Tuesday, June 13, 2023


  Sometimes the dream is far better than the reality. But I think that is something that has been lost on many in recent times. "A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." (John Barrymore) "It is in our dreams that we accomplish our greatest achievements." (ABR) That is my thought anyway. I'm ABR. My disappointments far outnumber any regrets I have and for that I am thankful. Regrets stem from doing wrong. We don't regret doing the correct thing. Disappointment comes from expecting others to do the right thing. But when dreaming things always work out for the best, unless it is a nightmare. Nightmares comes from our subconscious, they serve as a warning or punishment, that's what I think. 
 What I was thinking about however, is in these modern times how often we enable a dream. Dreams do come true. The thing is that dreams require a lot of hard work, dedication and sweat. Not all of us are up to the challenge. Today however many feel the need to enable your dream and, in the process, rob you of the achievement. Remember when you were a kid and wanted that bicycle or some other toy. You dreamed about it. When you were very small you may have written to Santa Claus in the hope of getting that. When you got a bit older you were taught to work for it. There was no, go fund me, back in those days. Making your dream come true wasn't a group activity, that was up to you. And that is what is being lost on the kids today. It's not a feeling of entitlement, that's not it, it is a loss of pride in achievement. The same attitude that gives everyone a participation trophy. All that is required is to show up! And even then, there are many excuses and exceptions to that.
 I'm thinking about independence and independent action. That is what founded our nation and what has, up until recently, sustained us. But we have become dependent upon others to satisfy our dreams. If not through financial support by the lowering of standards. The goal is far easier to obtain when the bar is lowered, no doubt about that. All we need do is express the desire and others spring into action to provide whatever it is we wish for, what we are dreaming about. We have applied many names to that, social programs, grants. scholarships, and occasionally just straight up charity. We have even legislated charity in the process. The only hard work, sweat and tears required is to ask. If you ask and don't receive, you pursue a reason for that. Then after determining what injustice has been committed against you, against your dream, you sue for that. 
 But I was saying that sometimes the dream is better than the reality. I stand by that statement. If you never pursue that dream, simply repeat it in your mind, you will never be disappointed. The dream comes true in your own mind. Then you can enjoy that forever, no one can take it away, spoil that, or change it in any way. In that world all is perfect, just the way you dreamed it. And that is enough! That is what I feel is being lost on many today. 
 Not all dreams need to come true, some should be saved, a safe harbor when the real world gets rough. When the world seems overwhelming, sometimes I dream. Dreams are a rest, a respite from reality. We are told to chase our dreams. It's my feeling we should just relax and enjoy them. If you can dream it, you can do it. That's what we are told, and it holds a great deal of truth. It speaks to the power of belief. If you believe it, you can do it: sometimes. That's the caveat to reality, sometimes. Other people will often impede you, get in the way of your dreams. If you don't act upon your dream, it remains untouched, unencumbered by others and their reactions or responses. The dream remains as an inspiration. The dream is the reality in your own world. Just remember to wake up and face that other world, the one where things don't always go the way you want. Sometimes they do. "Do not allow your expectations to become your dreams." (ABR) Yeah, that's me again. 

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