If I encountered as many obstacles doing my job I'd quit ! Surely there must be some other job more suited to this type. I confess I am at a lose to think of one, but there has to be one.
I wonder too,if this carries over into their personal lives ? I have know some people that their lives were always in some sort of dilemma. Brand new cars that don't run, computers that freeze all the time, their supper gets burned, the cat gets sick, and the sale ended yesterday. I think these are the same kids in school that their homework gets eaten by the dog. You see them everywhere. They always have a problem. Some things you might hear them say are, " do you have any spare paper over there ? " " got any jumper cables ?" " my wife she or my husband he " " this was supposed to cure my rash but now my hair is falling out."
That is why it does you no good to just change lines at the checkout. These same people have some secret power to foul others up too. Go ahead,change lines, at least one of your items will not ring up correctly ! Price check ! And should you make it past that hurdle an item will require returning when you get it home. Life is a gamble and you must play the hand as dealt. My strategy is this, circle around the checkout lines carefully observing each cashier, watch for your opening, then dash in ! The best cashiers will always have a slight pause when their lane is empty. Do watch for this opening but keep your eye on the light switch too. If the cashier reaches for that switch and gets there before you can put an item on the counter;game over. Back to the circling pattern.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hats and Caps

When did men stop wearing hats ? I don't mean ball caps I mean Fedoras and the like ? My father and almost every man I knew growing up wore a hat. Then somewhere, at sometime , ball caps took over.
Seems to me it was at about the same time men stopped tipping their hats to the ladies. Do that particular act of  courtesy now and you will get some strange looks. To do so in today's world seems almost trite.
I'm thinking as more and more men had jobs that were inside, hats became less popular. Also had something to do with getting haircuts I suppose. I always felt a man needs a good hat. Keep the sweat out of your eyes, along with your hair.
A hat used to worn with a suit. Don't see that much anymore. Only the Hollywood crowd and a few people making fashion statements do that anymore. Too old fashioned I guess. Cowboys however have never stopped wearing their hats ! Their hat is part of their identity. Cowboys can be mighty touchy about their hats too ! A hat can say a lot about a man. The style chosen being most important. You don't want to look foolish but yet you do want to look cool. It's a difficult balancing act to pull off. Some can do it and others not. Maybe that is why ball caps became so popular. They are pretty much all the same. Only the quality and advertisement on them differ. Funny thing, my Dad wore a hat his entire life but I never saw him wear a ball cap ! To the best of my knowledge he never owned one. I can remember several hats he did have but not a single ball cap. I don't think he liked a large brim.
I wear a ball cap of some kind most of the time. Rarely do I wear anything different. Rarer still will you see me without a hat on. I would like to wear something other than a ball cap but can't decide upon a style. Fedoras are nice but don't seem right for everyday wear. I like those Greek fisherman's hats but I'm not Greek or a fisherman. I just look silly in a cowboy hat. Have been considering one of those floppy hats.
Maybe in a bright pattern of some kind. It's a dilemma alright.
I've seen it in the movies and a few times on Main Street. A man just reaching up and touching the brim of his hat. "Ma'am." How civilized is that ? In today's world the lady would become immediately suspicious of you. And whatever you do don't make eye contact. Ah the good old days. A good hat and civilized behaviour. They go hand in hand. Caps don't have the same effect. But then you have a Dunce hat but a thinking cap .
I'm going to have to rethink this whole hat issue.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pez,Donuts and the Royal Wedding

Maybe it is just a girl thing but I fail to see the fascination with a "Royal Wedding." Maybe too,it is because I do not have a favorable view of Kings and Queens Princes' and Princesses ! I don't see where they perform much of a useful service to their country. Seems to me like they have a lot of money and do little. Whatever.
Being a colonial this should come as no surprise to anyone that knows me. They did,after all,try to tax my tea ! Switched to coffee anyway; so there.
I remember all the hoopla surrounding the wedding of Princess Diana. The media coverage and the many memorabilia items that were sold. A friend of mine has a set of paper dolls with all the clothes of Princess Diana. Which brings me to the subject of today's little blog. Pez and Donuts. I have seen in the news that Pez has made a pair of dispensers in the likeness of Prince William and Kate. They are on E-Bay and being auctioned off for charity. Not sure which charity. According to the article these will be the only set made. It should prove interesting to see just how much they will fetch. I'm willing to bet it will be a considerable sum.
