Friday, June 30, 2023

how it works

  So, the supreme court has decided that it is illegal to discriminate based on race. It only took the court 45 years to arrive at that conclusion. It's true that it took eighty years and a civil war to pass legislation affirming that right the first time. We call that the 14th amendment, heavily opposed by the confederate states led by the Democratic party. But the 14th amendment got ratified. The law now said, it is illegal to discriminate based on race. Stayed that way until 1965 when Johnson issued an executive order hailed as a landmark in civil rights. Yes, the Democrats again managed to say, it is fine to discriminate based on race, in fact, we should be discriminating based on race it's only fair! Another Democrat, Jimmy Carter was in office when that executive order became law. Again, hailed as a great step forward. It took the Democrats 97 years to reverse the 14th amendment, at least in principle. Discrimination is the law! 
 Here it is forty five years later and the court has issued their opinion. It is illegal to discriminate based on race. The fact is it is just as illegal to discriminate in favor of one group as it is to discriminate against one group. It is all based in one simple thing, equality. Equality means equal, all the same, one isn't greater or less than the other. There are no exceptions to that. It applies in all situations. It isn't affirmative action when it discriminates against others! 
 What is affirmative action? Some have called it positive discrimination. Yes, mostly called that by the ones receiving the benefit of that discrimination. What it does is give an advantage or preference to a specific group based on race. Was affirmative action ever required? Yes, you would have to say it was. But society changes, social attitudes change, and we move forward. It took a civil war to get the 14th amendment. Part of that was the requirement by those southern states to ratify that amendment before they would be allowed back into the union. Yes, it was an affirmative action plan beginning in 1864, treat blacks equally or you will not be readmitted to the union. Those Democrats have been bitter about that ever since. But, as I said, times changes, attitudes change, and we move forward. Now the Democrats really need that democratic vote. They are now the ones protesting this decision. Why? Because it will cost then votes that's why. Can't have "those" people believing they are equal now, can we? No, "those" people absolutely have to have affirmative action to be successful. It is the only way! "Those" people need a boost, an edge, and a guarantee of success. That's the positive discrimination they need.
 Without any of that "those" people will certainly fail, be excluded, and become a drain on society. Thing is they have had one form or another of affirmative action since 1865. The statistical fact is that 39.8% of blacks receive some form of government assistance. 38% of white families receive some form of government assistance. Thing is, blacks comprise about 14% of the population while whites are at about 58%. Why should the black population be so dependent upon government as compared to whites? It all harkens back to the Democrats. It was the Democrats that segregated schools, overturned field order #15, the order that would have provided forty acres of land to freed slaves that were head of households, and passed the majority of those Jim Crow laws we've all read about. It was the Democrats that made it illegal for slaves to be taught how to read and write. Those folks weren't to be educated in any way! If they were, the next you know they want your job! No far better to keep those folks subservient and dependent. That was their affirmative action right up until those folks could vote! At that point the Democrats miraculously became the biggest advocates for the blacks. Now affirmative action is providing handouts and victim cards in an effort to secure the vote. 
 I get it. Lots of folks will be upset by this decision. Imagine trying to make things equal for everyone. Why you can't have that. I could be replaced, or I could have my benefits removed! What happens when I have no victim cards left to play? What happens when I can no longer blame everything on someone else? What happens when justice is blind. Well, the harsh reality is this: discrimination is never a positive thing! You can attempt to spin that any way you like but it is never a good thing. It's like being only a little pregnant! All discrimination is bad. The biggest issue we face is confusing discrimination with discernment. They really are quite different things. Whenever I exercise good judgement and that judgement goes against your wishes I'm accused of discrimination. When I exercise that same judgement and it goes in your favor I'm praised as a wise man. That's how that works. And that is at the heart of the issue. 
 It sure would be nice if we could simply pass a law and everything changes. The law says, I have to love my neighbor as myself, so I do that. The law says if you can't afford a new car and I can buy you a new car, so I do. The says I shouldn't hold any prejudicial opinions against anyone, so I don't. The law says I have to agree with whatever you say, want, or do. No more conflicts! Sure would be nice but that ain't the way the world works. 

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