Thursday, June 8, 2023


 The year before I was born Hank Williams sang, I'll never get out of this world alive. He was correct and passed six months after the release of that song. He was singing about his troubles in life, his habits and his luck. He had equal measures of talent and bad judgement. I say that because I do believe you are a product of your choices. Yes, there are times when it is just pure bad luck or someone else having bad intentions towards you. Still, it is my belief you get pretty much what you sow, to turn a phrase. This morning the news people are warning me not to go outside because of the air quality. It's Cananda's fault! I'm in that high risk group that is frequently mentioned. The risk factors of being a human mostly but amplified by circumstance. I've lived for sixty nine years, ten months and nineteen days and I'm told that is a risk! Yes, I suppose it is a risk if statistics are to be the judge.  But I'm aware of what Hank had to say and he was correct then and that truth remains. 
 With this newest threat to survival being broadcast across the land, at least the east coast anyway, I got to thinking about all of that. I can't help but think it isn't any wonder we are having a mental health crisis in America these days. If you listen to the television or engage in any social media at all the threats to our survival are everywhere, at every turn, in every product, activity, and choice. We'll all going to die an early death unless we do something! Heck there is a good chance that we will kill ourselves! If you are a veteran, you're at a high risk of that. If you are a member of the LGBQTA+ you are at a higher risk. If you are over fifty, higher risk. Do you have an illness, disease, or mental anxiety? You're at a higher risk! Yes, if you are alive, you are at risk of dying! Now add in all the external threats to your survival. You're not getting out alive.
 Seriously folks, is it any wonder that people are acting the way they are? Your only hope is pharmaceuticals, insurance, and a good lawyer. If you can't medicate your troubles away, sue someone for it! The insurance is so you don't leave debts to others. No dying without paying your debts! If you listen and take all these warnings, bulletins, public service announcements, studies, polls and expert opinions to heart, you will have anxiety! There is no avoiding that. Every day is a struggle to survive. If the earth isn't warming to end all life on the planet, some virus will. Even our guns are assaulting us! The guns have become violent! And now it has been determined that our gas stoves have been out to get us all. Even our schools are teaching children that just because they have the physical properties of a certain gender that doesn't mean they are that gender. They could have received the wrong assignment at birth. Yeah, I'm thinking it's no wonder we have the issues that we do. Our chances for survival are diminishing every day. The odds are stacked against you. You have a 100% chance of dying. It will happen one day, and you may not even know it! That's a question I ask myself, will I know? Will I just wake up to find out I'm dead? Hmm, I didn't see that coming. 

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