Now Dunkin' Donuts will be selling,for a limited time, Royal Donuts. Jelly filled donuts in the shape of a heart. Don't think any are planned to be served at the Royal Wedding reception though. Good old fashioned American enterprise. We will make something off this wedding. Should any of these donuts contain a likeness of Jesus it could also be auctioned off ! Did that with a grilled cheese sandwich but I digress.
I can't help but wonder at the interest taken in this wedding. Prince William is most likely to be the next King of England. From what I hear his Father really doesn't want the job. Brother Harry has to wait his turn. The Royals mean nothing to me and I'm not impressed. Granted ,in recent years they have paid their taxes like everyone else and they do do charity work and the like, but I can't see them as much more than celebrities. As far as I know they can't sing,dance or act. I don't think I will ever understand it. My wife will never understand my fascination with my ancestors. It is a matter of what does interest you.
So for all you Royal Wedding watchers,enjoy the show. Make sure you get your Royal Donuts (only $.89) during the wedding week. Don't forget to bid on the Pez dispensers ! What other products await ? One can only speculate.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Worry Free Light

Yesterday I thought I would try to do my part to save the entire planet. I purchased one of those CFL light bulbs. You know the curly Q ones that are fluorescent. They do contain a trace amount of mercury but utilizing the proper disposal method, it should be safe enough. The energy savings should pay me back for this investment in no time. Only 9 watts of energy used and it equals a 40 watt bulb in lumen's emitted. It's like magic.
I read the package carefully. This product is made in China. Probably why there is mercury in it and the cost stays low. China does not abide by the same rules in handling hazardous materials as the United States. Then reading a little further,exciting information ! This product is guaranteed for nine years ! That's right. It clearly states right on the package if this product is found to be defective in materials and/or workmanship within the next nine years I get a free replacement. Or,barring that, it will be repaired. That means I have until April of 2020 to enjoy this product,worry free. Seeing as how I have an initial investment of $2.29 that is a real load off my mind. A toll free number to call in the unlikely event a failure should occur is also included.
I made a mental note to save that receipt. Proof of purchase is required as well as proof of the date of sale.
Thinking I'd better put that receipt with the others that I have. I bought a weed whacker once that came with free replacement blades for life ! The whacker died but I'm still eligible for blades for life !
There are others but it has been a number of years now so I forget. Some products come with a limited lifetime warranty. Mostly limited to how long the company stays in business. I'm thinking it might be interesting to call up one of those companies. Hello, I bought your light bulb just five years ago and now it isn't working. I think it may have been defective in materials or workmanship. The response should be a hoot. Would they take you seriously ? If I'm the one answering the call I would be hard pressed to even act like I cared. I'd probably just send you five bucks and tell you to buy two more. That will hold you for another ten years at least and by then I'll be retired.
Most of these guarantees,warranties and promises crack me up. Freshness guaranteed or your money back.
Ever take a bag of chips back to the store ? Proof of purchase required. Keep those receipts ! Lifetime guarantee. Don't think I'll be returning much after I'm dead anyway. Guess my widow could though but only if she actually purchased the product. Free replacement for life,just pay for shipping and handling. Handling is very expensive you know. We warranty this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship. It's plastic and assembled correctly. If it isn't ,ship it back and we will send you one that is.
I guess I'm a pessimist. Nothing lasts forever. There is usually a catch. There are no guarantees in life. When I spent that $2.29 I took a chance. It's a gamble that it will last ,but a gamble I'm willing to take, to save the planet. I'll be saving that receipt and putting that toll free number in my contacts list just in case though.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New and Improved

Why does everything have to be new and improved ? Why can we not be satisfied with what we have ? The older I get the more this becomes an issue. Getting set in my ways ,as they say. I say it is just that I know what I like and that's that. If something has worked for you for years,why change it ? I like things to be basic.
If I'm drinking coffee,I want coffee. Not cappuccino,frappe,mocha,foam or almonds just coffee please ! Was a lot simpler to just say,coffee. Why did we have to complicate that ? Coca -Cola tried a few years back with the new coke. What they found out what people wanted the old Coke. No surprise to me, but then again I'm not a marketing specialist with a degree.
