Friday, June 2, 2023

It's time

 No one in America gets any money from the government, in any form whatsoever, without that money coming from another American. That seems to be a reality missed by many. Government money is your money! You are the one funding the government. Anyone that is receiving funds from the government through any program is doing so through the generosity of another American. As our representatives argue about the budget that is what should be central to your thinking. Do you want your representative giving your money away? That is the power you are giving them. Today your representatives are giving away billions of dollars to illegals! Not only are they not Americans, but they also aren't even in the nation legally! Yet, your representatives are giving them money, health care, training, language lessons and housing, all on your dime. And while they are arguing about all of that you are being threatened with the loss of your entitlements. Your social security payments may not be paid, government retirees may not get paid. and the military may not get paid. That's what you hear on the news and yet you remain silent! 
 It's time. It's way past time to hold a convention of the states under article five of the constitution and take control. We can begin by demanding a balanced budget! No more handouts to any foreigners! American citizens must be first on the list, always, without exception. Citizens. What is a citizen? A citizen is a legally recognized member of a nation, country, state or whatever. The key point being, legally recognized. Those not legally recognized should not get anything beyond the very basic necessities until such time as they are returned to their homeland. That's what you get, a free ride home. Period. That's it. Apply through legal channels for entry and possible consideration for citizenship. Remember that famous poem on the statue of liberty about give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses is just that a poem, or more correctly a sonnet. It is not the official policy of the United States of America! There are requirements to be met for entry! No criminals, no people with communicable diseases, no mental cases. There was a requirement that the immigrant have at least twenty dollars, someone to meet them, a place to stay and a willingness to work. If you filled all those requirements, you could be tired, poor, in huddled masses and gain entry. The cost for all these illegals is in the billions of dollars. The exact amount is very difficult to determine for a simple reason, it's illegal activity! How much does the crook actually make? No one knows that but the crooks. 
 It's time to clean house. Out with these career politicians. Being a representative of the people was never intended to be a career! That isn't how the whole deal was envisioned. The building block, the cornerstone of America and its' republic was representation by the people. Those representatives are supposed to be your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends and relatives. They are not supposed to be members of some elite group ruling over you! It's true that little can be accomplished in a single term but that isn't the real issue. The real issue is what can't be accomplished in a single term is the special interests! That's why you have to have a career politician, it will take years to overcome the will of the people. It's a lot easier to just chip away at the foundation then to tear the whole building down, heck, most people won't even notice until it falls. 
 It's time. As anyone that is paying attention should see things are getting out of hand. The government is spending your money, giving it away in fact, at an alarming rate. Your representatives are arguing to borrow more money to pay the debts already incurred! Yes, that money is already spent, all that is left is to borrow it. And now the government is attempting to become parents. Your rights as a parent are being legislated. Your government is now attempting to legislate morality! You are funding illegals, extending charity to them whether you want to or not. And that is what it is, charity! Charity begins at home is an old adage. It's time for a convention of the states to take back control of the government. James Madison wrote in the federalist papers about that process saying; "It guards equally against that extreme facility which would render the Constitution too mutable; and that extreme difficulty which might perpetuate its discovered faults. It moreover equally enables the General and the State Governments to originate the amendment of errors, as they may be pointed out by the experience on one side, or on the other.
 It's time to term limit congress. It was an error to not do so since the very beginning. Experience has 
shown that it is a necessity. Personal interests and greed have kept too many in office. Their concern
is not with what you want, but rather what the special interest groups want. Takes years to get those
special projects done. Another error is in allowing this unchecked spending. The budget must be 
balanced. The bills come first! Any charitable donations come after that. I'm feeding my family first! 
That should be codified! It's time. 

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