Monday, June 12, 2023

what's reasonable

 When permissive become pervasive. That is what leads to the downfall of society. This can be seen throughout history and with all cultures. It's the reason democracy can be expected to last about 250 years. It is what spoils a child as well. Structure and adherence to the law is what is required to maintain any democracy. When we become permissive, even in the name of that democracy, we are weakening it. Over time, one small "exception" at a time the democracy is eroded, replaced by a legislative society. There always comes a point where that breaks down as well, and anarchy rules. The stuff of revolution. That revolution takes different forms, but always destroys the democracy. That happens with the imposition of will. Eventually a group will form that will revolt, defy the powers that be despite impossible odds to gain control. That group will then form their own government, their own method of control. Do not be deceived, government is about control. That is the primary function of any government, to govern, to control, to moderate the people in that grouping, whatever name you wish to call it. A club or a nation it makes no difference, the point is control.
 If you look at the history of our nation you can see this permissiveness spread. Always hailed by those that were "prevented" as becoming enlightened. Our society is advancing. Yes, it is advancing toward its' eventual downfall because a society without rules or a method of enforcement for those rules, is not sustainable. Like a child out of control trouble will develop, often with fatal results. Without accountability or responsibility very bad choices are made, indeed encouraged. When a nation is ruled by feelings rather than reason, it will collapse. The collapse will occur because of feelings rather than reason. Feelings fuel revolution. Emotions are great motivators but seldom good guides. Being permissive will certainly make others feel good in the short term but also leads to disappointment and failure. Then like children that have run away, they return seeking the comfort and security they were so anxious to escape. They return to find that it no longer exists because it was given away. 
 We have all heard the old analogy give then enough rope and they will hang themselves. There is much wisdom is that old saying, the truth of it is plain to see. We have all done that with our children, friends, co-workers or others that just plain annoy us. I've seen that play out on more than one occasion. It's like telling a lie, many more will follow to sustain the illusion of truth. Self-propagating. We have all heard the story of chicken little. I hear chicken little on the evening news daily. It's a form of control, to create an emotional response in the populace. It doesn't have to be reasonable, we can invent reason enough, plenty of experts willing to be heard. Repeat something often enough and it will become true. At least the belief in it will become true. All that matters is the emotional response, not the validity of the statement. What we can't see scares us more than what we do. 
 As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. That is the most concise form of describing permissiveness that I think of. That statement removes all ethics from the process. Ethics are a moral code that define what you feel is right and wrong. What you are saying with that logic is, it is alright to harm myself. I can do whatever, allow whatever, as long as it doesn't hurt others. The fact that it harms you isn't relevant. Is that reasonable? Seems we have suicide hotlines, interventions and crisis teams to prevent that. You are not supposed to harm yourself. If we are to support that statement, as long as it doesn't hurt others, we shouldn't have any of those hotlines, interventions or crisis teams, just allow you to harm yourself. Hey, that is the moral choice right, it isn't harming others, so it's cool. 
 That logic is being applied however, being legislated as I write this piece. They call it euthanasia or assisted suicide. Some call it mercy. Well, what happened to the logic of, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else? That person will die! Sure, seems like that would be harmful. To my way of thinking if I want to kill myself it would be awful selfish, immoral, and indeed unethical of me to ask anyone else to participate. I'm asking them to hurt someone else, in fact, to kill them. And yes, a few states have given permission for that. The permission was given using another form of logic, they are going to die anyway. It's the logic of, there is nothing we can do about it. Thing is, that logic still doesn't make the action correct. Abortion is another instance of this permissiveness. It is being permitted by what logic? The woman has a choice about whether her child lives or dies. That's the ethical standard? Well, I guess you could use the logic of that child is going to die anyway, we all do you know. The logic of, everyone is doing it. It's right if everyone does it. If everyone is given permission, the action is correct. Now that's enlightenment isn't it. It is, until others with an emotional response puts an end to that action. 
 Happened to King George III in 1775 when Americans had enough of his rules. It wasn't reasonable for a group of colonists, with no arms and no army to start a war with Great Britian but emotions carried the day. We took his permission to rule over us away from him. Things were getting out of hand. Enough was enough. We will reach that point once again if history is to be believed. And yes, it will no matter how much you attempt to rewrite that history. The best we can hope for is a return to law and order. Set feelings aside and start doing what is reasonable. And reason, reason is determined by the majority because the majority are the only ones that can enforce that. 

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