Recently in the news I have been hearing a lot about food additives. There is speculation that these additives may be the cause of a multiple number of ailments. Artificial colors and imitation flavors. Doesn't surprise me a whole lot. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. If our fruits and vegetables are not the most appealing color, we just color them. Marketing my friends. The long term effects are not known. Only way to know is to ingest them long term. Some things are best left alone. Pretty hard to improve upon Gods' creations. Man usually fouls that up pretty good.
I'm not against trying new things or modifying existing ones. I just think that not everything needs to be improved upon. Potato chips for instance. A potato fried to perfection with a small amount of salt. Why do we insist on adding flavors. A combination of spices to fool the taste buds into thinking you are eating something else. If I want sour cream why not buy sour cream ? I don't know what the combination of spices you must use to achieve that sour cream flavor but I'm pretty sure there is no actual sour cream involved.
It is all about sales. We need to sell more stuff. So we "improve" what we already have and call it new. Usually it costs a little more but we are assured that it is worth the price. After all,It is new and improved.
If you want to continue selling your old product one method is to call it,"classic." That will cost you a few extra dollars though. Classic items,as we all know,are made with better materials and superior craftsmanship.
Which leads you back to the question, why do I need the new and improved version ?
Well it has always been so. Man made the wheel and then tried to improve it. Made a bunch of refinements but we have yet to improve the design. Eve wore her fig leaves and then tried to accessorize her outfit. We have tried to improve upon everything and we will continue. Me, I'm pretty much content with the basic,no frills approach. A phone that just makes phone calls is good, an ice cold coca-cola (classic please), and a pair of jeans. I like to find what works and stick with it. (Inserting cliche here) The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. If the grass is greener it has probably been fertilized and we all know what makes great fertilizer ! I don't want to walk in it. Or eat it for that matter. Keep it plain and simple that's the way to go. Works for me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

" Wrasslin' "

Last night was Wrestlemania ! I know, it's fake and the outcomes are predetermined. Still I have been watching "wrasslin" for as long as I can remember. The earliest shows I remember watching came on channel eight on Saturday morning. I've enjoyed listening to the trash talk and watching the antics of the participants ever since.
To me  wrestling,as least professional wrestling,is like a soap opera. You have your good guys and bad guys. The plot frequently changes and so do the characters. Over the years I have seen wrestling rise and fall in popular culture. Some of the characters have remained pretty much unchanged over the years. Some moved on to Hollywood. More than a few have met tragic ends. Suicides and the effects of drugs and alcohol being their downfall. The wrestling business is not an easy one to succeed in. It has grown into a multi million dollar enterprise.
Anyone that watches wrestling for any length of time will have their favorites. These characters will appeal to you and deep down I think reflect a part of your own character. One of my personal favorites is "The Rock."
He quit wrestling for a movie career and hasn't been an active participant in seven years. But last night at Wrestlemania the Rock has come back ! Albeit for a one night deal but I was pleased to see him again. He is just one of those ageless characters that can return and pick up just where he left off.
As anyone that knows anything about the wrestling business knows, the most important thing is fan appeal. You must have a good solid character and be a good speaker. The Rock is among the best. He has several catch phrases and knows how to deliver them. My personal favorite of his is when he says, " It doesn't matter what you think ! " Delivered with just the right amount of sarcasm it is hilarious every time.
Yes, I admit it I'm a wrestling fan. I enjoy watching these athletes, and believe me they are athletes, do their thing. Night after night they have to perform. It is a dangerous occupation. Injuries happen all the time. I admire their toughness. It takes a special kind of person to do that. Is it a craving for the spotlight ? Sure.
Is it just a job ? For some that may be the case. Over time it may be that springboard to a Hollywood career. Whatever their personal reasons it is a difficult road to follow.
I make no excuses and offer no apologies for liking wrestling. It is pure fantasy. A staged epic battle between right and wrong. The classic struggle. I cheer for my champions and razz the bad guys. Last night in Atlanta,Ga. over 70,000 fans agreed with me. It is fun to watch.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yesterday my wife and I took the Grand kids shopping for Easter clothes. I am big on tradition and love the old ways. I was determined to get my Grand daughter a new dress,white gloves,shoes,a bonnet and a matching purse. A new suit was in order for my Grand son. So,off we went, right after baseball practice.
