Thursday, June 29, 2023


 Watched a video posted about a Lutheran church reciting a "sparkle" prayer. This prayer begins by professing belief in a non-binary God. I expect this church is catering to the LGBTQ+ community. I don't have an issue with that. It doesn't change my feelings on the subject of being gay.  I believe that goes against nature. But I'm not writing a discussion about that. In response to that video, I had to reply with God isn't a physical being. Therefore, God has no gender, no sex, no color, none of that. God is, as the Bible states, beyond our understanding. We assign all of that to our God(s) to make God familiar to us. The importance lies in the belief. Our God(s) define our moral beliefs. That is the sole purpose of God. To provide the guidance and reassurance that we are acting in an appropriate manner. The manner being defined by the society in which we live.
 There is no disputing the fact that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles of moral conduct. That is what was expected of everyone. Exceptions were allowed, something that differentiated us from other nations were non-compliance could mean enslavement or death. Still, the ruling principles were based in Christianity, which of course was derived from the Hebrews. But that, like everything else in the world, has changed somewhat over time. It's what we typically call progress. It's a loosening of the rules. 
 A more convenient faith is required in this new age of progress. Strict adherence to the text isn't acceptable anymore, a redefining of the text is what is needed. It's the same whether you are talking about the Bible or the Constitution. The interpretation of the words has certainly changed. In the Old Testament, in the book of Leviticus, it clearly says, man shall not lie with man as he does with a woman. In the New Testament in 1 Corinthians Paul writes, Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." There are religious leaders today that say none of that means homosexuality is a sin. They agree that is what the words say but it isn't what they mean. The Bible is the word of God, but Paul wrote it! 
 That is a very convenient way of explaining that. The biggest explanation being, God will forgive all your sins. For that reason alone, just change the meaning of the text, were necessary, and you can still be in compliance. In other words, just change the rules. We do the same thing when we change the law. Yesterday it was illegal for me to smoke pot in Maryland, next week it won't be. The action hasn't changed just the acceptance of that action. It doesn't define right and wrong, it defines what is allowed.
 I write all this from my perspective, my belief and my understanding. I believe that God, whatever and however you wish to define that, is the essential element in nature. Something similar to what the Deists believed, but I don't believe God abandoned the universe after creating it. Whatever goes against nature is wrong. That's what I think anyway. Nature is something we can't control but something that can destroy us in a second! The proof of that is clear to see. And now we have reached a point of arrogance that we believe we can control nature! Climate control? No, climate control is all about trying to survive in a world that we have created, not the world God created. It is estimated that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. It is estimated man has been on earth about 6 million years. And we think we are going to destroy the earth? No, the earth will destroy us is closer to the truth. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away. 
 As far as any church reciting sparkle prayers that doesn't concern me at all. It will not change what I believe. I also have no great desire for everyone to believe what I believe. That being said understand that it will also not stop me from telling you what I believe. Like two children saying, did and did not, there isn't any quit in me. It doesn't mean I hate anyone; it means I believe they are wrong about whatever. Everyone wants the same thing. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted. The only thing different being in what that acceptance is. For me it is the promise of eternal life. My spirit will go on. That's what I believe, what gives me comfort. No, I don't believe I'll be walking around in heaven playing a harp. My spirit is my energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed by man. Nature can do that though! It's best to comply with nature, that's my thought. What's the natural course? That's what has to be asked. Yes, you can buck nature, go against the grain, and get away with that, at least for a while, but it will catch up with you. And the thing is, one day the race is over! There will come a day when you can no longer say, sorry, my bad. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. It's the natural course of events. And nature will determine your ultimate fate. Rationalize life all you like; it will not change the outcome of your choices. 

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