Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The majority

 First thing I heard on the news this morning was about affirmative action. The question being whether race should be used during the application process for college admissions. I heard arguments on both sides. Also discussed was whether ACT/SAT testing should be required. The argument there being those tests are discriminatory. It was mentioned that nearly 83% of colleges and universities no longer require those tests. All this in response to what the Supreme Court opinion may be on affirmative action. 
 Now the first thought I had about all of that was a simple question. Is the majority prejudicial? That is to say, in a country where the majority rules, is that majority always prejudicial and discriminatory? It feels that way when you are in the minority, no doubt about that. I always felt that way when my older siblings got to do something and I was told, when you are older. The majority opinion being, I was too young. I was forced to comply with that decision, in fact penalized if I refused to do so. My only court of appeal was my grandmother! Problem there was she almost always agreed with the majority opinion. 
 So how do we determine the majority? If we can't simply go on the numbers, what other factors must we include. That's a part of the reason for the electoral college, an institution that many proclaiming the majority rules want to abolish because, well, we should just count the popular vote and the biggest number wins. Well, unless the bigger number isn't your candidate then it is just rigged, discriminatory and probably prejudicial as well. In that case the majority doesn't rule, the majority is obtained on the curve. Just like they started doing with grades in school to boost the lower scores and lower the upper scores, so everyone was on equal ground. When 86% of the class gets a high score, the other 14% should be compensated for that and given a few extra points. That's grading on the curve. When voting if 86% of the voters say yes and 14% say no, that should be a tie! If it isn't, it's discriminatory! That's the thought process there. If you can't pass the ACT/SAT test, we should eliminate the tests. According to the news, the majority of the colleges have done just that. Guess what, admissions have soared! Students after graduation being prepared for the workforce not so much, but they have degrees. Now, that is fair. 
 You can see this in every aspect of society today. Everyone agrees the majority should rule, that's a fundamental principle in our Republic. But the majority isn't the greatest number, not that majority, that's just prejudicial to all the minorities. For that reason, the 1.5%, 14%, and remaining 84.5% should be divided by three. That means that 1.4% should count for 33.3%, that 14% should also count for 33.3% and the 84.5% should also be counted as 33.3%, that way, everyone is equally in the majority. See how that works? The thirteenth amendment to the constitution, enacted in 1865 ended the 3/5 rule, effectively saying every person counts as one vote. Today there are cries for making everyone count as 1/3 or some other fraction. The majority must be determined on the curve.  "Grading with a curve means adjusting student scores after a test or assignment. Typically, the curve raises the average grade and individual student scores." In quotation because I got that explanation from a web source. It does explain what I'm saying perfectly. Adjusting the score after the results are known, like changing the votes after the votes are counted. You know, making it fair to everyone, the majority will be determined after the fact. 

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