First stop was a store called Peebles. A bit on the pricey side but I knew they had good stuff. As it turned out they were having a store wide sale. Buy one item,get another item for one dollar. The only stipulation being the second item being of equal or lesser value. Wound up getting two dresses. Not a bad deal. But no suits for young men. Did find the white gloves there though. No bonnets.
We continued on to the next store. J.C. Penney. Surely they will have the required bonnet and a suit for a young man. J.C.Penney, the old standby. It was a bust. No bonnets or suits. When I inquired about the bonnets I got a strange look and a polite reply. We don't have any in stock but I could order one for you. Guess they aren't anticipating many sales in that department. Pretty much heard the same thing in regards to the suit. We did however purchase a pair of shoes for my grand daughter. White shoes with a small heel to match her new Easter dress. When I went to pay for those it was a curious thing. The cashier said I could save 15% by using my J.C.Penney charge account. I don't have one of those. No problem I could save 5% just by charging it using any other method,ie: Masterard,Visa etc. I elected to just pay cash. No savings was offered for this method of payment. I left thinking,that's strange,I thought a bird in the hand was worth two in the brush. Paying with cash ,penalized, we prefer you just charge it. I can save on gasoline by paying cash, a few cents a gallon,but not so with items bought at J.C.Penney.
By this time the kids were getting hungry and a little bored. It was getting late and we needed to move on. Well I'm sure Walmart will have what we need. So back to the car,load up and drive across town to the Walmart. Now my grand son,like most young men is not very particular about clothing. As long as it fits fairly well and looks decent that's good enough. We headed directly to the boys department. To my utter surprise they have absolutely no suits ! What ? I can't believe it. The closet thing we can find is an outfit with pants,shirt,tie and vest. That's it. And that's is what we settle on. Picking up a pair of new dress shoes and a different tie,didn't like the one with the outfit, we called it a day.
Took the kids home and they modeled their new outfits for mom and dad. They seemed pleased with what they had picked out. That was the important part. As for me, I was a little disappointed. No Easter bonnets ? What is the world coming too ? No suits ? Well we will just have to try a little harder. If a bonnet can't be found I suppose a big ribbon in her hair will have to do. The old traditions, I can see them just slipping away.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Let me begin by saying if anyone read yesterdays blog the character in Question for the advertising campaign is Kegasus. My mistake. Sorry about the misinformation had a senior moment or two .

Now that my journalistic integrity has been compromised I'm thinking I should stick to telling tales from my past or just sharing those random thoughts as they pop into my head. I had best leave journalism to the professionals. I was reading the other day about the number of books being printed by aspiring authors. Vanity publishing they call it. With today's technology anyone can have a book printed in any quantity at a reasonable cost. I can even have my blogs complied into a hard bound book, should I desire. I like that idea as it would be a great item to pass down to the Grand kids, or possibly beyond. Yes,I admit I am vain enough to think my descendants may want to read my words. I'm not vain enough to consider trying to sell any though. Market research indicates a very niche market for the ramblings of an elderly man longing for his past. Nevertheless ,I will continue to write.
I have touched upon this before and the need ,I think is still there. The need to write things down. To put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard for future generations. Digital media is fine for today but what about next year ? Technology changes so rapidly anything recorded solely in that medium may be lost. I could just put my blogs on a zip drive or whatever but how easily will they be able to be read twenty five years from now. Consider your vinyl records. Do you have a record player ? Know anybody with one ?
I still enjoy a good book. I like the feel of it in my hands. They are like old friends to me. Some I revisit often,others I  keep around because I may need or want them again. I have yet to read anything on a Kindle. I can see the convenience there but wonder how do you put a bookmark in those pages ? I'm sure you can somehow. A row or two of finely bound books add a certain something to a room as well. Fools people into thinking you may be learned. You can learn a lot about a person by looking on their bookshelf.
Yes,it is with a certain amount of vanity that I sit here each day spouting off. Like a voice shouting into the wilderness I'm hoping to be heard. Isn't that true of us all ? We all want others to listen politely to our ideas and aspirations. It is part of what makes us humans. I'm certain one day I will have these blogs of mine bound into a volume. If nothing else they would provide a historical reference point to the Grand Kids. I, for one, would love to have anything written by my ancestors. I do have an old postcard my Grandmother sent to her father. It is one of the most personal items I own. She called him Papa.
Seems like in years gone by people used to keep diaries or journals but not as much anymore. Wonder why that is ? Women would keep diaries but men kept journals. That's is the impression I always got anyway. I wouldn't put my most intimate and private thoughts to print ,ever. That is why they are intimate and private ! An everyday journal could be interesting. My life doesn't have enough excitement or adventure in it to consider a journal though. Afraid that would get real boring,real fast. I'll stick to what I'm doing now.
In the future, for anyone that is interested, I may provide some insight into things of the past. And also, one mans opinion. Keep in mind however that opinions are like (%#*%) everyone has one and sometimes they stink.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It is getting close to Preakness time here in Maryland. For those of you that may not know Preakness is one of the races in the famed Triple Crown. I have never been one to pay much attention to horse racing. A big fan of having more than one horsepower ! The horse racing industry is in big trouble. The revenue to keep the track going is just not there. The casino business has tried to hitch their wagon to the race tracks whenever possible. Not happening at the Preakness. For a whole lot of reasons the State of Maryland and the horse racing people can't seem to get together on this. Whatever. The point is the Preakness was in jeopardy of not happening or being sold. Think of the Kentucky Derby not being in Kentucky anymore.
On race day tickets are sold for the infield. A big party ensues. Lots of drinking. In the past you were allowed to BYOB. More than one participant needed assistance leaving the infield. Some didn't leave in a vertical position. Two years back the BYOB policy was revoked. A lot of complaining was heard about that ! Nevertheless,liquid refreshments are sold in the infield area and the party continues. The last two years the party has been subdued just a bit with a little less drunkenness. Alas,revenues are down. The owners of Pimlico decided to launch a new ad campaign. Maybe an infield Mascot would help. The mythical centaur was chosen. In case you are not up to speed on mythological creatures,a centaur is half horse, half man.
They named him Pegasus ! He is being billed as a party animal ! It is hoped this Mascot would appeal to a younger more edgy style crowd. It has made an impact !
Allow me to tell you this. Enough money is generated on the one day to keep the track operating for the entire year. That is how important the Preakness is to the track and the State of course benefits as well.
Quite a few groups and at least one State representative have condemned this advertising campaign. The biggest complaint is that they feel it is encouraging excessive drinking ! The State rep has said the ad is infantile ! Never mind the fact the State recently increased the sales tax on booze. They did that to discourage drinking, not for the increase in revenue. You know,just like they did with cigarettes. The State wants to increase the tax on gasoline,you guessed it,to curb driving a bit. The other groups feel like this Centaur,named Pegasus,is going to lead our youth down the drunken highway to hell ! On this one day alone , his influence will be so great irrepairable damage will be done.I, for one,do not care to attend the horse races. My party days are far behind me. The cost of the ticket is forty dollars prior to race day and fifty on the day of the race. You must buy your beverages. The infield will be crowded,noisy,and full of obnoxious people. If that is what you want to do, go for it . Similar parties take place before Nascar races and Football games, only in the parking lot. A lot of money is generated at those events too.
I don't see the problem. I applaud the owners of Pimlico for their honesty in advertising. They want people to come to the track,party and spend a lot of money. It is as simple as that and they are not trying to pretend it is anything else, Bravo ! Irregardless of the position you take on drinking if everyone just told the truth we would all be better off. The owners have stated publicly they want to attract a younger crowd because the older bunch just are not coming to the track anymore. It's just business.
I don't know ,maybe they should use the old it's for the kids gambit. That's usually works for alot of other things. The lottery for example. The State doesn't want the revenue they are going to use it to build new schools and pay teachers. Yeah,we see how that is working out. Or the,it's for our Senior Citizens ploy.
Veterans usually tug at the purse strings too.
No,I say go Pegasus go. At least they are telling the truth. Not something you find alot these days.